Follow the Yellow Brick Road to Cali We Go

Corruption With A Kiss

It was almost an hour before closing time and I hadn't seen Brian since I walked away from him about an hour ago. Either I offended and turned him off or he just doesn't find me the least bit of interesting. I'm not easily impressed by the male species because they're all the same but Brian was just sex in human form. There is no way I'm letting him get to know me with ease though.

I walked back to the V.I.P. section to see how drunk Mickie,Trish, and the guys were and hopefully to spot Brian. The guys were parading around with empty bottles of liquor, while Mickie literally showed her ass on top of a table. No sign of Brian. I was getting so tired of looking for him so I made my way into the crowd and started dancing with any and every guy that grabbed my waist.

***Brian's P.O.V.***
"You aren't Brian, you are Synyster fucking Gates! You are the man that can make a chick wanna tape her eyes open just to look at you. You are the man that can make a dude wanna be you and his girlfriend want to fuck you."

I kept saying that inside my head as I made my way through the crowd. I needed to get my Gates mentality in the front seat if I want to impress this girl. Why do I care? I mean I don't get easily impressed with women because I never know who wants me for me or who wants me for money and fame. Women throw themselves at me all the time and some of them are even lucky enough to get fucked by me every once in awhile, they are so easy it's ridiculous. But Trish has this how 'Fuck You!' attitude and I'm loving it. She comes off uninterested in me and hard to get. I always have a tendency to want what I can't have but I always get it.

"Damn it!" I mumbled as I watched Trish grind on two guys.

She kept dancing and turned around to look at me with a grin and a wink. Oh, that bitch knew she was a tease. I was kind of in shock again to see her not wanting to be all over me, I mean like what the hell! This prissy little blond walked past me but made sure her hand stroked my abs. I grabbed her arm and swung her in front of me so our eyes and bodies met.

"Now where do you think you're going?" I whispered seductively into her ear.

"Home with you." She whispered back in a drunken slur.

I pulled her closer to my body and let my hands roam her body as she began to dance. She was so drunk, that I could make her do anything to me if I wanted to take advantage of her but I'm not that much of an ass. Trish started to slow her dancing down with her guys but keep her focus on me. That's when I knew I had her attention to the fullest. I gave her a smirk and then looked down at the blond in front of me, who was dancing horribly. I spun the girl around so our eyes connected again and gave her a kiss. Probably the best kiss she's ever had in her life, to bad she'll be to drunk to remember it. Trish gave me some weird glare and walked off towards the storage room.

"Hey Bah-baby, What you say me and chu go get laid with each other." The drunk whore said to me as she tugged on my belt.

I shoved a twenty in her bra, pushed her off lightly, and headed for the storage room.


I stopped in the middle of the crowd and saw my cousin standing on top of a bar with a microphone. The crowd knew what was coming as a big sigh roared from the crowds of people.


The people in the club began to make there way to the exit as I began to make my way to the storage room.

"Whoa! Where you think you're going, dude?" Zacky and Matt shouted.

"Uh nowhere, I'll be right back!"

"You're taking us all home dude, it's your turn to drive!" Matt said.

"And besides...You're the only one of us that isn't drunk off his ass." Zacky continued as him and Matt each grabbed one of my arms and started to push me towards the exit door. So much for Synyster Gates.

I got all the guys packed in my car and took one more look at the club before I drove off. Synyster Gates is only meant for the stage.

Well it was nice watching Brian take advantage of a drunken whore. He is the epitome of an arrogant man.

I sat on a box in the storage room and thought about who my next hook up would be, when Kris walked in.

"I was almost certain that I'd catch you and Brian hooking up back here!" She said as she sat on a crate beside me.

"Nah, he was to busy making out with some blond." I shrugged.

"He wasn't the only one having fun, Missy! I saw you grinding on those dudes but it seems to me that SOMEONE has a crush on my little cousin." Kris teased as she poked me.

"Ah whatever, dude! Well I'm tired so I'll see you tomorrow boss." I yawned as I stood up and stretched.

"Mhmm, you sure know how to play hard to get, Trisha!" She yelled as I grabbed my bag and headed for the door.
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