Status: finished

The Party Scene

Chapter 1

Ally woke up to a loud crash coming from downstairs. She ran down stairs to see what was going on. When she got down there she saw Jack and Alex by the mantel and on the ground was the sculpture that took her hours to make on the ground in twelve different pieces. She started yelling at Alex like someone had died or something

"Alex, what the hell did you break my sculpture for?"

"I didn't break it, Jack did!"

"Whatever,Alex. Jack would never do that he knows how hard i worked on that."

"Whatever,Ally! I didn't do it"

"You did it and you know you did, you just don't want to admit it. Just get out of my house."

"Fine! I was leaving anyway, I'll see you at band practice later Jack"

Alex slammed the door shut. She rolled her eyes and started to talk to Jack

"I'm going to go get ready to go get Hailey, so I'll be ready in a bit" She runs upstairs.

--------------------------------Thirty Minutes Later------------------------

Jack and Ally got in their blue Honda Civic to go get Hailey. Jack like sped there, Ally practically had to hug the seat to stay in one place. He stopped to a really abrut hault. Ally called Hailey and yelled at her to get out there. Hailey got in the car and Jack turned into a lovesick nerd. Ally made fun of him the whole way to band practice at Zack's house.

They got there and Ally ran out of the car saying, "Land!" while attacking the ground. All the rest of the band saw this and started laughing really loudly.

"Did Jack take you on another one of his crazy, oh my gosh i need my girlfriend rides?" Zack said while laughing

"Yes he did and I thought I was going to die. Thank god she only lives like two blocks away or I'd be dead." Ally said

"Hahaha. Well yes, thank god for that." Zack said as he walked toward Ally

Zack took her hand.

"I want to show you my new bass I got the other day."

"Aww why do you want to show just me?"

"Well.." His face got really red.

Alex makes puking noise.

"Shut up,Alex!" Ally says

"Whatever. The only reason he wants to show is he wants to be alone with you, so he can get in your pants. Because he loves you." Alex says

"That's not true,Alex! I don't just want to get in her pants. But I do like her...alot." Zack said as his face turned red again.

"Well go for it then man. But I hope you like bitches."

"What the fuck Alex! She is not a bitch. You are so rude, how could you say that about one of your best friends sister." Hailey said.

"Ok sorry jeez, don't get your panties in wad." Alex said

"Alex don't be rude to my girlfriend!!" Jack said

"Ok I'm sorry. Please don't hate me Jack!"

Alex goes over and hugs Jack. Zack joins in just because he felt left out. Then walked back toward Ally.

"I'm sorry about all that. Do you still want to see my bass?" Zack asks

"It's alright, it's not your fault Alex in mean. And of course I'll see your new bass. Let's go." Ally says as she takes Zack's hand and pulls him to the garage.

The rest of the band and Hailey tell them they are going to Poncho's to get something to eat and they'll be back in a few.

----------------------------------In the garage----------------------------

Ally and Zack were looking at his bass. Or more like Zack was looking at Ally the whole time while she was looking at the bass. There was an awkward silence so Zack started a converstation.

"So do you like it?"

"Yes, it's a nice one."

"Yeah it is."

"So do you really like me or were you just saying that to get Alex off your back?" said Ally

"Well...I do really like you. I would never make up anything to get Alex off my back, he's really not worth it."

"I see.."

Zack leans in towards Ally and there lips touch. They have a really passionate kiss until Alex walks in and ruins it.

"Oh look at the love birds making babies in the garage."

Jack runs up beside Alex. "What? Zack get the fuck off my sister."

"Jack we were just looking at my bass is all. Alex is making it up."

"No I'm not!" Alex said

"Yeah Alex isn't making it up. Zack and I did kiss, and there's nothing you can do about it Jack." Ally says

"The hell there isn't." He walks over to Ally and pulls her by the arm to the car.

"Where are you taking me?"

"I'm taking you home." yells to band members "I'll be right back guys"

"But I want to stay!" Ally says

"No because you will interfere with band practice."

"You get to have your girlfriend here while you practice, so why can't I stay?"

"Yeah Jack, let her stay" Hailey says

"Alright, but only because you said so honey." He let's go of Ally.

"Thank you, Hailey" Ally says

"Your welcome. Now let's see some band practice."

They all go to the garage so band practice can offically happen.