

Corey and I spent the evening messing with the rest of the band members pretty hardcore. I thought I had a pretty brilliant idea to squirt all who passed out with a spray bottle. Like the ones you'd use on an unruly animal. Unluckily for Jim, It was he who was the first to go. In the hallway nonetheless. Poor guy didn't even know what hit him. At one point, I took the Jack Daniels right out of Joey's hands and hid it in the freezer. He almost started crying. There are certain times where I miss being at Bam's house with the constant surveillance of a video camera crew. I'd kill to film this shit.

Eventually, Everyone passed out, and I was too tired to do much tormenting. Corey helped my store the guys in places that would be quite unnerving to wake up to. We put Mick and Sid naked in a bed next to each other. We put James on the couch, but underneath the couch cushions. We put Joey on a large shelf next to all of the previously used Slipknot masks staring at him. Shawn and Cris had the distinct pleasure to be placed atop the washer and dryer in the basement. Craig was next to the pool with a playgirl magazine as a pillow, and Paul was Atop the garage roof. How we managed to do all of this was quite the miracle, but we did, and I couldn't wait till the morning when they woke up. They were most likely going to kill me, but it would be well worth it. Years of living with Bam had warped my mind into mischief mode, and there was simply no going back.

Corey headed to his own room to sleep, which, unless he woke up before the rest of them, would be utterly suspicious. He would most likely get blamed. This alone made me chuckle. I decided to crash in the chair, across from Jim's awkward position, and watch some television. It was 6:00am, and sleep at this point was quite out of the question. I had now to just sit and await the boys waking up. I could see many of them from my position. And I could hear the reactions of most of the rest of them If there was silence. I turned the television volume down, In case one of them awoke to use the restroom.

I must have dozed off, because I was awoke by the sound of pounding at the front door. I rubbed my eyes, and stared at the boys in my line of sight. Still passed out. The pounding conintued. I glanced at the clock to find it was almost 11am. The pounding still continued. I dragged my lazy ass off the recliner, passed the Jim couch and the Joey shelf and opened the large front door to come face to face with a girl shorter than myself with green eyes and longish brown hair. It appeared that she was about to start yelling, but upon sight of me, immediately shut her mouth. I stepped out of the way and let her in.

"You here for Jordison?" I asked.

"Uh.yeah. How'd you know?" she stared, confused.

"Must be the height," I said, smirking. She smirked back.

"Shut up," she laughed. "I'm Hannah. Who're you?"

"Vivian. James' cousin. Quiet though. I want them to be creeped out when they wake up," I said, gesturing to Joey's spot on the shelf.

"Was he drinking?" she Asked.

"Of course," I answered.

"No wonder the ass wouldn't answer his phone. Ugh. Sometimes he's a real ass" she chuckled.

"You.. his girlfriend?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah. Love him to death, but he was supposed to go with me to get a tattoo at noon today, and I was calling him to remind him cause lord knows that boy doesn't remember a thing, Oh Mornin' Corey," Hannah said, waving at Corey.

I turned to see Corey in all his boxer-clad glory, and immediately I felt heat rising in my face. Corey, being a man, and a bit too dense to realize, said his good mornings, and disappeared into the kitchen. Hannah, on the other hand, noticed immediately and her eyes grew wide.

"You've got the hots for Corey Taylor," she smirked.

"You know, If I were in second grade, I'd disagree, but as I'm not, I'll just admit it. Yeah. Corey's a sexy beast," I replied, face growing hotter by the second.

"It's cool. Secrets safe with me," she said, patting my shoulder.

"Haha. I like you already. It's nice to know that there are in fact women around here and not only these monsters," I said.

"Speaking of monster..." Hannah said, and disappeared into the kitchen, and returned moments later with a Monster Energy Drink. "Haven't had one yet today," she said, cracking it open and taking a large swig.

"I was wondering who the massive amounts of that stuff was for," I laughed.

"Yeah. Joey keeps it here for me. Such a good boy," she chuckled.

As she placed the can to her lips to take another swig, we heard cussing and a large thud. We glanced to find Joey on the floor, and couch cushions flying in random directions. Corey popped his head out of the kitchen with a large smirk, as Sid and Mick walked downstairs giving each other awkward glances. Shawn and Chris emerged from the basement looking thoroughly confused, and Craig stormed in the house with the playgirl mag in hand. Paul was the only one missing, and I had figured either he hadn't woken up, or he couldn't figure out how to get down. Corey was laughing incredibly hard, and I maintained an innocent look.
Hannah was trying but failing not to laugh. Joey grumbled a few more cuss words, and dragged his hungover ass over to greet his girlfriend.

"Hey babe," he mumbled groggily, squinting.

"Hey. Go jump in the shower, and quick. I've got a tattoo appointment at noon, and you're going with me. That means a half an hour. Now shoo," she said, kissing him and shoving him in the direction of the stairs. He trudged up the stairs, and returned shortly after. The two of them left, leaving the rest of us to go about our days.

Corey made breakfast for the rest of us, and so we sat and enjoyed part of our afternoon laughing at the hungover morons in the house.
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Thanks for the comments, Those of you who've taken the time to do so. I appreciate it pretty hardcore.

Joey=taken. Thanks to WalkingOnBrokenGlass for jumping on that =D

Still have available mennn.,