Status: finished

The Party Scene

Chapter 15

So after spending a whole day with Alex. Ally went home finally, she really didn't want to leave Alex. He looked so sad when she was walking up to her door, she thought she saw a tear fall from his eye as he pulled away.

She walked in and seen Jack and Hailey sitting on the couch, forgetting about Alex's sadness she jumped on Hailey and hugged her.

"I'm so happy your going to be staying with us for a whole month!"

"I'm glad to be staying with you guys, my two favorite people."

"Aww that's sweet of you Hailey! So when did you get here?"

"I got here like an hour ago. I heard you stayed with Alex last night, just the two of you."

"Yeah. It was really awesome!"

"Oh girl talk time, let's go upstairs and have a chat about this."

"Okay! I've been dying to tell someone all the juicy details anyway."

"Hey! It better not be too juicy or I'll get Alex."

"Oh Jack please. It was probably nothing. And when we go upstairs you better not sneak up and listen through the door, or bad things will happen to you mister."

"Fine! But don't be long because this movie is coming on soon."

"Oh it shouldn't be too long." Hailey said as she pulled Ally by the arm up the stairs.

"So what did you guys do?"

"We did some things."

"Oh you mean those things, huh?"

"Yes! And I must say Alex was really on it last night. Totally amazing!"

"Haha. Well that's good. Is he better than Zack?"

"Well duh! I mean Zack was lacking in the equipment size area."

"Haha. Wow! Poor Zack!"

"Yeah. So is he still with that tramp from the tour?"

"Psh. No he tossed her to the curb after he found out she was a goldigger."

"Haha. He deserves it after what he did to me."

"Yeah that's what I told Jack, but he feels all sorry for him."

"Wow! Really?"

"Yeah but that's only because it's his friend."

"Yeah but I'm his sister. Blood is thicker than water."

"That's true, I don't know why he feels sorry for him. Jack is a very complicated person, you know."

"Yeah I do know."

"I just barely understand him but I just look at his beautiful face and totally forget."

"Hahaha. Your so cheesy Hailey."

"I may be but at least I'm not a horny little girl."

"Excuse me."

"You did Alex the last day on tour which was like I don't know two days ago."

"Well I can't help it he's so seductive."

"Haha. Oh I don't think he can be that seductive."

"Well he is, trust me."

"Okay! Well we better get back downstairs before Jack starts freaking out."

"Okay, but I was looking forward to a Jack freak out!"

"Well I'm not so let's go, hoe!"


After there little 'girl talk' they made there way downstairs and as they were making there way down the stairs they saw Jack staring at them with a angry look on his face.

"That took longer than you said."

"Oh Jack honey! It was not that long."

"Yes it was! You missed the first ten minutes of this movie."

"Ooh ten minutes, I'm sure I'll live. Loosen up Jack."

"Sorry I just missed you too much."

"Aww well don't worry too much baby. I'm here with you now."

"Yes and I'm very happy now." Jack says and points to his pants.

"Jack! Don't do that in front of your little sister!"

"Yeah Jack! I don't want to see that."

"Sorry I can't help it. Hailey has that effect on every guy."

"Okay now your lying."

"No I'm not I would tell you who, but Ally would get mad. So I'll tell you later."

"Fine! I don't want to know anyway." Ally says while stomping up the stairs.

"Jack that was mean, now tell me who else does that besides you."

"Okay but promise me you won't tell Ally."

"I promise."

"You mean that?"

"Yes Jack! Now tell!"

"Okay well basically all the guys in the band get one when your around them. Especially since you wore all those skimpy clothes when we were on tour."

"No way!"

"Yes especially Alex."

"Well that's odd I thought Ally was his true love."

"She is but he can't control that."

"He can control his thoughts which sometimes trigger that."

"Well I don't know about that."

"You should."

"Just don't tell Ally okay! I don't want there to be any drama."

"Well it's going to be awkward now. I'm going to have to dress for winter when I'm around him."

"No! Don't do that I like seeing your body."

"Well then I'll stay a safe distance from Alex."

"That's a good idea."

After they finished talking they started watching the movie that Hailey had missed ten minutes of. Hailey snuggled into Jack's chest and he grabbed her hands and kissed them and held them tight.
♠ ♠ ♠
another update!
