Photographs of Unforgotten Pasts


Life has been really good since Mikey and I started living together. Although we hadn’t been together that long, I knew that I loved him with my whole heart and that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

Wow, that sounds so cheesy…

…But it’s true.

I got on well with his brother, Gerard, too. He was an artist, comics mainly, which I found really interesting. He was an amazing artist, so talented. And if I can say, handsome too. But compared to Mikey, he was nothing. To me, Mikey was pure beauty, when he was on stage and not.

He hadn’t been doing as many shows lately, so we got to spend more time together. If I had a job on in a club, he would come along and after I had finished, we would be together for the rest of the night. Then go back home and fuck like rabbits.

We were quite bad with that now. Before, it didn’t bother me if I went a week without sex (although a week without sex was rare) and now, I can barely go 1 day.

Not that he complains. If I’m horny, I tell him so. If he’s horny, he tell me so. Sometimes, we just have to look at each other and know that we both need it.

And we don’t always bother going to the bedroom either. We’ve done it on the couch, in the shower, the bath (technically the same thing, but oh well), on the kitchen table, on the floor… To be fair, that was only because we fell off the couch and we were both too drunk (and horny) to get back on it.

The point is, we’ve done it in a lot of places. Hell, we even did it in the bathroom at one of my jobs! And then backstage at one of his shows.

Now I sound like I’m addicted to sex.

I’m not. I’m really not.

I’m just addicted to Mikey, and the sex comes with it.

Gerard’s walked in on us a couple of times. He’s since refused to sit at the table or on the couch. Fussy fucker.

Anyway, Mikey’s invited his parents over for a meal, to introduce me, and I’m shitting myself, although I don’t think I’m as bad as Mikey, he seems really skittish about the whole thing.

Guess I should really help him with that…
♠ ♠ ♠
SORRY SORRY SORRY! I’m so sorry you had to wait ages for this update, I hope you like it! Sam’ll be a lot quicker with her post, so don’t worry.

Oh, and this is set a little before the last chapter, just so you know. And I don't mean for Frankie to sound like a sex addict.

And I promise not to make you wait this long again! I’m gonna write out the rest of the chapters so they’re ready to go.

Oooh, and check out my Gabe/Pete gender swap called Sugar, You Look Good And I’m Pregnant. You’ll like it, promise!
And also check out Sam’s Rydon gender swap called Don’t You Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like Mine? It’s amazing and my favourite story right now! Seriously!

Much Love!

D!ATD xoxo