

I'm not sure how long I had been out by the pool when I was startle out of my sleep by that short shit, Joey, pulling my headphones out of my ear and telling me they wanted food. I opened an eye, glanced at him, and sat up.

"And?" I asked.

"We're going to get some," he said, standing, and putting out his hand for me to take it.

"Do I have time to shower and get dressed, or are you guys too hungry to wait?" I asked, taking his hand and pulling myself up.

"Dunno. You'd have to ask the bitches inside," he said, shrugging. "It's so good to see you," he grinned, pulling me into another hug.

"Haha. Thanks Joey. I missed you guys too," I said, hugging him back, then grabbing my bag and the towel, then heading inside to face the several wolf whistles and eyes that met me.

"Damn. V grew up," Chris said, checking me out.

"No shit," Mick said, staring.

"Alright, you bunch of pedophiles, quit staring," Corey said, stepping between the guys and I.

"Hey! Corey, You can't hog that gorgeous sight all to yourself!" Sid yelled.

"Oh yes I can," Corey retorted, staring at me just as the others had.

"Oh Jesus Christ. Guys, quit. You act as if you've never seen a chick in her bathing suit before," I said, covering myself with the towel, suddenly feeling very exposed. "Anyway, Do I have time to shower and get dressed?" I asked.

"More like time to get dressed. I'll let ya borrow a hat or something if you're worried about hair," Corey said. "Sorry, babe, but we're hungry."

"Alright fine," I said, walking up the stairs to the bathroom, "Don't chew the furniture while I'm up here," I yelled. "I'll beat you with the godamn newspaper."

"You can beat me any day," Corey yelled back. Then I heard him swear loudly, a sign that Jim probably punched him quite hard in the arm. Something they used to do all the time as kids when Corey would make a pass at me.

I changed into some black cargo shorts, a studded pyramid belt that I've had since I was in 8th grade, and a white tanktop. I glanced at myself in the mirror to find that I had indeed gotten a bit of sun, and my pale complexion of five hours ago was now masked by a decent tan. And that was saying something because generally I hated being tan.

"Corey, I'm wearing your Jack Skellington Beanie!" I yelled through the door, and grabbed the hat off the bathroom counter, and jammed it on my head. Satisfied with my look, I walked back downstairs to join the guys in their hunt for food.

"Alright, so Obviously, we can't all fit in one car, so, split up," Sid said.

"Viv's with me!" Jim said.

"And I'm with them!" Corey said.

"Ditto," Joey said.

"Well Hot Damn! Count me in!" Mick said.

"Alright then Me, Shawn, Chris and Craig are in another vehicle," Sid said. "Where we goin'?"

"Uhm. Ruby Tuesday's!" Jim said.

"Alright. See you guys there," Sid said, and hopped in his car.


After dinner, we all headed back to Corey and Joey's house. They all decided to just drink and hang out. Corey however, simply went to his room as soon as the alcohol was brought out. Me, being the sensitive one I am, left the group tomfoolery to find Corey. I had catching up to do with him anyway. I found his room pretty easily and knocked.


"Can I come in?"


I opened the door to reveal a dark lair-like room. It was very fitting. Corey sat across the room at a desk, staring out the large window, and smoking a cigarette.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey yourself," he half turned and smiled. "Not drinking?"

"I don't want you to be the only one missing out on the fun," I said, taking a seat on his black-clad bed.

"Always the loyal one," he mused.

"I haven't changed that much, Cor," I said. "You alright?"

"Just thinking. And writing," he replied.

"Oh. Sorry for interrupting you then," I said, getting up to leave.

"Sit. Don't leave me. Not again," he said, quietly.

I stared at his still frame. His head slightly bent, the cigarette ash growing longer by the second. I had seen him like this only once before. The day I left. It was heartwrenching, and In that moment, I knew that no matter what happened, I was not leaving this man's side.

"Corey, I'm not going anywhere," I said firmly.

He turned to face me, removing the cigarette from his mouth and knocking the ash. Standing slowly and closing the few paces between us, and enveloping me in his strong arms.

"I've missed you. So very much. Don't tell the assholes downstairs I've gone soft or anything, but you need to know that it means a lot to me that you're back. I'm happier than I've been in a while. Thank you," he said.

"Anytime, Cor. Now toughen up, you pansy-ass. Get your ass downstairs and join the festivities. You and I will stay sober and watch our idiot friends make complete asses of themselves and laugh, and all will be good," I said. Corey smiled as I took his hand and lead him downstairs to the drunken shouts of the rest of the guys.
♠ ♠ ♠

Another chapter.


Still lookin for girls for the other men.
Or at least a few of them

c'mon.. you know you wanna take part in this FABULOUS adventure xD

Hopefully you're all enjoying it.