Let the Flames Begin

Chapter2: Hayley'sPOV

The next day....
Today was the day that we would start to record. we where going to at least have 11 tracks on the album. Josh came up with an idea for the cover and said that it could be call ALL WE KNOW IS FALLING. We all agreed and then headed off to the studio.

8 hours later
" WE FINISHED RECORDING! WE FINISHED RECORDING! WE FINISH.." i sang while jummping around it the car.

"Hayley! we get it! we finished recording." Josh yelled at me.

"Ok. gosh! dont get your granny panties in a twist!"
every one started to crack up laughing.

" Are you implying that i am a woman."

"yes. yes i am!" i said just as we pulled in to my drive way. He was going to say some smart ass remark back but i jummped out of the car be for he could say anything.

i quickly ran into the house and tackled my sister to the ground screaming in her ear.
i think she got the point after the first hour.

i had to go up stairs and get packed for warped tour. my sis was comming with us so she and i packed together. when we where done we went strait to bed excited as could be for what the next few months had instor for us.
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mk here is the next one. srry it took so long! loves yas!
