Status: finished

The Party Scene

Chapter 16

The next day at school Kyle and Caleb like bombarded her with comments asking where she had been yesterday. She laughed and finally told them.

"I was with Alex all day yesterday and we went out."

"Yeah sure all you did was go out." Caleb teased.

"Yes that is all we did and it was nice, because I've missed being with him all the time."

"Aww see we told you that you were in love with Alex." Kyle said.

"Yeah I guess you were right but that doesn't give you permission to tease me or anything."

"Fine! You always ruin our fun Ally." Caleb whines.

"Oh just get over it."

"Fine let's go to class before we are late."

So they make there way to there first hour, Caleb took a seat beside her. They started talking and the teacher kept yelling at them to be quiet. Caleb just rolled his eyes and talked some more. Ally just sat there while he chewed her ear off with everything that happened yesterday.

"So Kyle and I got our senior prank."

"Really what is it?"

"We are going to streak through the school."

"No you are not!"

"Yeah we are and were going to paint stuff on our butts."

"What are you going to put on your butt?"

"Well I haven't really decided yet, but probably our band name or something."

"Really? That should be interesting."

"It will! Do you want to do it with us?"

"I..well I don't know. I don't think Jack or Alex would like me streaking around school with two pretty guys."

"So I'm pretty now, huh? Just ask them and be like it's just for a senior prank, no big deal really."

"I'll ask but I know what the answer will be."

"Just do it! You never know."

"Okay I said I would, don't pester me anymore about it."

"Yes! This will be the best!"

"What will? Running around naked around school with your two best friends and having both girls and guys look at your body?"


"Your a strange person Caleb Micheal Turman."

"I know but you love me because of it."

"Keep telling yourself that."


"I'm kidding! Of course I love you for your strangeness."

"That's what I thought."

"Well we better start paying attention or we will be in trouble again."

They got back to work and everything.

The rest of the day went pretty smoothly for Ally. She didn't get too much homework which was good since that meant Alex could come over tonight. She raced out of school and found Jack's car, but he was not driving it. Hailey was. This made her run even faster towards it, she jumped in the passenger seat and started talking.

"Hey! Why are you picking me instead of Jack?"

"Hey! Well him and the rest of the boys went somewhere for the day, so he told me to pick you up."

"He didn't take you with him?"

"No. Alex,Rian, and Zack pulled him out of the house in his underwear."

"Oh well that had to a pretty fun sight."

"It was pretty funny."

"So what did you today since you were all by yourself?"

"Oh just slept in and watched TV and ate some ice cream."

"That sounds like fun!"

"It was! I mean I love Jack but sometime I like to be by myself."

"Yeah well you can go to school for me that way I can stay home Alex all the time."

"Haha. No you have to finish high school yourself kiddo."


They pulled up to Ally's driveway a few minutes later and saw that Rian's car was there and they both knew that mean that they were back from wherever they had went. Ally and Hailey jumped out of the car and raced inside. When they opened the door they seen the boys in their underwear singing karaoke to The Backstreet Boys. They burst out laughing about this and fell over a bunch of crap that was sitting in the door way.

Alex saw this and ran up to Ally.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine but what is all this crap?"

"It's some sparkly undies we got today when we went shopping."

"Oh. Wait. Did you go shopping in your underwear?"

"Yeah well Jack was still in his and we felt bad so we decided to take our clothes off and run around in our too."

"Oh I see."

"Yeah and people kept taking pictures of us."

"Really. Ugh."

"Don't worry I didn't do anything."

"Oh well that's good."

Hailey leans over and whispers in Ally's ear. "Tell him about the prank now."

"Hey Alex can I talk to you in the kitchen?"


Ally pulls him into the kitchen. "Hey can I ask you something?"


"Me and my two friends want to do this senior prank."

"What is the prank?"

"Well we are going to run around the school naked and paint words on our butts."

"Are you crazy? What two friends are you doing this with?"

"Caleb Turman and Kyle Burns."

"Caleb Turman? You know how I feel about him."

"Yeah but you will have to get used to him because he is my best friend."

"Fine! But I'm calling Kyle and having him keep an eye on you guys."

"Whatever. Just don't say anything stupid."

"Okay I won't."

"So what are you going to paint of your butt?"

"Well I don't yet, but I was thinking about putting your name."

"Haha. I think that would be a great idea."

"Haha. Of course you would think that."

"Well duh!"

"Haha. Well I guess I'll let you get back to your karaoke."

"Okay! I love you Ally!"

"I love you too Alex!"

Alex went back into the living room and picked up his mic and started sining again to The Backstreet Boys. Ally took a seat next to Hailey.

"So how did it go?"

"It went good. He wasn't too happy about the Caleb thing but he will get over it."

"Oh well that's good he gave you the okay."

"Yeah now I just got to get Jack to let me."

"Don't worry about Jack, I'll get him to say yes."

"Haha. Thanks!"

"Your welcome."

So Ally and Hailey watch the guys do their weird karaoke while they laugh at them.