Follow the Yellow Brick Road to Cali We Go

Follow the Yellow Brick Road to Cali. we go

It feels so good to be out of that hell whole misery prison also known as high school. As soon as i graduated, i knew that me and my best friend Mickie were going to move out of Richmond, Virginia and across the country to California to party our asses off,and maybe work.These were my plans, and at the age of 21, I was finally going to achieve them. I was thinking of all this as I stood in line with Mckayla at the airport.

"Mickie, can we just drive to Cali. please?" I asked with pleading eyes.

"Don't be such a baby, flying isn't scary at all, now quit your whining and let's go bitch." She said as we finally approached the desk to have our passports and tickets checked.

We hadn't even been out of high school for more than five months and we had all ready gotten our first tattoos and piercings. I have a gun tattooed pointing down on my waistline,nautical star on my shoulder blade,a cherry blossom that wrapped around my ankle, and my lip pierced. Mickie has a pair of red boxing gloves on her waistline that say "knock it out", a rosary on her shoulder blade, and a septum.

We boarded the plane, got to our seats, and waited for take off.

"Mickie, I can't fucking do this, I'm seriously gonna piss on myself." I said as I squeezed her hand.

"Oh my god, grow some Trish." She said as she made her chair recline.

"No no no don't do that with your chair, you might cause the plane to be uneven,and then it will crash and then we won't make it to California because we will be fucking dead." I said as i held on to her arm for dear life.

"Oh shut the fuck up Trish and take a nap, we'll be there in no time at all." She said as she relaxed and closed her eyes.

I took her advice, and by the time I opened my eyes we had just landed in Los Angles, California. Mickie had flown down here,earlier in the year with her dad to buy us a little house. We stepped in the cab and gave the driver directions to our new house. Mickie, that girl sure has connections, because somehow she convinced some random guy, who drove moving van, to haul our shit out to our new house.

"Trish you are gonna love this house, the house parties we are gonna throw,the guys we will fuck, and best of all not being in Richmond!" she said as the cab pulled into the driveway of a 2-story white house. We got all of our shit out of the moving truck and on the front lawn.

"Now how the fuck are we gonna get all this shit in this house by tonight." I said as I looked at my cell phone and noticed it was 2:30 p.m.

" We are going to get a fucking move on and get this stuff in the house and then check out this town." She said as she picked up some of her bags. Inside the house, was amazing, each bedroom had a bathroom in it,the kitchen was amazing, and we had a kick ass pool in the backyard.

"My dad did good on picking this place out didn't he." She said very proud.

"He sure did!" I said still in shock as a purple strand of hair fell in my eyes.

We finally unpacked our stuff at around 7 o'clock. My room was exactly how I wanted. The walls were already painted dark purple when we moved in, so whoever had my room before had good taste. My purple walls now had poster of my favorite bands cloth them.

"Hey bitch wanna go clubbing tonight." I yelled as I poked my head into Mickie's room.

"Clubbing? We don't even know where any clubs are in this place." She said as she hung her clothes up in her closet.

"OH trust me I do." I said.

"Well that's not surprising, WHERE THERE IS A BAR AND HOTT GUYS,THERE IS TRISH" she said with her hands on her hips. "But seriously how do you know where the clubs are?" she asked.

"Well I have a friend named Kristia, who lives down here,and I gave her our address so she can come pick us up at 10 so get your ass ready." I demanded.

"YES, I need some male." she said as she reached in her closet for the sluttiest outfit she owned.

" Now go get out of my room ya freak, go get slutitized." She said as she shoved me into the hallway.

I walked in my room to look for my miny skirt and black halter top that had stitching on the side that showed alot of skin,put my makeup on, and brushed my straight black hair that had purple highlights in it. I heard a knock on the door so I ran down to open it.

"Hold your fucking horses ill be down in a second." I yelled down the staircase.

"I'll get it" I heard Mick yell. "Trish get down here it's Kristia." She yelled up the stairs. I quickly ran down the steps and tackle Kristia to the floor.

"DAMN I missed your ass Kris!" I yelled as I helped her up off of the floor.

" I missed ya to Trish, now let's get out of this bitch." Kris said. "so where we going?" Mickie asked as we climbed in the back seat of Kristia's black Lambo.

"We are headed to party at my I opened." She said as she sped down the street.

" Oh my god why didn't you tell me you opened up a club? What's it called." I asked.

"It be CLUB 666." She said proudly with a fake Jamaican accent.

"Only you would name a club that!" I laughed.

"Don't ya know it!, we need so more employees though." She said focusing on the road.

"Like what positions." Mickie asked.

"Boy did that sound wrong." Kris said as she stuck her tongue out and licked the air. "We need some bartenders." She said.

"Oh my god, Kris we both have degrees in bartending." I said.

" Well good because you start work tomorrow night!...and my bartenders have to dance on the counters occasionally, ya know just to add some sex appeal." She said giving us a wink.

"Well you picked the right bitches!" Mick said.

We pulled up in the back parking lot of the club and entered. Kristia introduced us to the staff and then told us to go get loose and have a fucking ball. The atmosphere of the club was so hype. I could feel the music pump through me as if it were my blood. I danced and grinded and did what I did best, FLIRT.

"Hey bitch we gonna get laid tonight." Mickie yelled as we grinded to a song together.

"HELL YEAH." I replyed. I didn't have any intention on getting laid that night, I just hadn't seen any guy worth it, but Mick sure did because she disappeared for awhile.
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