Look for the Girl With the Broken Smile


"Wow," SJ remarked, taking off her ever-present Ray-Bans as she stepped onto the McFly tour bus. "I never knew it was this big from the inside."

"Would you like a quick tour?" Tom offered. Danny, Harry, and Dougie all clambered to the upper floor, fighting who was going to get there first. SJ rolled her eyes at them.

"Sure," she said to Tom.

"Alright. Well, here is our kitchen." Tom brought her into a minuscule kitchen, though it was fully equipped with a fridge, microwave, and stove.

"Here's where we usually eat and mess around," Tom continued, leading her to the next room. It was a living room, with two couches, a coffee table, and a TV with an Wii set up.

"Nice and clean," SJ commented.

Tom paused to laugh. "It doesn't stay like that for long," he assured her. "Here's the bathroom." He pointed at a door leading off from the living room.

"Is there a shower?" SJ asked, worried.

"Of course there is." Tom laughed again. "We're not animals."

"Well, you never know…" SJ teased.

"Thanks." Tom next led her up the cramped stairs and through a small room that didn't seem to have much of a purpose. Then he opened a door and showed her in. "And here's where we sleep."

There were two sets of bunk beds and one extra bed. "Is that me?" SJ asked, pointing to the other bed.

"Nah. I'll take this one," Tom said. He put his guitar case on it. "I'll bring up your duffel bag, SJ."

"Thanks." SJ smiled at him. She had moved out of her apartment and left most of her stuff at her best friend Kelsey's house. For the tour, she had packed only the essential clothing and her art supplies, which she couldn't go without. She turned to study the two bunk beds.

Three of the beds had already been claimed by Harry, Danny, and Dougie. Harry and Danny were sharing a bunk, with Harry at the bottom and Danny with the top one, and Dougie had taken the bottom bed of the other set. SJ frowned. This was not going to work.

"Poynter," she said quietly. Harry and Danny were already asleep—they had all gotten up at an ungodly early hour to kick off the tour—and SJ didn't want to wake them. Dougie was awake, however, and he was lying on his claimed bed, listening to his iPod. He didn't seem to hear her. "Poynter," SJ said a little louder.

He pulled out his headphones and looked up at her. "What, SJ?" he said, sounding irritated.

"Can you possibly move to the top bunk so I can take the bottom one?" SJ hated to ask Dougie any favors, but this was necessary.

"No," Dougie said and began to put his headphones back in.

"What do you mean, 'no'?" She'd just asked him a simple favor; couldn't he be nice for once?

He paused. "Well, usually in Billy Shakespeare's glorious language, the word 'no' is the opposite of 'yes', meaning negative."

SJ glared at him. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" she asked him.

"Don't start with me SJ, it's too early in the morning," Dougie warned her.

SJ swore. "Poynter, you don't start with me. Move to the top bunk before I get angry," she hissed.

"Nope." Dougie put his headphones back in.

In one quick movement, SJ had grabbed his iPod. Dougie sat up quickly. "Hey! Give that back!"

"Not until you move to the top bunk," SJ told him.

"Give it back, SJ!" he whisper-shouted. Angry, he looked a little like a five-year-old boy who had been forbidden ice cream.

His shout woke Harry. "What's going on," he mumbled sleepily.

"Tell your cousin to give me back my iPod!" Dougie said angrily.

"Tell Poynter to move his lazy arse to the top bunk so I can get the bottom one," SJ complained.

Harry rubbed his eyes and sat up a little bit, judging the situation. "SJ, give him back his iPod. And Doug, move to the top bunk," he decided.

"What?!" Dougie was outraged. "But I got here first!"

"Move it," Harry ordered. "Before I throw you up there myself."

Dougie stood up and glared at SJ. She smiled sweetly at him as she handed him back his iPod. "Enjoy the view from up there, Poynter."

"Bitch," he muttered as he climbed to the top bunk.

"I heard that," Harry grumbled as he laid back down. "Christ, are you two going to be like this all during tour?"

Dougie was bored. It was less than two days later and they'd already reached the first stop on the tour, Sheffield. Tom and Harry had left the tourbus to check out the arena, but Dougie hadn't felt like seeing any fans and signing autographs—he could do that later—so he'd stayed on the bus with Danny, who was currently watching TV. He was starting to regret his decision. He was bored.

Dougie wondered why it was so quiet. Then he realized SJ was still sleeping. He wasn't used to the silence—he was almost getting used to her non-stop nastiness to him. It was a welcome silence.

Dougie suddenly had an idea. He grinned to himself. "Hey, Danny, wanna play a prank?" he called to the curly-haired guitarist.

Danny tore his eyes away from the TV. "What?"

"Wanna play a prank?" Dougie repeated.

"On who?"

"On SJ."

Danny frowned. "What kind of prank?"

"A funny one," Dougie told him.

Danny was still frowning. For some reason Dougie could not fathom, Danny actually liked SJ. Dougie didn't get it. How did SJ charm everyone?

"Come on, Danny," Dougie persuaded him. "Aren't you bored? And anyway, she won't mind if you're in on it. She only hates me."

"True." Danny looked convinced. He turned off the TV. "So, what are we going to do?"

"She's still sleeping. So…let's put her up on the top of the bus without waking her." Dougie was so brilliant sometimes, he amazed himself.

Doing it was easy. As it turned out, SJ was a pretty heavy sleeper. She barely moved as Danny carefully picked her up, still wrapped in her blanket. They went outside. Luckily, no one was in sight.

"Over here." Dougie gestured to Danny. At the back of the tour bus was a ladder leading up to the top. Danny climbed up with SJ while Dougie made sure the coast was clear. Danny jumped down a couple of minutes later, looking triumphant. "Alright." Dougie high-fived him. "All we have to do is wait for her to wake up." He grinned. Revenge. This was gonna be good.

SJ felt herself slowly waking up. She felt something hard on her cheek that definitely wasn't her pillow. And was that wind blowing in her hair?

She sat up quickly and realized two things at once.

A) She was outside and B) she was on the top of the tour bus.

Holy shit. SJ stood up. She immediately felt dizzy. Don't look down, don't look down, she instructed herself. But she couldn't help it; she took a peek over the edge.

She felt nauseous, her head spinning, like she was going to faint. "Harry!" she screamed. "Harry!" She almost broke down in sobs. How could he let this happen to her?

She heard a sound and turned around. There was Dougie, climbing up to the top from a ladder. He straightened and looked at her. "Enjoying the view from up here?" he echoed her words from before.

"No!" she gasped.

Dougie smirked at her. She was standing in just a black tank top and Toy Story boxer shorts. "Nice boxers," he commented. "I have the same ones." He noticed she was wearing a chain with dog tags on it around her neck. They flashed in the sunlight. He had never noted them before.

"Poynter! Did you put me up here?" Her tone sounded different than what he expected—it sounded almost terrified, instead of pissed off.


"Poynter!" She sounded close to tears. "I'm afraid of heights!"

Oops. Dougie actually hadn't known that.

"Please, please, get me down," she begged. Her gold-flecked green eyes were wide.

"Alright. Er…" He walked over to her and picked up her blanket. "Take my hand."

Her tiny hand grasped his. He led her to the edge. She was trembling. "I'm sorry, SJ," he mumbled, feeling bad. "I didn't know…" He carefully led her down the ladder, her hand still clutching his.

Once they landed on solid ground, SJ withdrew her hand from his and slapped him across the face. Hard. "What is wrong with you, Poynter?" He had never seen her look so furious. "What is wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry, I had no idea," Dougie tried to apologize, but SJ wasn't having any of it.

"Why do you think I made you move to the top bunk so I could take the bottom one?" she shouted.

Oh. That made sense now. "I didn't—"

"Of course you didn't know, cause you're an idiot," she snapped. "And also, what a fucking stupid idea, why the hell would you put anyone on the roof of a bus?"

Dougie felt the need to defend himself. "It wasn't just me, Danny helped out too—"

This merited him another slap across the face. "Ow!" he yelped.

"Don't try to put the blame on anyone else, this clearly says Poynter all over it," she spat. She turned and stormed back into the tour bus.

Dougie shoved his hands in his pockets and looked around. A couple of people were gawking. He turned his back on them. "I honestly didn't know," Dougie muttered to himself.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is dedicated to Katie aka XxI'mJustMexX who's sister's name is SJ. : )

Comments. : ]
I might not update for a couple of days...I have some more chapters written but I have to type them up and for the next few days I don't think I'm gonna be near the computer I usually type on.