Photographs of Unforgotten Pasts


It had been a week since I had started talking to Mikey and he had been away with his show. But I knew that he had now finished his whole tour and that he was back from LA today. I couldn’t remember what flight he had been on, so I looked up the flights that were incoming from LA and I decided to get to Mikey’s half an hour after the first one landed.

I’d been waiting around nearly 6 hours before I saw Mikey appear. I would have appeared more enthusiastic to see him, but I’d been up since 4:30am and I’d been here since just past 5:30am.

“What’re you doing here Frank?” He frowned at me.

I told him how long I had been waiting for him, shrugging off the amount of hours. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up, letting us both into his apartment. He picked up his mail, left his suitcase in the hallway and we walked into the kitchen.

“Hungry?” He asked me.

“Starved.” I grinned at him. Well, I had eaten a bowl of muesli before I left this morning and that was it.

“Chicken?” I pulled a face when he suggested this.


“Oh okay.” He replied. He made the two of us grilled cheese sandwiches instead.

As we were sitting down at the table, I had to mention that I’d seen his show on YouTube last night.

“Really? Enjoy it?” He asked.

I smirked at him. “Not as good as in person.”

I was quite quiet as we ate. I knew that Mikey noticed this too, but he said nothing.

After we had finished, he took my hand and he led me into his bedroom. The tiredness evaporated immediately into a smile when he stripped off his shirt and jeans, climbing into bed.

“You’re lucky.” He said “I don’t usually bring guys I’ve met at my show back to my room for fun.” My smiled widened even more as I also stripped down to my boxers and climbed in with him.

He rolled over closer to me and he propped himself against my body. He slowly removed my boxers as I removed his and he leaned in to kiss me. As the kiss deepened, I rolled over so I was on top of him. I rolled Mikey over onto his back so he was facing me.

“Lube?” I asked him.

“Don’t need it.” He replied.

I had just positioned myself when the door bell rang.

“For fucks sake!” I complained. Mikey pulled on a pair of boxers to answer the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Who's at the door? Hmm...

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Until next time!

D!ATD xoxo