Follow the Yellow Brick Road to Cali We Go

My Boss Has This Cousin


I walked in to Mickie's room to see if she was up yet, who am I fucking kidding? that kid sleeps for days, but she was just sleeping like a bear in hibernation.

"Hmmm looks like she'll be in work later." I grumbled to myself as I shut her bedroom door. We started working at Kris's club, the day after she told us she needed a pair of good bartenders. Since me and my girl Mickie loved alcohol and had our bartending degree, we took up the job. I love to bartend, and I love the whole atmosphere of the club. Loud music, Grinding, Drunks, Alcohol, Bar dancers, you name it, we have it. So anyway, I decided to go into work early, to set up my bar, like I did every morning or should I say afternoon? Mickie on the other hand, just slept and came in at the normal show up and work time of 7:00 p.m.

I arrived at the club, and when I walked in i notice that I was the only one there as usual.

"Hmmm Kris must be in her office." I said to myself. So I headed towards Kris's office to she if she was in yet, which she was.

"Hey kid, I see my most loyal worker has arrived!" She said as she threw the paper with my work hours on it at me.

"Don't you know it boss." I replied back as i scanned the paper and headed out of her office and to my bar.

"Hey wait!" She yelled. "I'm going to be in my office and my cousin might stop by so if he does tell him where I am." She said as she threw a liquor bottle for me to catch.

"Ahh thanks I've been waiting for this shit, now those drunks can drink it all." I replied as i gazed at the bottle and it's yummy contents. "Oh and yea I'll tell him, Is this cousin of yours
straight?" I asked as Kris shoved me and laughed.

"Yes, now go set up" She said as she shoved me some more.

I walked over towards my bar and placed the brand new flavored liquor with collection of other alcohols. I plugged my Ipod in a set of speakers, like I always did, and went to work. A good hour went by, I was actually done setting up in 10 minutes but i decided to stay and shake my ass to the music.

"Nice dancing!" Said a masculine voice that caused me to jump.

"Jesus Christ, you sure no how to scare the shit out of someone!" I replied as i turned around so I could see who this mystery voice was. I turned around to see that the mystery voice was a man that I thought was fucking sexy and in one of my favorite bands.

"Oh sorry, Uh I'm Synys- uh I mean Brian." He said as he held his hand out to shake mine.

"Well nice to meet you Brian, I'm Trish." I said not wanting to let go of his hand. "So what brings you here? Do you need to rent out V.I.P. ?" I said as I secretly gazed him up and down.

"Oh so you do know who I am." He said in a cocky tone. "But actually I'm just here to see my cousin, hmm now that I think about it, I might actually get V.I.P. and bring the boys down here tonight." He said as he rubbed his chin.

"Well It looks like you'll see me later then, behind this here bar because I'm the best damn bartender you'll meet, So..." I was cut off by the voice of Kris.

"BRIANNNNNNNN COME HERE YA LITTLE MAN WHORE!" Kris yelled as she ran and jumped in Brian's arms. "How tha fuck have ya been, Mr. Rock star?" She said as she finally let Brian out of her chain like arms.

"I've been doing alright, but by the looks of it, it seems you've been doing pretty damn good yourself." He said as he tapped his fingers on my bar.

"Oh you are damn fucking straight, little cousin. I see you've already met my Trish." Kris said as she looked at me proudly.

"Yea we were actually just beginning a conversation when you attacked me." He laughed.

"Well I'll tell you one thing, This bitch right here is the best damn bartender in this joint." She said reaching for me to give her a high-five.

"Well you'll defiantly have to come hang with us tonight." Brian said, while shooting me a interesting look with a priceless smirk.

"Pshhh I have to work tonight, It's going to be so packed." I said in a disappointed tone.

"Well actually I was planning on giving you and Mickie a night off, since you two work so damn hard but Trish I might need you to do Crowd Hype tonight." Kris said as she noticed Brian staring at me. I fucking loved doing Crowd Hype, It's when workers get to jump on top of the bar, Coyote Ugly style, and dance and hype the crowd up.

"Oh fuck yes! You know I love Crowd Hype." I said as a pleasant smile stretched across my face.

Brian looked at Kris and then at me and said "So it looks like you can hang with me and the boys tonight, Kid." He said as he tried to hide his excitement.

"So you're bringing Alexis and the boys down tonight?" Kris asked.

"Well just the boys, Uh me and Alex broke up." He said looking down. I tried not to pay attention to their conversation but I made damn sure I heard every word.

"Why? What happened?" Kris asked ignoring that I was standing their trying not to pay attention.

"Well uh she cheated on me while I was on tour last month." He said as he kept his eyesight focused on the bar marble.

"Dude that sucks, I told you she was a fucking whore." Kris said with a slight chuckle.

" Yea tell me about it, so uh Trish, you are going to hang with me in the V.I.P. tonight right?" Brian said as he tried to get my attention.

"Oh uh yea sure, I'll bring Mickie to since she has the night off." I said.

"Aight, so who is this Mickie girl?" He said as a sexy smirk placed on his lips.

" Mckayla, she's a bartender here, and my best friend and roommate" I said as I look into his eyes.

"Did I mention she's fucking insane." I laughed as Kris yelled 'Fuck yea.'

"Well Kris, maybe this Mickie will hit it off with Jimmy,since he's fucking insane to, ya think?" He asked as he laughed.

"Damn, 10 bucks says they will." She said slamming down a ten dollar bill.

"Shit, I'm not betting you! You always fucking win, Kris." Brian said shaking his head.

"Well uh I'm going home to get ready and tell Mickie that we get to chill tonight." I said as I walked around the counter and grabbed my bag and Ipod.

"Alright, now get your fine ass out of here!" Kris laughed as she pushed me towards the door.

***Brian's P.O.V.***
I watched her leave. She was like something I had never seen before, so damn sexy. Her piercings and tattoos, especially the gun on her waistline. Her body was just screaming for me to touch her.

"She's something else isn't she." I heard Kris say.

"Uh yeah she's really beautiful, How'd ya meet her." I replyed.

"Well I've known her, we met one year at one of your concerts. She and Mickie just moved down here about five weeks ago and I needed some bartenders and since they both knew how to bartend, I hired them. Why? Does little Brian have a crush." She said as she tickle my ribs and then flipped my hat off.

"Can she party?" I asked trying to completely ignore her question.

"You bet your fucking rock star ass she can! She can dance and drink her ass off, trust me Bri. I've seen her tear men apart on the dance floor." When Kris told me this is, It made me a little excited, If ya know what I mean.

"Damn well I'll have to see for myself tonight I guess, I'm gonna go home and get ready." I said.

"Okay little bitch, I love ya dude." she said as I began to walk for the door.

"Love you to Kris." I yelled back.
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