Status: finished

The Party Scene

Chapter 13

So the rest of the day went pretty smoothly for Ally. She got to see all her friends that she felt she hadn't seen in ages. The only bad part of the day was the school work and the lunch food but other than that she made it through the whole day smiling, she missed Alex though. She had practically spent every minute with him since they started dating so it was hard for her to be away from him for so long. Kyle and Caleb made fun of her for this but she just laughed along with them, I mean she thought it was pretty funny too.

Ally was at the edge of her seat waiting for the bell to ring in seventh hour, she kept looking at the clock every two minutes waiting. She wanted to know how everything went with Hailey's parents. Ally didn't want Hailey to go to Paris either for a month, I mean she was her best friend and her brother's girlfriend she would have to listen to Jack cry about how much he missed her every single day, so that was another reason. She was awoken from her thoughts as the bell rang to end the day. Ally quickly jumped up and ran to her locker and threw her books in it. Then ran out the door, she immediately saw Jack's car and ran to it. She slid inside and quickly asked Jack how everything went.

"So how was it?"

"It was good! I talked them into letting Hailey not go and she is going to stay with us while they go to Paris."

"Really? Oh my gosh! That's awesome!"

"Yeah and Ally I really owe you one."

"What do you mean you owe me one?"

"Well you gave me the idea to talk to her parents, and I did. So if you wouldn't have told me I wouldn't and she'd still be going to Paris."

"Oh well that's sweet of you Jack."

"Yeah I really owe you. Anything you want just ask."

"Really? Well I did want to go to Alex's house for a little while."

"Great! To Alex's it is."

"Oh my gosh! You really meant anything."

"Well duh Ally!"

"Haha. Well thanks Jack."

"No Ally! Thank you!"

"Haha. Alright well your welcome!"

So a few minutes later they pulled out to Alex's house.

"Call me when your ready to come home, okay?"

"Wait! Your not giving me a curfew?"

"Nope. Like I said anything you want. Stay as long as you want. And have fun!"

"Well that's great! Thanks Jack! I'll see you later."

"K, bye Ally!"

He drove away and she skipped up to Alex's door.

She just walked in like it was her own house, and ran right up the stairs to Alex's room. When she opened the door he was lying on the bed reading a magazine and listening to some Cartel. Ally jumped on him and softly kissed his lips. He grabbed her in a close hug after the kiss and then spoke.

"Ally! What are you doing here? I thought Jack wasn't going to let you over on school nights?"

"Well I helped him get Hailey's parents to let her stay here while they went to Paris. So he said he owed me, so I asked to come over here."

"Oh well that's wonderful. I really missed you!"

"I missed you too. You were on my mind all day."

"You were on mine too. It felt so weird not being with you, I felt like a piece of me was missing literally."

"Aww well don't worry because I'm here now." Ally said as she leaned into a opened mouth kiss.

"Hmm. I really missed those too."

"I missed them too. "

"Well since you will probably be here for awhile since Jack let you off his leash. I get to have my way with you now. Hahaha."

"Oh well. Do what you must then."

"Oh yes,I need a shower and it's awfully lonely in there by myself."

"Well I can essentially keep you company."

"I was planning on it."

So Alex walked into to his bathroom and turned on the shower and got the water temperature just right then slipped off his clothes and got in. Ally pulled off his shirt and pants and came into the bathroom, Alex came out of the shower and came onto her with a closed mouth kiss. She pulled off her bra and he hooked his hands around her waist and pulled off her underwear off her pale white legs.

They then got in the very tiny shower. Alex got Ally into the corner of the shower and started to kiss her softly on the lips then made his way down her chest. He stopped when he got there and went back up, he pulled her closer and she wrapped her legs around him and he started thrusting. She let out small moans, he was trying to get her where she really liked it so he did alot of moving around before getting in the right place. Ally let out louder moans than she had ever let out, Alex was really on his game tonight she thought. She opened her eyes to look at Alex. His eyes were rolling in the back of his head and her was moaning very softly.

They did this for a little while till they both had got there fix, then they got out. Alex put on some boxers and he threw an old t-shirt of his at Ally and she put it on. A few moments later she was cuddling into his chest on his bed, where she went to sleep after watching some TV.
♠ ♠ ♠
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and Comments: 14

yeah i don't know how I feel about this update.
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