Let the Flames Begin

Chapter3: Aly's POV

Today was the day! I didn't sleep a wink last night. When i got out of bed, i quickly took a shower and changed into my clothes. THen i dragged my four suitecases down stairs and I went to watch so TV only to hear the doorbell ring.

I got up to answer the door and outside stood the one and only Brendon Urie. I quickly opened the door and invited him in.

"Uhhh...h..hi." he stuttered.

"Um.hi. let me go see if Hayley is ready."

I walked into her room only to see her asleep on her bed not even showered yet.

"YO HAYLEY! THE BUS IS HERE!" I yelled in her ear.

She immidiatly woke up and bonked heads with me because i was still leaning over her.

"What the? OMG! I forgot! Uggg why me?"

"Because you are too lazzy to wake up to an alarm, pumpkin!" I said in my sickly sweet mother voice.

"Oh shut up!"

"Well missy the bus is here, Brendon Urie is wating in our living room, and you haven't even showered yet!"

"Ok, Ok. I'll be down in a minute. I just wont bother to take a shower."

"Good now hurry! There wating on us. Well there really wating on you."

"Just leave so i can get ready."

"Will do mam!" I saluted and walked out of her room so she could get ready.

I went back down stairs to see Brendon sitting on the coutch(sp?)

"Sorry about that. She forgot so she will be down soon." Just as i said that Hayley came down with her four suitecases and started to head out the door to the hugge bus that was awaiting us.
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second update! besure to read chapter 2 first!
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