Sharlot and the Werewolf

Chapter 22

Finding the Culprit:

I finally got up off the floor, painfully. I guzzled four viles of blood and tried to shake off the depression. I attempted to help my friends put together clues to find this illiot. They rarely addressed me knowing that I would be little to no help. I stared at the clues and nothing made sense to me.

I sighed and got up.

"Hey," I said weakly, “let’s watch a movie." I was willing my mind to function again.

"Sure." Said Doll, you could hear the hope in her voice.

"Okay." Matt agreed, you could hear the sorrow in his.

"Baby?" Lance's voice oozed curiosity.

I ignored him and popped in West Side Story, my favorite movie. I sang along and cried at all the right parts. I started to feel the revenge burn in my blood again, (eyes turning scarlet). I started to review the clues. I kept willing them to make sense to me.

I walked over to my cell phone and picked it up. The other line rang twice before I got an answer.

"Hey, who is this?" a women's voice said.

"Hello, this is Sharlot. May I speak to Edmund?" I said.

"Sure, honey." I could hear her cover the mouth piece to call his name. I felt a stab of pain in my chest when the lady called me honey. Thats what mom calls me, my inner voice said.

"Hello, Sharlot." Edmund said soon after.

"Can you come over?"

"Sure." Then I hung up.

Seconds later Ed, was at my door shocked when he saw a werewolf on my couch.

"What’s up?"

"illiot." Was all I said and I saw his reaction.

"The man who restarted the wars."

"They restarted?"

Ed nodded.

"He is a werewolf crime lord who is killing every vampire he can get his hands on."

My heart dropped.

"He has my parents." I whispered.
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short but scary