Status: finished

The Party Scene

Chapter 17

The next day at school Caleb ran up to Ally asking about the prank.

"So did Alex give you his permission?"

"Yeah he said it was okay, but Kyle is going to be our mentor."

"Oh. What did he say about me?"

"What makes you think he said anything about you?"

"He doesn't like me,so obviously he's going to say something."

"Oh well yeah he did say something, but it was just that he doesn't like you and that you better not try anything."

"Hm that's not too bad."

"Yeah. But hey don't worry about Alex, he's just gets jealous way too easily."

"I believe that."

"But don't get so down I told him to get used to you."

"That's good, because that would suck if he told you that you couldn't be friends with me anymore."

"He can't tell me who I can and can't hang out with, I don't tell him."

"True. But I'm glad your doing it with us. What are you going to write on your butt?"

"I don't know yet really. What about you?"

"I'm thinking of putting sexy on mine."

"Hahaha. That should be nice."

"Oh you know it!"

After this Ally and Caleb had to go to class, so they said goodbye and headed on there way. Ally went to her class which she had with Kyle. He seen her and gestured her to come over.

"Hey Kyle!"

"Hey! What was up with Alex calling me last night saying to be your mentor?"

"Oh yeah he's all mad that I'm going to be naked around Caleb, so he wants you to keep an eye on him."

"I see. I don't think he has anything to worry about though."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because your like all lovey dovey for him and he's all 'Oh my gosh! I love Ally!'"

"Shut up!"

"It's true."

"Whatever. So what did you tell him?"

"I said I would be your mentor even though I don't really know what that is."

"Haha. Good job, at least it will get him off my back."

"Yeah that is true."

"So when are we going to do this?"

"Probably either tomorrow or Friday."

"Tomorrow? There's no way."

"Yeah but I don't know, Caleb is still deciding."

"Oh well hopefully he picks Friday."

"I don't care what day. I just want to do it."

"Of course you would!"

"Well this is the best senior prank so far, so I'm excited."

"Hmm well let's hope it's fun and not just plain."

"It won't be plain."


They stopped talking when the bell rang and the teacher came in and started blabbing on about something. Ally didn't really pay much attention.

The rest of the day went pretty fast after first hour, it like zoomed by and as Ally was making her way to the door,she seen Caleb and he yelled.

"Tomorrow is the day, Ally! Meet here tomorrow at 6:50 am sharp."

"Why so early?"

"I don't know."

"Whatever. I'll see you then."



She made her way outside and instead of Jack picking her up it was Alex. Ally ran to his car and jumped in and gave him a really long kiss.

"Wow thanks. It's nice to see you too."

"Sorry I was just excited to see you."

"Haha. I see."

"So why are you here instead of Jack?"

"He was busy today."

"Oh I see. No need to say anymore."

"I wasn't going to."

"Hahaha. Good."

"So how was your day?"

"It was pretty good. I found out that the prank it tomorrow."

"Oh so are you still going to do it?"

"Well yeah, I heard you called Kyle."

"Yeah I told you I was going to."

"I didn't think you'd actually do it, though."

"Well I did, I want to keep an eye on you when your naked around a slutty guy like Caleb."

"He's not slutty Alex and you know it."

"Yeah he is Ally. You just don't see it."

"Whatever. I'm done talking about this. How was your day?"

"It was okay, I just missed you all day. I can't wait till the weekend so you can come over and stay the night."

"Aww. I can't wait either."

"I talked Jack into letting you stay Saturday and Sunday."

"Oh I feel special."

"Haha. You should."

"I do,trust me."

"So are we going to your house or mine?"

"I thought mine since Jack is a butt."

"Haha. Well he didn't say where to take you."

"Well I better go to my house so I can get my homework started."

"Aw you'd rather do homework than spend time with me?"

"No I just have so much to do. But you can come over and hang out while I work."

"Alright. I'll probably distract you alot though."

"Haha. Well that's quite alright with me."


They got there a few moments later and got out of the car. Jack's car was gone so he wasn't there. This made Ally happy, she could have more alone time with Alex, especially if she got her homework done early.

They went into the house and Ally went right to the kitchen and set her bag on the table and started taking her books and stuff out. Then she sat down and opened one of the books and started writing stuff down. Alex came in there and started kissing her neck and feeling her up. She pretended to push away but she really liked it. He then turned her chair around and sat on her and started making out with her. Once again she pretended to put up a fight but really she just wanted to go along with it.

After they made out for a few minutes Alex got off of her and sat in the chair next to her and pretended to look through her stuff. Ally just started working some more and before she knew it she was done and tackling Alex and causing him to fall out of his chair onto the ground.

When he hit the floor he bust out laughing and hugged Ally really tight. She pushed her face into his chest and laughed. He pulled her face up and kissed her forehead. She got up off of him and helped him up off the floor.

She then took him by the hand and led him upstairs. He of course followed her with a serene look on his face. When they got upstairs she pushed him on the bed and started making out with him. Ally ran her hands all over his body feeling every inch of it and taking it all in. It had been awhile since she'd actually felt him like this.

Alex pulled out of the kiss all of a sudden and just looked at Ally for a few minutes.

"What was that about?"

"I just wanted to look at your beautiful face and take it all in."

"Aww. Yeah I felt the same when feeling you."

"Haha. I figured that."

"Well it seems like it's been forever since I've actually well did that."

"Yeah it's hard to be away from the person you love for awhile."

"I'll say I thought I could do but I don't know if I can anymore."

"Me too. I wish you were done with school."

"Yes me too. I just want to stay home and lay in bed with you all day."

"And I want to do the same thing."


"Yes dear."

"I love you!"

"I love you too."

"I just want to lay here. I don't want to move or watch TV or anything. I just want to lay here in your arms for as long as I can."

"And I just want to lay here with you in my arms."

"So let's stay here. There's no one to bother us."

"Okay baby anything you say."

Alex pulled Ally in closer and wrapped his arms around her and she wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up at his face and smiled. He smiled back and leaned in and kissed her forehead.
♠ ♠ ♠

comments would be awesome! :]