Status: finished

The Party Scene

Chapter 2

Practice finally began the right way,when they all got in there. Zack kept his eyes on Ally the whole time and she kept her eyes on him the whole time. They smiled and winked at each other the whole time till Jack intervened and made Ally sit in the front of the garage where she couldn't see Zack at all. After four songs they decided to take a water break, Zack took this time to have a chat with Ally.

"So how did you like me playing?" Zack asks Ally

"It was really nice, even though I wasn't really paying much attention to the music. Mostly just you." Ally says and her face turns a bright shade of pink

"Hahaha. That's alright, I'm surprise I played the right notes. I was mesmerized by your beautiful face."

"Awe you are so adorable,Zack!" Ally says grinning really big

"Thanks! So can I ask you something?"

"Sure go right ahead!"

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Zack says while blushing

"Of course I will!" Ally says while hugging Zack

Alex makes puking noise and falls over laughing.

"Shut up,Alex! Or I'll break your face!" Zack says putting his hand into a fist

"Fine. Just don't kiss or anything around me because I'll like barf to death" Alex says doing a dying motion

"Fine. But you can't say anything if we hold hands or hug" Ally says

"Okay,stop. Your ruining my fun of making fun of you now!" Alex whines

"Well get over it, because your not going to be able to make fun of me forever." Ally says

"Yeah. But I'm going to for as long as I can." Alex whines again

"Whatever" Ally and Zack say in snooty voices

"Guys stop fighting and being love birds and let's get back to playing music! Jack yells

"Alright" Zack, Rian, and Alex yell

So they got back to practice, which was like 2 more songs. Then they stopped, playing and they all started to leave. Jack took the cars keys from Ally.

"Jack! What are you doing, I'm driving!" Ally screams

"No your not! Me and Hailey are going to the drive-in and are going to make-out and make babies of our own." Jack say slyly

"Eww! I didn't want to know that,Jack!" Ally yells

"Jack, don't tell your little sister what we are going to do" Hailey yells

Jack smiles and says "Well I mean she wanted to know what I was doing."

"I don't think she meant that" Hailey says

"Well who cares, let's go baby!" Jack grabs Hailey by the hand and pulls her to the car

"Bye guys! See you tomorrow." Hailey yells to everyone

They left and everyone started busting out laughing because Jack was speeding like he always did when he was going to mack with Hailey. Everyone else left a couple minutes later. Ally decided to stay with Zack. I mean he was her new boo and everything. So they sat on the couch and ordered pizza and watched some movies of their own. Okay well they didn't really watch the movies they made out the whole time. Until around eleven o' clock Jack called

"Hello." Zack said

"Hello. Is Ally there?" Jack asked


"Can I speak to her?"

Zack hands phone to Ally. "Hello Jack!" Ally says

"Hey! Get your butt home right now, I don't want you to make any babies over there now" Jack yells

"Fine I'll have Zack bring me home,then." Ally says while rolling her eyes

"Good, you better be here in 5 minutes or I'm coming over there!" Jack orders

"Okay! I'll see you then. Bye!" Ally yells

Ally hangs up the phone before Jack can say goodbye, she knew she would get yelled at for it when she got home, but that didn't really matter. Zack pulled up to her house, walked her up to the door and kissed his softly on the lips goodnight. Then he hugged her and left. She walked in the house and ran upstairs smiling. She thought today was the perfect day.
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whooo Chapter 2!