Status: finished

The Party Scene

Chapter 12

-------------------------------------2 MONTHS LATER-------------------------------

Ally was glad to be back home and not on the road anymore. It was less drama being home, even though she had to go to school and couldn't see her boyfriend all that much. It was still better than being on a bus with Zack. The cheating bastard that Ally could not really stand at the moment, at least not until he apologized. So until then Ally was not going to talk to him or even acknowledge his presence. I mean it's what he deserved after everything he put her through. But all of that had to leave her mind, it was time for school and she had to act normal like everything had been great on tour. She couldn't wait to see all her friends. I mean hanging out with Hailey,Jack,Alex, and Rian was great and all but she missed hanging out with people who were still in school and had to worry about things she worried about. She mostly missed Caleb, he'd been her best friend since kindergarten and she hadn't seen him in almost 6 months. Ally really missed him and couldn't wait to see him again. Her thoughts were interrupted by Jack yelling at her to come down stairs, so she could take he to school.

Ally jumped in the car just as Jack was starting it. Jack gave her a dirty look as she slammed the door shut, of course she had to ask what was wrong.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh besides having to get up early to take you to school or the fact that Hailey might be going to Paris for a month with her parents."

"Well the getting up thing you will get over. Wait! I didn't know Hailey might be going to Paris. Since when did this happen?"

"Since her parents are on some European kick."

"Ugh not another one of there kicks."

"Yeah and there making her go this time."

"Really? Why?"

"Something about how she's always gone and some other dumb stuff."

"Oh well has she tried to talk them out of it?"

"Yeah plenty of times but there pretty set on it."

"That really sucks. I'm so sorry Jack!"

"Yeah. I'm really going to miss her. She's what's keeps me going everyday."

"Aw that's really sweet! I didn't know she meant that much."

"Well yeah I mean, she's been my first everything. Plus she's always there no matter how stupid I am."

"Awww that's so cute and you do get pretty stupid."

"Gee thanks."

"Your welcome! But don't worry Jack, you know she will be back."

"Yeah but one month without seeing her wonderful face and not being able to hold her will just kill me. I really need her Ally."

"Aww. Why don't you try talking to her parents?"

"Well I never really thought of it."

"You should, just say some of the stuff you said to me. I'm sure they will cave."

"Hmm I'll try it. Thanks sis!"

"Your welcome! Well I'll see you after school and you better tell me what happens, okay?"

"Okay! Bye!"

Ally gets out of the car and wave goodbye to Jack. Then goes to the door and goes inside, the old familiar smell of pencil shavings and biscuits fill her nose. She makes her way upstairs to her locker. On the way there she runs into Caleb and Kyle, she completely freaks out on them. She runs up to them and hugs them really tight, they go along with it and when that's done they ask why she's so happy to see them.

"Whoa Ally! Why are you so happy?" Caleb asks.

"I'm happy because I feel like I haven't seen you in so long!"

"Aw! That's so sweet. But was touring with All Time Low that bad?" Kyle jokes.

"Hahah. No it's just I missed people my own age, even though there only 1 year older."

"Haha. Aww well we are glad to have you back!" Caleb says.

"Yeah it is great to have you back Ally."

"Thanks guys! So what have you been up to?"

"Well we've been getting together everyday with our new band we started." Caleb says.

"Oh you started a band! What do you call it?"

"We call it Forever The Sickest Kids." Kyle gloats.

"Oh very nice name!"

"Thanks but that's pretty much all we have been up to. So how was the tour?"

"It was alright just alot of boy drama, who would of know how much drama two boys could make."

"Wait! All Time Low made drama?" Kyle and Caleb ask.

"Yeah it was some love drama, one secretly loved me, then the one I was dating cheated on me after I gave it up and then they fought, I had sex with the one with the secret crush and that was the end."

"Hmm pretty interesting. So which one are you dating now?" Caleb asks.

"Oh I'm dating Alex."

"Oh he's a catch there Ally!" Kyle teases.

"Shut up Kyle! He's really sweet and just totally amazing!"

"Aww somebody's in love." Kyle and Caleb tease.

"Shut up!"

"We can't help it you get star stuck when you talk about him." Kyle and Caleb tease.

"Well I can't help it, he's pretty much the best!"

"Haha. Good for you Ally! It's about time you found a good man." Caleb says.

"Oh thanks guys!"

"But if he breaks your heart we are going to have to hurt him." Caleb says.

"Aww that's really sweet!"

"That's what best friends are for after all!" Kyle and Caleb say.

"Well you guys are some wonderful best friends. I've got to go to my locker before class starts, so I'll see you guys later."

"K, bye A-dawg!" Kyle says.

"Bye Ally!" Caleb says.

"Bye!" Ally says then makes her way to her locker.

Moments later the bell rings and Ally gets into her locker then makes her way to first hour.
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