Status: finished

The Party Scene

Chapter 21

When Ally finally got home she ran right into Alex and continued to cry into his arms.

"Ally! Honey what is wrong with you?"

"I-I" but she just couldn't get it out.

"Ally you have to calm down. So you can talk to me."

Ally wiped her nose and tried once again to get out what she had been trying to say.

"I just felt so wrong, I couldn't stand it. Caleb was all flirting with me and I actually fell for it."

"Aww honey! It's alright. It's not your fault that he's a manipulating whore."

"No Alex he's not. Just a little misunderstood."

"Ally that's not misunderstood. He tried to take advantage of you and I honestly won't stand for that. He's going to regret it."

"Alex! Please don't do that. That's the worst thing you could do."

"Alright but only because you don't want me to and I can't stand to see you unhappy."

"Thanks babe! Just talk to him or something. Don't scare him either just tell him it was wrong and not to do it again."

"That seems reasonable."

"But right now can you please just hold me in your arms and whisper sweet northing's in my ear."

"Well of course darling."

Alex pulled Ally closer and wrapped his arms around her tightly. His mouth near her ear started whispering stuff into her ear. Which made her smile and finally stop crying.

Alex always knew how to make her problems go away. Maybe that's why she fell for him so hard. Alex picked her up and made everything better when Zack cheated on her and when he was being an ass to her. Alex always came to rescue her, he was almost like her own personal superman.

Only it was just Alexander William Gaskarth. A twenty year old from Baltimore,Maryland who just happened to get lucky and become famous with his best friends. But to Ally he was more than that he was her man and her hero.

Ally cuddled more into his chest he noticed this and pulled her face up to his and softly kissed her on the lips.

"Are you feeling any better?"

"Now I am." Ally smiled.

"I'm glad, would you like to get something to eat? I can hear your stomach growling from up here."

"Haha. Alright."

"I'll make it for you so that you don't have to worry."

"Well thank you!"

"Your welcome! I love you Ally!"

"I love you too Alex!"

Alex kissed her softly on the lips and unwrapped his arms from her and made his way downstairs to the kitchen. He got out the stuff he needed and started making Ally's lunch. When he got done he came back up to get Ally and led her into the kitchen.

"Here you are my love."

"Aww this is cute! Thanks so much sweetheart." She said and kissed Alex softly on the cheek.

She then sat down at the place where he had sat a plate just for her and waited for him to sit down too before starting to eat. Ally tasted it and made a face at Alex.

"Is it that bad?"

"No it's wonderful I was just joking with you babe."

"Oh you had me worried for a minute."

"Haha. Aww you have nothing to worry about."

"Thank god!"

"So you never told me how your day was."

"It was okay, but better when you got here."

"Oh yeah but I'm sure me crying wasn't really all that great."

"I'll admit seeing you cry takes a toll on me but I had to see what was wrong before I got upset."

"Aww. So what did you think before I told you what was wrong?"

"Honestly I thought Caleb raped you or something but I seen that your clothes were on and that went from my mind so then I was drawing a blank."

"So you really thought he'd rape me?"

"Well I don't know, It's just that you guys were naked around each other and that's gotta turn a man on."

"Yeah but I promise he didn't try anything like that just wanted to kiss and make-out."

"That's not any better love."

"I know but It's better than rape."

"Yeah but it still irritates me."

"Oh well you've got nothing to worry about I would never do anything to hurt you or deceive you."

"I know that I just don't trust him one bit and that's basically from the past for that reason."

"Oh well try a little for me please."

"I will. So how did it feel running around naked in school?"

"It felt weird at first then it just felt like idk normal."

"Hm really?"

"Well yeah I mean I'm always running around naked with you too."

"Haha. But that's different you are my woman!"

"True. And you are my man!"

"So did you paint my name on your butt?"

"But of course."

"Good, I was worried you would change your mind."

"Oh no! I was all set for it!"

"Haha. Great!"

"Hey Alex..."

"Yes dear?"

"When we get done eating, can we just go lay on my bed again and you hold me in your arms? I just really liked that and I want to do it again."

"Anything for you doll. And I quite enjoyed it too."


So when they got done eating, Alex put their dishes in the sink and grabbed Ally's hand and led her upstairs to her room. She took his hand and followed him up the stairs just aw struck at how amazing he was to her.
♠ ♠ ♠

I'm so sorry that I haven't update in so long,
school has got me busy and my brother is a HUGE internet whore.
I'll try to update more often :]