Look for the Girl With the Broken Smile


"Oh yeah! Try and beat that!" Harry said triumphantly.

Danny's face fell as GAME OVER flashed on his screen. "Let's play again," he said quickly.

"I get winners," Tom said. He was flipping through a magazine. It was two days before McFly went on tour, and they were all trying to brush up on their videogame skills, seeing as they were going to spend a lot of time playing on the tour bus.

"Harry, I didn't come here to watch you kick Danny's arse," SJ joked.

"Hey!" Danny objected.

"Just this last game," Harry promised, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Yeah, yeah." SJ was amused. What was it with boys and videogames?

Dougie came skulking out of nowhere and sat on the same couch as SJ.

"Ten feet away at all times, Poynter," SJ ordered without even looking at him.

"Bitch," Dougie muttered to her as he moved away to sit next to Tom.

"I heard that," Harry interjected.

SJ would have responded to Dougie, but then her mobile rang with the chorus of Corrupted. As Tom liked to say, SJ was McFly's best advertiser. She checked the caller ID.

"Er, Harry?" she said nervously. "Why is my mum calling me?"

"What?" Harry paused the game.

"Why is my mother calling me?"

"Oh—er—" Harry tried and failed to look innocent. "I dunno."

"Harry!" SJ screeched. "Did you say anything to her?"

"Er…maybe. Just talk to her, SJ! She's your mum!" Harry told her.

SJ sent him a vicious glare before answering. "Salut, maman."

"Salut, mon cherie," Cecile Cleménse's voice gushed. "Ca va?"

"Ca va bien, et toi?" SJ responded shortly.

"Ca va très bien." SJ heard her mum mumble something to someone in the background, then she continued in French, "Now, sweetie, your cousin Harry called me." It was typical of Cecile to get right to the point. SJ barely saw her twice a year; her mother was busy all the time. She had become quite the celebrity in France, and SJ wanted nothing to do with it.

"Harry doesn't know what he's talking about," SJ replied automatically.

"Now, Sarah…" Her mother sounded distracted. "Harry tells me you can't pay your rent. Would you like me to send over a check, or should I call your landlord?"

"What? No!" SJ didn't want her mum's help. "No, it's okay. I've got it under control."

"But, Sarah!" her mum protested.

"No, it's really okay. I'm moving out of my apartment anyway because…I'm going on tour with Harry," she decided on the spot.

Five minutes later, after she hung up the phone, SJ gave Harry another glare.

"What?" He leaned forward. "What did she say?" Although Harry had taken French in school, SJ's French was too fast for him to understand.

"Well, she wanted to pay my rent, because some arsehole here told her about my problem."

"And…?" Harry ignored the part where she called him an arse.

"I told her no…because I'm going on tour with you." She rolled her eyes.

"Seriously?" Harry exclaimed.

"Well…I guess so, I have nothing else to do." SJ sighed as Harry, Danny, and Tom all jumped on her and hugged her. "Okay, guys…I can't breathe, get off."

"This will be the best summer of your life," Danny promised, grinning as he released her.

"Shit, is she really coming?" Dougie complained from the other side of the room.

SJ ignored Dougie and picked up her phone again. She had to call James.

James almost choked and spat out his mouthful of tea, which landed on the kitchen table. "You're going on tour with McFly?"

"Ew…and yes." SJ found a napkin to wipe up the hot liquid.

"But…why?" James spluttered.

"J, I have nowhere else to go," SJ explained. "I'm getting kicked out of my apartment soon."

"But—" James seemed frustrated. He waved his hand at the kitchen. "You can stay with me!"
"James, there's no room. You already have two roommates," SJ pointed out. She wrinkled her nose. "And they tend to walk around naked."

James stared down at his cup of tea, thinking. "Look, I just dunno if I like the idea of you going on tour with four guys."

"One of those guys is my cousin," SJ reminded him. "And Danny and Tom are like my brothers…anyway, Tom has a steady girlfriend."

"What about the other guy?" James was still worried.

"Who, Poynter? You know I hate that kid," SJ replied dismissively. She put her hand over his. "You have nothing to worry about, sweetie. I promise."
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I know they all have girlfriends now, but I'm making Tom be the only one with a girlfriend in my story.

I have a decent amount of subscribers now so I would like it if I got some comments : )