I'm Calling At Night

25: Ecstasy

**NOTICE: this chapter is a bit odd. The beggining starts at one time, then next part starts the morning after, and then it goes back to the time before, in the first paragraph. I hope this helped in anway!!**

Roan screamed. The horrible feeling seeped into her very being more and more as time went on, and there was no one there. She paced the playground fiercely, willing herself to calm down.

The quiet of the playground hit her, and she screamed again. The still logical, calm Roan was telling her to shut up, to stop screaming because someone might hear, but the part that was hurt and tired of it all ignored it.

And she screamed again.

She wondered if the police would be looking for her… after all, she was the one that called her mother in. Roan sat down on the snow-covered ground and brought her knees to her chest.

Her mom and dad had been arguing, again. This time it was bad; mom was screaming through tears and dad had her pinned against the wall. Roan stood in the corner, terrified of her parents arguing for the first time in years. She couldn’t even remember what this fight was about; but it was bad, and Roan was in the heat of it all. After her father left, her mother turned on her, and slapped her hard, knocking her into the counter.

"Mom…?" Roan started to say, but her mother smacked her again, even harder. Before she got the chance to hit her a third time, she grabbed the portable phone and ran into the bathroom, locking it. As Margaret stood pounding at the door, screaming at her daughter, Roan called the police on a domestic dispute. By the time the red and blue lights were flashing against the windows in the house, Roan had snuck out of the bathroom window and was racing across dark lawns, crying.

It wasn’t until she was in her little ball of despair did she realize she was cold; the only thing she had one was her pullover and jeans from school the school day. No shoes or socks.

Another sob broke through her. The number one person she needed was gone, and wouldn't be back for another two weeks. After what seemed like an eternity, she realized she had to go home or somewhere at the very least. The very thought of going home to her mother or the police was enough to terrify her to the core. Finally, she stood up, stiff and cold and wiped her cheeks off.

The playground was just as silent as ever. The fresh, light coating of snow made it look beautiful and new. Her foot prints were the only imperfection in the blanket.

After a moments thought, she came up with her plan, and ran all the way to Dianne Gaskarth's warm house. She knew she had to go home, but as long as she had some friendly face with her, she could almost do it.

When she got to the house, her feet were pounding and aching horribly. The living room light was on, thank God, and Roan walked up the little path leading to the front door. With every step she took, she willed herself to calm down.

The second she neared the door, the hysteria came back, and she all but pounded on the door. It opened, and a confused and tired looking Dianne stood there in snowman pajamas. Dianne's eyes widened at the girls appearance.

"Roan!? What's wrong, baby?" she asked. The genuine worry in her voice made Roan sob again and Dianne put her arms around her and pulled her out of the cold. Dianne sat her down on the couch and held her in her arms, letting her cry. By the time Roan was calmed down enough to talk, the kind woman had placed a hot cup of coffee in her hands and a blanket around her shoulders.

"Roan, love, you have to tell me what's happened." She said, rubbing her shoulders. So Roan explained everything, except one thing; she didn’t tell her that her mother had hit her.

"…and then I left out of the bathroom window. And I think the police are looking for me." Roan said, hiccupping.

"Oh, dear… This isn't good." Dianne muttered. Roan shook her head.

"I'm so sorry, Dianne." Roan said, crying again, "I'm sorry I came here and woke you up and make you worry..."

"No, Roan. It's fine. I'm glad you came here. By the way, how did you get here?"

"I ran."

Dianne looked shocked to say the least.
"Ran!? Roan, there's snow on the ground! And-and, you're not wearing shoes, child!"

"I forgot them." Roan said, rubbing her eyes. Her head was pounding horribly now, even with the hot coffee.

“Oh dear…”

Dianne got up off the couch and paced the floor.
“Dear, you have to go home.” Dianne said, sitting down next to Roan. She placed her arms around her as Roan gave a small sob. “I’m so sorry, Roan. I know you don’t want to, but the police will be looking for you.”

Roan gave a rattling breath and looked at Dianne. It all but broke the older woman’s heart to see her like this.

“Okay.” Roan said, “Just stay with me for a little while… Please? Just until the cops leave…?”

“Of course. Let me go and get Will up.” Dianne said, squeezing the girl’s hand and getting up from the couch.

Mozart took her place and rubbed himself against Roan’s leg. She scratched behind his ears gently, making him purr loudly. Even for nearly one in the morning he was as cheerful as ever.

“Yo, Mozart.” Roan said, repeating Jack Barakat’s typical greeting to the cat. She picked him up and crossed her legs. He rubbed his head under her chin and started kneading Roan’s arm. Roan giggled, despite herself, at his cold nose tickling her.

A few minutes later and Dianne came out, a sleepy Will walking behind her. She handed Roan a pair of socks and slippers.

“They may be too big, but they’re the smallest ones I have.” Dianne said, pulling Mozart out of Roan’s arm so she could pull the socks and slippers on her feet. Will handed her a hoodie that Alex had left on tour. She pulled it over her clothes and stood up. Her feet seared with pain.

“Come on, love.” Dianne said, taking the girls hand.

Alex Gaskgarth was dreaming.

He was dreaming that he was in a big, white, warm room. There was a thumping sound filling the room, almost like a heartbeat. He didn’t know why, but the sound made him happy. It made him feel complete.

The setting changed, and now he was lying down, breathing deeply. He was laying on something soft, and that same beautiful heartbeat sound was all around him.

Next to him something shifted, and he opened his eyes. She was there, with him. She was
sleeping, her pale and delicate face peaceful. At the sight of this face, his heart leapt with a fierce happiness, and she opened her eyes.

The dream ended there, and Alex found himself staring up at the bunk above him, his heart beating wildly.

Everything about that dream was wrong. First off, he had never had a dream quite like that before. Second, he was pretty sure he should not be having dreams about anyone other than his own girlfriend.

He groaned and flipped over onto his stomach. This was the third time this week he had had a dream about her.

He had only been on tour for twelve hours, and already he missed being around her. And he
felt guilty about it, because one, he had a girlfriend that he should be missing, and yet he wasn’t. And the number two reason? Well, she was just one date away from having her own significant other.

He swore loudly, and heard someone outside the bunk jump from the sound.

“Alex?” Zack asked, pulling the curtain back that shielded the bunk. Alex squinted at the light. It was daylight.

“What?” he snapped, rubbing his eyes.

“Why are you up so early? It’s only like eleven.” Zack said, leaning against the bunk.

“Stupid dreams…” Alex muttered. “I’ve decided I don’t like them.” He sat up and got out of his bunk.

Zack moved to lean against Jack and Rian’s bunks, across from Alex. “And why do you so suddenly hate dreams?” he asked.

“I had this weird one about Roan.” Alex said, playing with his hair.

“Weird like how?”

“Like…she was just there… And I had never felt more happy to see her. It felt like I was in love with her, you know?” Alex looked at Zack. “I shouldn’t be having dreams like that about my best girl friend, should I?”

Zack shrugged. “I don’t know, dude. Karrera and Rian were best friends, and now look at them. They’re in love with each other and all that junk.” Zack sat down on Rian’s bunk, across from Alex.

Alex was quiet for a moment.

“What are you trying to say?” he finally said, looking at Zack wearily.

Zack laughed. “Maybe it’s a sign…” he said, drifting off.

“No. It’s not.” Alex said, “She has Asher and I have Katie. She’s my best friend. That’s all.”

“Whatever, man.” Zack said, getting up and stretching. “But just for the record, Al. She doesn’t have Asher. Not yet. And having Katie, well, that’s nothing to be proud of.” He grinned at Alex glaring at him, and walked off.

Roan was trembling almost violently. She was nothing short of terrified to be going back to her own home. Thankfully, Dianne was still with her. At the current moment they were riding in Dianne’s car to Roan’s house. Roan looked at the clock and noticed the time: 1:27 AM.

“I’m so sorry.” She said quietly, her voice hoarse. Dianne looked at her.

“Sweetie, what for?”

“For coming and getting you up so early. I shouldn’t have done it.” Roan wrung her hands in her lap and a single tear fell on them.

“It’s no problem. I’m glad you came to me. You’re like one of my own, love.” Dianne said. She took one of her hands of the steering wheel and placed it over Roan’s trembling ones. “It’s going to be okay, baby. I promise.” She smiled at the terrified girl.

Roan took a shuddering breath and looked outside the frosty window. It had started to sleet and ruin all the beautiful snow. She scowled. It wasn’t fair.

And, then, suddenly, she remembered. It was officially Wednesday. Tonight she would be with Asher again.

The tiniest flicker of hope flared in her stomach, and that, along with Dianne’s hand, she clung to more than anything.

Finally, after a time that seemed too short, Dianne’s car pulled into the driveway of the Yates Family Home, and Roan fought down a new wave of panic. A police car was sitting in the driveway in front of them.

“Calm.” She muttered to herself, just as Dianne whispered, “It’s going to be okay, my girl.”
With a deep, reassuring breath, Roan stepped out of the car into the turbulent weather.

Dianne held her hand the whole time, keeping her close, and Roan had to fight down tears again-not for fear, but for the love she felt for the motherly woman beside her.

Dianne opened the door for Roan, and they both stepped in. They heard shuffling in the kitchen, and some deep, unrecognizable voices, and a second later, two cops rounded the corner with Roan’s mother walking behind them.

“You’re the person who called us here on a domestic dispute?” One of the cops, a short and stocky one, said.

“Yes.” Roan said, her voice as timid as a mouse’s. Dianne placed her arms around the girl’s shoulders.

“And who are you?” the cop asked Dianne.

Dianne stood up straight and proud, almost haughty.
“I am Dianne Gaskgarth. Roan is my son’s best friend. She came to my house tonight after she called the police.” She said, eyeing the cops.

Roan looked over the shorter cops shoulder and saw her mother’s eyes narrow at Dianne. Immediate dislike. Roan felt something almost like hatred rise in her stomach.

“Your mother claims there was no domestic dispute here tonight. At least, nothing more than a simple argument. Do you realize that calling in a false incident is a crime?” The other cop, a taller, burly one, said.

“She’s lying!” Roan said, nearly outraged. “Ask the neighbors. I’m sure they heard them, my parents, arguing.”

Both cops eyed her and Dianne’s arms tightened around her shoulders.

“Either way, we’re not pressing charges. But if it happens again, we will.” The taller cop said, “Take this as a warning, to both of you.” He said, looking between mother and daughter.

“Thank you, officer.” Margaret Yates said, “We appreciate everything you’ve done tonight.”
She led the cops to the door, and after they left the house, she turned to Roan and Dianne.
“Who the hell did you say you were?” Margaret asked rudely.

“Dianne Gaskgarth. Your lovely daughter Roan, here, is friends with both my sons, Alexander and Christopher.” Dianne said, never even faltering at the rude tone.

“Lovely. Humph.” Margaret muttered. “You can leave now.”

Roan opened her mouth to yell at her mother, but Dianne shushed her quietly.

“Of course, Mrs. Yates.” Dianne said, turning to Roan. “Come to me anytime, kitten.” She said softly as she hugged Roan tightly. Roan had to force herself to let go.

Dianne turned and walked to the door Margaret had opened for her. The second she was out the door, Margaret slammed it shut.

“Next time you call the cops on me, you better not come home.” Margaret hissed.

“What are you going to do to me?” Roan said, bravery flaring in her. “Hit me again?”
Margaret glared with an intensity that not even Roan could match. “You heard me.” She said, turning to the stairs. “And as for you, you little slut, this whole ‘my son is her best friend’, well, that’s a load of bullshit. You’re probably fucking both her sons.”

Margaret turned and stalked up the stairs, leaving her daughter shaking in anger.

The next morning…

Alex, who was sitting on the bus as he rumbled along a highway, grabbed his phone as it went off. It was his mother.

“Hey, mom.” He said in greeting. “Anything new?”

“Well, yes, sadly. You should probably call Roan today, after her classes are out.” His mother said.

Panic flared in his stomach. “Roan? What’s wrong? What’s happened?”

“She’s okay. Don’t worry…” Dianne soothed her son, and then went into explanation about the things that had happened the night before.

By the time the call with his mother ended, he was still worried. Jack and Matt tried calming him down, but it still didn’t work. Alex still found it hard to resist the urge to call her when she was in school. It was only noon, she still had two and a half hours left of school.

He left the company of his friends and band mates, and went to the back of the bus, to his bunk.

Just the day before, Tuesday morning, he had woken up because of a dream of her. The thought of her running through the suburbs of Baltimore, shoeless and terrified, scared and angered him to the core. He wanted nothing more right now than to be with her and comfort her.

Roan’s head was slumped on the lunch table. She could barely eat. Chris, who was sitting next to her, rubbed her back.

She felt tired. Tired and drained… It had been a battle in itself to pull herself out of bed that morning.

She hadn’t seen Asher once all day, and for once, she didn’t care. She was too tired and too miserable.

The comment her mother had said to her last night was still bothering her, and the rudeness she displayed to Dianne cut her to the core as well. Dianne had been nothing short of amazingly nice, generous and loving to Roan. She made her feel wanted.

She groaned, and turned her head to face Chris.

“Everything was going so well…” she said woefully.

Chris wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “I know, Ro. It’s going to be better, though. You have a hot date tonight, remember?” Chris said, squeezing her warmly. “You know everything your mother said last night was a giant lie, and she’s just jealous that you’re happy and she’s not.”

Roan sighed, and her head pounded.“Do you think Asher is going to be able to put up with me?” Roan said, “With all my parents fighting and the baggage that comes with it?” she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

“He better, or he’s going to have me, Alex, Jack, Rian, Zack, Mikey, Angelo and every other person who cares about you to answer to.” He said.

Roan grinned. “Speaking of Mikey and Angelo… Where have they been lately?” she said. Her head pounded painfully at the noisy volume of the lunch room.

“Angelo has gotten hooked up with some freshman girl, and Mikey is involved with some chess club or something like that.” Chris said, shrugging.

“Ah… How’s Samantha?” Roan asked off-handedly. Chris grinned.

“Good. She asked me to go to the Valentine’s Day dance with her.” Chris said. His smile, so much like his older brothers, stretched across his face.

Roan smiled too. “Good.” She said.

The bell rang shrilly, making Roan’s face scrunch in obvious pain.

“Feel better, kid. You got to charm that sexy man of yours tonight!” Chris said, winking and getting up from the table. Roan smiled.

Roan stepped into her house and dropped her stuff heavily at the door. She was exhausted and drained, and felt as though she could fall asleep at any moment.

She walked over to the threadbare couch and flopped down on it. She closed her eyes, and was all for her mind sleep into the sweet abyss that was dreamland.

Her phone rang.

With a long groan and a few choice swear words, she picked the phone up. The name on the screen flashed “That sexy beast- ALEX!”

Roan picked the phone up and muttered a groggy greeting.

“Roan! Are you okay? What’s going on? Mum called me.” Alex said, clearly agitated.
Roan smiled. He only ever call his mother “mum” when he was worried or nervous, and he would blush insanely if any one pointed it out; it was an old habit from his years of living in England.

“I’m okay, Alex. Mom isn’t home.” She said, rubbing her eyes. She then explained everything that happened again, with Alex interrupting every few minutes with questions or statements. When Roan admitted to him that her mother had struck her, Alex started yelling.

“SHE WHAT?!” Alex said.

“Alex, relax.” She said.

“NO!” He yelled again, “She hit you!? And you didn’t tell the cops? Or mum? You’re crazy.” Alex said.

“Probably.” Roan muttered, almost asleep, but she doubted he heard.

“Pack your things now, and go to my parent’s house. You can stay in my room. You can live there.” Alex said, “I’m dead serious. When Rian and I buy our own house, you can move in. You can stay with me. You’re old enough to be emancipated from your parents, you know.”

“I know, Alex. I’ll be fine.” Roan said, yawning. “It won’t happen again. When I called the cops it scared her. She won’t dare hit me again, because she knows I will tell. If anyone knows how my mother works, it’s me.”

Alex sighed. “It’s not the point. If it happens again, tell me. You’ll move in with me even if I have to drag you there by your hair.”

Roan laughed. “Kinky.”

“You know what I mean.” Alex warned.

“Yes, yes I know.” She said. She truly felt exhausted. This was the most thinking and speaking she had done all day. “Katie won’t like me living with you.”

“Fuck Katie!” Alex hissed.

Roan grinned in satisfaction. She heard Matt’s voice in the background, and heard Alex sigh angrily.

“I have to go.” Alex said, “Call me later, k?”

“Okay.” Roan said.


“Cross my heart and hope to die.”

They ended their call, and Roan dragged herself upstairs to her bedroom, where she put her alarm clock on to go off an hour before Asher picked her up. She fell on top the bed and fell asleep immediately.

Roan grabbed her house keys and raced down the steps. She saw Asher’s car pull into her driveway.

She walked swiftly out of the house and nearly ran into Asher at the doorway.

“Eager, are we?” he said, grinning.

She smiled nervously. “I suppose.” She grabbed his hand and turned him around, pulling him away from her house.

“You okay?” Asher asked her.

“Yeah… Mom and I had a fight last night, so I’m eager to get away from her.” Roan said, slowing her pace.

“Ah, I see.” Asher said. He opened the passenger side door for her, and she gratefully climbed into the warm interior. He took her hand when he got into the car.

They were driving down the snowy road when he asked, “Are you okay? You seemed out of it all day.”

“Yeah, just exhausted.” She said, “I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

They came to their first red light, and he looked at her.

“You sure? We can cancel tonight If you want.” He said.

“No. I’m fine, I promise.” She said, holding his hand more tightly. He smiled brightly.

They kept on driving, and Roan got to look at what he was wearing. He was wearing dark jeans, a white button up shirt and converse’s. Simple, but cute as ever.

After ten minutes or so, they pulled into a nice apartment complex. He parked the car in a
parking lot that had a gate and a guard and was surrounded by hedges.

Asher led her to the lobby of the apartment complex, which had a shiny floor and an elevator that Roan could see her reflection in.

“You live here?!” she said, flabbergasted.

“Yeah.” Asher said, “We own half the top floor.” He said, hitting the button for the top floor.

“What do your parents do?” she asked, amazed.

Asher wrapped his arm around her waist. “Dad is the editor-in-chief at the Baltimore Sun, and mom stays at home, playing trophy wife. Dad also co-owns a few businesses and his father left him a ton of money when he died. He owned a publishing company in Greece.” He said.

“Wow.” She said.

“Yeah, I guess.” Asher said. She was glad to see he wasn’t cocky or arrogant about his family’s wealth.

Finally they reached the top floor, and he led her out of the shiny elevator to a grand door that was white with a gold handle and gold leafing. A golden plate said “Dorkas” in elegant script.

“Are your parent’s home?” Roan asked as Asher slipped a key into the lock.

He grinned. “Nope… They took a third honeymoon to the Bahamas.”

He opened the door and led her into a large foyer. The huge apartment was mostly white, and had black trimming with gold door knobs. From the foyer he led her to a living room with the same white and black theme and a large black leather couch, and a huge entertainment system opposite of it.

Roan was amazed. The kitchen was huge, with tons of up-to-date appliances and a wine closet. The walls were painted a dark, blood red and the cabinets were black with gold fixtures and granite for all bar and island’s tops. He also led her down the hallway, then to a door on the left, which was his room.

It was large, to say the least.
It was painted a dark green, and its trim was also black and gold. It had a king sized bed that was black” black comforter, head board, pillows, sheets. There was a black couch, an entertainment system, and black curtains along with a black carpet. A computer was sitting in one computer with books and magazine’s piled around it. On the wall opposite of the door, a huge collage of Greece was painted with all the ancient structures shown.

“Wow. Nice room.” She said, clearly impressed.

“Yeah. The collage of Greece is weird, though.” He said, grinning.

She smiled.

“What movie are we watching?” she asked.

“I’m not sure. Want to go and pick one out?” Asher said. She nodded and followed him out of his room.

He led her to the living room, and they picked out the simple Disney movie “Beauty and the Beast” to watch.

“Do you want to order food or go out?” he asked after they picked out their movie.

“Order in, if you don’t mind.” She said. She was still too tired to want to leave the comfortable apartment.

“Chinese, pizza…?”


“As you command, m’lady.” He said, smiling. She felt her heart beat faster.

The ordered their food, and sat talking until it came.

“What’s your favorite song?” he asked her.

“It’s ‘Hey Jude’ by the Beatles.” Roan said. “Yours?”

“Hm… I would have to say ‘Last Night’ by the Strokes, or, ‘Moonlight Sonata’ by Beethoven.”
Asher said. “Now, it’s your turn.”

“Ah, well… Favorite place you ever visited?” she asked.

“France. We visited there last summer. It was my favorite place to travel. With a few exceptions, of course.” He said.

“Mind if I ask what those exceptions are?” Roan said, tucking her feet under her. They were sitting in the living room, on the couch.

He grinned sheepishly. “Ah… well…” he said. His cheeks turned a slight pink.

“You don’t have to tell me.” She said.

“No, it’s fine. I don’t mind you knowing...” he said. He cleared this throat. “I lost my virginity when we were there. To a 19 year-old named Gigi.” He said.

Roan blushed, and looked down. “Oh…” she said.

“Yes. Not one of my bright and shining moments. I only knew her for a week or so when it happened.” He said. His cheeks were still a light pink.

“Oh.” She said.

“Yes.” He said. “Where was your favorite place to travel?”

“Um… Niagra Falls, I guess. I haven’t been many places.” She said, pushing some hair out of her eyes.

The door bell buzzed, and Asher got up the get the food.

One Hour Later…

Asher looked down halfway through the movie, and saw Roan sleeping against his chest. He grinned, and tightened his arm around her. When the end credits rolled around, he gently shook her awake.

She groaned, and opened a bleary eye.

“Did I fall asleep?” she asked, yawning softly.

“Afraid so.” He said, but he was smiling.

“Oh no, Asher… I’m sorry!” she said, embarrassed and angry all at thr same time.

“It’s okay, Roan.” Asher said. He placed his arm around her again.

“I missed our whole date!” she cried.

He smiled. “It’s fine, Roan. It was actually really nice, you know. Getting to hold you like that.” Asher said, grinning and blushing ever so slightly.

She blushed too, and smiled. “Oh. Well, in that case…”

Asher grinned even wider, and stood up from the couch.
“Unfortantely, though, I have to take you home.” He said. Now he frowned.

“Not really, you know… Mom wouldn’t care, really, if I came home late.” Roan said, smiling innocently up at him.

Asher smiled wide, and took her hand to help her up.

“Oh yeah?” he said. He pulled her against his chest again, and wrapped his arm around her waist.

“Yeah. She doesn’t really care, to be honest, whether or not I come late. Or even if I come home at all.”

Asher frowned again. “That can’t be true.” He said softly.

“It is, actually. Alex’s parents are the only adults in my life that really care if I come home or not.” Roan said. She started playing with one of the buttons on his shirt.

“Well, I’m legally an adult now I turned 18 a week and a half. I care if you come home.” He said, smiling again at her.

“You didn’t tell me it was your birthday recently!” she said, pulling away from his slightly. “I would of gotten you something.”

“Nah, it’s fine. We didn’t make too much of a big deal about it. Mom and Dad left that night, anyway, for Chicago. Business trip.” Asher said, rolling his eyes. “I got what I wanted, though.”

“And what’s that?” she asked. She went bacl to playing with his button. The smell of his after shave was putting her in a glorius intoxication.

“I get to go to Europe all summer.” He said, “After I graduate.”

“Wow. Lucky! I’m extremely jealous.” She laughed.

Asher grinned. “Well, where to after this? Ice cream?”

She thought for moment. “I want to meet Arlington, and then we can get ice cream.”

Asher laughed. “Arlington? My mouse? I can’t believe you remembered him.” He grinned
and chuckled again.

“Of course I did! He sounds adorable.”

“Okay, then. You can meet him.” Asher held her hand and let her down the hallway to his green bedroom. She hadn’t noticed it before, but next to the computer a cage with an exercise wheel and colorful tubes. A little brown mouse, about the size of Roan’s ring finger, was sleeping in the corner, tucked in between his food dish and the mesh wall of his cage.
He was sleeping under the heat lamp, and every now and again he would kick his little legs.

“Aw!” Roan exclaimed. He was adorable. Asher rolled his eyes and playfully mumbled ‘girls’.

He reached into the cage and gently picked up the small creature, and placed it on Roan’s palm.

Arlington stood up, looked up at Roan, and started cleaning his whiskers.

Roan giggled, and Asher smiled at her reaction.

“How did you get him?” she asked, stroking the little mouse’s head.

“A year or so back, when Dawson was still living here, he had this small snake that needed to be feed mice. Well, our baby cousin Madeline was here, and she saw that Dawson was about to feed Monty, his snake. She freaked, naturally, and made me rescue the mouse he was about to feed to Monty. So, along came Arligton. I send her pictures of him every now and then and she comes and visits the little dude.” Asher said.

Roan smiled and sat on his bed. Now Arlington was smelling her hand, giving it a little, gently nibble every now and again. “Who would of thought? Asher Dorkas: Mouse Warrior.”

Two Hours Later…

Roan groaned inwardly as Asher pulled up to her house. In no way did she want to leave being around him, and go back to her mother.

He opened the car’s door for her, and had his arm wrapped around her aws they walked up the pathway to her house. At the doorway, though, he held her back.

“Did you have fun tonight?” he asked her, placing a hand on her hip.

“Of course I did.” She said. She stepped closer to him.

“Good.” He said, “You know, I really do like you Roan. A lot.” He said. She clearly noted how his voice had gotten huskier.

“I like you a lot, too, Asher.”

He smiled softly, and leaned down.

It was very gentle, very soft… but all the same, Roan felt her heart rate speed up. He was actually kissing her; the thing she had been dreaming of for weeks now was finally happening.

She found her mind had gone blissfully blank. It was better, by a thousand times, then she ever could of imagined it to be. His arms had wrapped around her waist even tightier as he pulled her against him. Her arms had wound their way around his neck, and she had to stand on her tippy toes to keep from breaking the kiss. He suddenly applied more gentle pressure, and his tongue pressed against her lips. Shock and happiness shot through her body so suddenly it almost hurt. He pulled away then, and looked down at her grinning wildly.

She giggled as she looked at him. Her arms were still wrapped around his neck, as were his stilled wrapped around her waist.

“Thanks for an amazing night.” He said softly. He kissed her forehead quickly, and let go. Roan reluctantly pulled away also.

“My definite pleasure.” She said, giggling again. He grinned at her giggling, and told her goodnight before she went into the house.

Once in the house, Roan felt a happiness break over her. It made her want run in circles, to do something daring. She waltzed up to her room, humming “Moonlight Sonata” cheerfully.

As she entered her room, she suddenly remembered the promise she had made to Alex, and she called him immediately.

“Hello?” Alex answered. His voice was raw and hoarse. They must of justfinished a show.

“Alex! It happened!” she said joyfully.

“What happened?” he said, clearly confused.

“He kissed me! Just now! Right in front of my house!” she said. She fell back on her bed. Duncan fell off it.

“Wow… Roan. Wow. Congrats.” Alex said.

“Thanks! It was amazing… It was great.” She said. She found she was out of breath.

“Ha, yeah, it has that effect on most people.” He said. She giggled.

“Well, I promised I would tell you.” She said.

“Yes you did. Well, I’m sure you want to write this down in your diary or something. Good night, babe. I’ll talk to you tomorrow or something.” Alex said. They ended their call.

Alex sat back down on the couch in the bus, and drained his beer. His mood was suddenly quite a bit worse than it had been five minutes ago.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello, fine readers!
I hope you enjoy this very, very long chapter of mine. Please, please, please comment!!
How cool is it that the 25th chapter came out on the 25th day?!
XO, Ashton

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