Sequel: I Won't Fear Love.

Bleeding Heart

He's Her Drug.

"Shhh, Beth!" Alexis whispered into the phone as she packed her bags, "This is simply for her. Her birthdays in a fucking month, and I',m broke! I have no money!" Alexis explained to Beth, "And of course, my love. It's for you and Jimmy, too." She added, hoping her best friend wouldn't yell at her.

Mariella's birthday is next month, so Alexis and her parents came up with the idea to say that she isn't coming home for a certain amount of months. She's just dieing to tell her. Jimmy thinks it's 5 months, also. So only Bethany, Mariella's mother, her brother, Heather, and Dominic know. Maybe even Dez.

"You know how crazy both of them are going to act, Alexis. They are going to freak because everyone around them knew, and they didn't." Alexis laughed.

"I know, Beth." She reassured her."Guess what Beth!" She said, happy.

"What?" She asked, shocked by the sudden burst of happiness. Not that she wasn't before, but this was bigger.

"When I get home! I get to get an ultrasound, baby!" She cheered. "It's going to be so..oh my god! I just can't believe it! AND! I'm going to ask if Jimmy wants to come!" Alexis walked downstairs to get an apple.

"Hey, baby girl." Her father said as she opened the fridge. She grabbed an apple and put it on her mouth. After she realized her father said something, she swallowed the food and smiled at her dad.

"Hey daddy." She said, walking over and giving him a hug.

"Did you know you're...showing a little. Not a lot. I mean, it's barely noticeable, but you can see it." Her father said. Alexis looked down. She was wearing a tight white tank top.

"Can you really show within..what? A month or two?" Her father nodded.

"Not everyone shows, but since you're a skinny person; there's a lot more on your body."

"Thanks for noticing my fat, pops." She said as she switched the cell phone from her left ear to her right. She heard Bethany laugh.

"Well from the date you told your mother, you are at least two months now, hon." Her father said, then Bethany spoke.

"Honey, you're going to get bigger than that!" She exclaimed, and Alexis did a fake shocked face.

"Oh no! I'm going to get fat!" Both girls giggled as her mother walked in.

"Something funny?" She asked, walking towards Alexis' mother and briefly kissed him.

"Uhh...once the 'rents get all lovey dovey; I leave." Alexis spoke and her mother laughed a soft laugh.

"How was your day, beautiful." She said, coming over and lightly kissing her forehead.

"It's great, Beth's int he deal now. She's going to help me with Mare, when Dom has Jimmy. OH MY GOD!" Her mother jumped slightly as her daughter before her jumped as she realized she forgot to say something. Bethany laughed."Can you believe Mariella is probably, and I predict- no I know for a fact- That her and Dominic are going to date! FINALLY!" She shouted at the end, putting her hands in the air.

Her mother laughed and shook her head lightly. "Mood swings, all that stuff adds extra. She's going to be a toughy, Cole." She said as she started to get out the the chicken they were having.

"CHICKEN!" She shrieked. Her mother laughed. "Wait...this may be silly...but can you eat it?" Her mother laughed softly.

"Not a lot of fried chicken, bit this isn't fried. Since it's a high protein source, has Rich iron source, and contains B-12 vitamins it's good to eat. That's what I ate. That along with Salmon.."

"EW! You ate fish!" Alexis cried.

"Salmon was my favorite." She grinned as Alexis made a grossed face.

"Mom! Ew!" Her father laughed as stood up and walked towards his daughter.

"No wonder why you hate it, Lexy. Your mom must've ate it a lot." Bethany said and she laughed at Alexis' reaction.

"Hey, I couldn't help the food ?I craved. Like, you crave ice cream. There's no drinking soda, too. It has caffeine. Milk and juice is what you should really stick with. I mean, there are certain kinds of Ice creams you can eat. Like, coffee is out of the question. Since Ice Cream has milk, you can eat it. Just, not so much."

"Damn, what else do I need to know that goes along with this?" Alexis asked.

"No drinking, smoking, drugs, carrying heavy object-" Alexis stopped Bethany.

"OK, Thank you Beth! I have to do now." Alexis said as she started to hang up.

"OK, OK! I'm sorry. I have to go anyways, get ready for bed." She yawned. "I'm tired as heck."

"Good, because I have to pee!" Alexis said. "Night! Love you!" She had already called Jimmy before, but she wanted to call him again. So she walked to the bathroom and did what she needed.

When she came back out, she put her feet on the table and dialed Jimmy's numbered.

"Hey, sweetheart." Jimmy said on the other line. And immediately, her heart raced just from the sound of his voice.

What can she say..

He's her drug.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was basically a filler; and to get you into her little birthday gift.
I'm sorry if it's a little boring; sue me?
But, Soon as I can get my great ideas that Ive had today-back..
I'll be writing chapters that'll amuse you..

THANK YOU GUYS! I'm really glad you enjoy this.