Follow the Yellow Brick Road to Cali We Go

Impress the Unimpressed

I woke up the next morning, to the annoying sound of my ring tone. I was laying face down on my mattresses and slowly shifted to my side and reached for my annoyance. Caller I.D. was unknown. I flipped open my phone and clicked IGNORE. Whoever was calling me, was calling me to damn early even if it was almost 12:00. I shut my eyes and tried to fall back into my dream land but the damn caller wouldn't give up. I flipped my phone open with force and decided to let the person have a piece of my mind.

"Who the fuck do you think you are fucking calling me so damn early? Damn, telemarketers! You can go fuck yourself! Thank you, bye." I shouted.

"WAIT! It's Brian, don't hang up!" He shouted in a low tone.

"What do you want,dude? " My voice was raspy due to the fact that I just woke up. "Whoa now, how did you get my number?"

"Kris gave it to me. I was wondering if you were going to work today?"

"Uh duh! Why wouldn't I go to work today?" I said in a smartalic tone.

"Well damn, sorry for asking and sorry for calling. I'll see you later, Trish." He sounded a little offended.

I threw my phone on the end of my bed and closed my eyes again. Why was he calling me? That was fucking Synyster Gates and I just pretty much bitched him out. I tossed and turned for awhile and then decided to get up and shower. I got dressed and walked downstairs to the kitchen. There was no sign of Mickie but there was a letter on the counter.

Out with Jimmy all day! Love you, Skank.

I read the words scribbled on a paper towel and then threw it in the trashcan. I was in a horrible mood for some reason that morning. Maybe it had a little something to do with the night before. I messed around the house till about 4:00 and then decided to go into work. I had never showed up this late to work but I didn't care.

I walked into the club I had grown to know so well, and headed to Kris's office and walked in.

"Hey Kiddo, you showed up like 3 hours later then what you usually do." Kris said with a smirk like her cousins.

"Whatever, I kind of don't give a fuck." I said rubbing my forehead and sitting in a chain on the opposite side of her desk.

"Whoa there tiger! Someone is in a bitched out mood today. Major PMS, dude."

"Um no! I'm just in a real bad fucking mood, okay?"

"Well that mood better slightly disappear by the time the crowds show up." She said sounding more like a boss then my friend.

"Why are there guys setting up a stage?"

"Well I decided that we should turn this place into a venue to, to get more crowds. Guess what?" She switched back into friend tone.


"Your future baby daddy's band will be the first ever to perform up there tonight." She teased.

I ignored her little comment and focused on a pretty little vase with black and red roses stemming up from the pit of it.

"Pretty aren't they?" She said scooting the vase over to me with her finger. "Speaking of your baby's daddy, he brought these over for you this morning."

I smiled and unfolded a little piece of paper that was snagged between two of the thorns.

"Ooo what's it say? What's it say?" She yelled with widen eyes of curiosity.

"It says: Hey, Trish! Sorry for waking you this morning. Who knew you could sound so sexy when you're mad? Well I'll see you later, hopefully. From Brian." I read with a smile.

"God! My cousin is such a kiss ass!" She yelled, throwing her head back. I continued to smile and look at my roses when the door flew open.

"Hey Kris, is she here yet?" The man's voice said smoothly as he walked in the office.

"Brian, She's right in front of you." Kris laughed back.

"Oh you got them! Great!" He had the cutest little smile dancing on his lips.

"Thanks, they're beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you!" He said as hi hand grazed my cheek.

"Ew! You two are so gross. Just fuck already!" Kris said, walking out of the room.

"Well I uh better go set up..." I said as I stood up with my flowers.

"Yeah, I have to go sound check." He sounded slightly nervous.

***Brian's P.O.V.***
She made me feel so nonexistent it wasn't even funny. Why do I even bother? Sure she looked happy when she got the roses but she didn't look surprised at all. It's like she's seen it all before. I've seen a lot before but nothing or no one like her. It seems to me that I appear to her as some re-run. Fuck! Let me start being honest to myself. Trish is NOT impressive! I've seen it all before. That whole "I don't give a fuck" attitude has been accompanied by 88% of the girls I've met. So not impressive.

She gave me a look that I wasn't sure on how to read, and then she walked out of the room.

"Trish, we are going out to dinner before the performance later." I demanded but I didn't yell or shout.

"If I have time..."

"It wasn't asking you! It was a demand, darling." I was allowing Syn to push Brian out of mind.

"Uh okay? Whatever." She mumbled with lifted eyebrows, and continued to exit.

Damn! She was being a total bitch today. I'm starting to get annoyed with it to. I buy the bitch roses and tell her I want to go out to dinner with her and she still looks at me like I'm a transparency! Fucking annoying! I'm going to try to talk to her one more time but if she pushes me off again I'm moving on.
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