Follow the Yellow Brick Road to Cali We Go

I Lead Not Follow

It was amazing to see the club so alive. The way the crowd would jump to the beat of a song, created the illusion that the club had a heart that was swelling with alcohol and beating rapidly. This is what I loved to live for every night, until some asshole, like the one that tried to grab my ass, decides to ruin my night. After Mickie and I finished our CH segment of the night, she went off with Jimmy again. Leaving me alone in the eye decaying strobe lights. I wondered around in the crowd for a little while and stopped by one of the bars to get some shots. One of the many benefits of working at Club 666, is that everyone knows who you are and everybody is willing to buy your drinks. I leaned on the bar and asked for a shot of Jager, I didn't bother to pull money out of my pocket because I knew if someone didn't pay for me, that I wouldn't have to pay anyway. A man with a black eye and heavy smell of Jack Daniels on his breath, handed the bartender money for my drink. I noticed that this was the fucking ass that was bothering me during CH. My heel sure did give him a nice shiner. Once he payed I looked down at the drink and refused to drink it. I didn't want the stupid fucker to think that I felt seduced by his drunken stupidity, he was NOT a turn on AT ALL.

"Hey baby! Aren't you going to drink your Jag?" He said as he slapped his hand on my ass.

"Didn't I fucking tell you to buzz the fuck off, bud." I yelled as I turned to walk off. This dumb-ass just wouldn't give up! He pulled on the bottom rim of my skirt and jerked me back into his arms.

" Frisky! I like that! How about me and you find ourselves a quiet little area and have fun." The drunk idiot whispered in my ear as his hand traveled up my skirt and to my ass again. I tried to pull away from him but his grip was tighter then a virgin.

"GET THE FUCK OFF! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?" I yelled in his face.

"Listen, baby I know you're wanting some of this!" He said as he pointed to himself. I slapped him hard in the face but it only seemed to increase his hunger and lust for me. I felt someone lace the fingers with mine, gently.

"Hey Dick head! She said fucking buzz off. Either you're going to leave her the fuck alone or I'm going to have to take you the fuck out myself, and I've got four other guys that will be willing to assist!" Brian yelled, while rolling up his sleeve exposing his tattoos and muscles. As soon as the jackass saw Brian give him the a death stare, he vanished with the help of security escorting him out.

"You okay? He didn't hurt you or anything?" Brian asked with all seriousness.

"Hell No! But thanks." I smiled and looked down at our still laced fingers. I saw him smirk, sending electricity through my body, and then look down my top, TYPICAL. After a good silent minute of him looking at my boobs, he unlaced our fingers. I'll admit that it disappointed me.

"Why the long face? Somebody feel intrigued by my sexiness?" He let out his ego once more with a smirk. I closed my eyes for a split second, not wanting to see that intoxicating smirk of his. His scent was enough to throw an orgasm over someone.

"I'm fine." I said giving a smirk of my own and walking away. I lead not follow. It was tempting to turn back around and start dancing on him because every inch of his body was begging for me to touch him. Tonight is my night off, I better enjoy it.

***Brian's P.O.V.***

Damn it! I just gave this girl the 'sex smirk...' and she walked away? What the fuck? It works every time but apparently it didn't effect her. I stood there dumbfounded for at least five minutes and watched Trish's beautiful figure walk into the sea of bodies. Should I let her go? Or follow her and look like a lost puppy? This calls for the advise of my cousin, so I walked back towards the V.I.P. to find Kris.

"KRIS! KRIS! CAN I TALK TO YOU FOR A SECOND?" I yelled over the erupting sound from the DJ's speakers. She smirked and nodded for me to follow her to her office. The whole smirk deal runs in the family.

We walked in her office and she shut her door and sat behind her desk. I sat in a chair on the opposite side.

" I told you she was something special!" She laughed reading my mind completely.

"Yeah, a little to special!" I said still shocked that she walked away. I placed my hands on behind my head and laced my fingers, imaging that I was holding Trish's hand again.

"What do you mean by that? Can you not keep up?" She laughed like a child on a sugar rush.

" I gave her 'The Smirk' and she walked away! She didn't kiss me or anything." I complained.

"OH NO! Poor Brian got turned down for the first time!" She said sarcastically.

" Very funny, but what do I do to get her attention?" I asked helplessly.

"Do what you do best Brian! Be Synyster Gates." She said as she walked out of her office. I soon walked out after her and headed to the bar, to allow a nice cold drink to sooth my mind. That's it! I need to be who I am best at being, not Brian but Synyster.
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Thank you