Status: finished

The Party Scene

Chapter 22

When they got upstairs they layed on the bed and Ally layed down and Alex layed beside her and pulled her up in his arms. She snuggled up into his chest as usual and shut her eyes tightly trying to just go out of the world for a few minutes and forget all her troubles about school and what went down with Caleb, because thinking about it made her head spin. But of course her mind wanted to think about it anyway and think of the reasons he was so ready to kiss her like that.

For one maybe he liked her I mean they had been friends since kindergarten and of course there might be feelings or it was just the fact that she was naked and he is a seventeen year old boy and all they think about it hooking up with girls. Ally shook her to make it stop thinking about these rational things and opened her eyes to look up at Alex.

He was looking at her and smiling, she leaned up and kissed him softly on the cheek. Ally then went up to his ear to whisper something in it.

"Do you want to get more intimate?"

"What do you mean by that dear?" Alex questioned.

"I mean by getting naked and well you know where it goes from there."

"Hmm I'll have to think about. Are you sure you want to in your fragile state of mind?"

"Fragile state of mind? What on Earth do you mean by that?"

"I mean how you were crying earlier, you wanted to lay in my arms, and now you want to have sex. Your mind just doesn't seem very stable to me honey."

"It's stable now you helped me get my thoughts together. Honestly Alex my mind has never been at more peace than it is now."

"Well all right."

"What you don't want to have sex with me?"

"Of course I do, you know that. You make me happy in more ways than one and you know it." Alex said pulling Ally closer to him.

"Hmm I feel that and I think that now is the perfect time."


Alex leaned in to kiss her on the lips and pushed his tongue against her lips asking for permission to well french kiss her. She opened her mouth and they started making out. Ally wrapped her arms around him and ran her hands over his back and under his shirt and lifting it up and off of him. Alex got out of the kiss and leaned into Ally's ear.

"Let's take it slow darling."

She just took his shirt off anyway and wrapped her arms around his neck, and leaned into his ear.

"I don't want to go slow, let's go fast and long."

Ally pulled away and looked into Alex's face and smiled. He gave her the famous crooked smile that always made her melt and kissed him again. He wrapped his arms around her and started taking her shirt off. Ally helped him with this but never moving her mouth from his.

When her bra and pants were finally off she went back to get the rest of his clothes off. Ally unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned the buttons of his pants very slowly she could feel Alex shifting his body uncomfortably almost trying to hide his boner which was pretty hard since Ally was right in front of his crotch with his pants unbuttoned and unzipping them.

She giggled at the fact that he was still self conscious about that around her still.

"Alex don't be embarrassed about it, if you didn't get one is when I'd be worried darling."

"Sorry it just seems so embarrassing."

"It's not just let it go, I don't mind."

He finally stopped shifting his body and just layed there and let her finish when he let his legs go freely his boner popped up. Ally started pulling his pants down and off of him. Then when she tossed them to the floor went back from his boxers. When she got there it was totally noticeable on how horny he was his legs were shaking wildly and he couldn't stay still.

"Alex it will be just a little bit longer and I'll have these things off and then I'll take mine off and we can do it, just hang in there baby. And you wanted to take it slow."

"Well I didn't know you were going to be so seductive."

"Aren't I always?" Ally asks jokingly.

After she got his boxers off and threw them to the floor she took off her panties and tossed them to the floor too. Then went back up to Alex's face level and started kissing him. It started out soft and easy then Alex started to get hard and fast with it. His hands running wildly all over her body. She could feel his hands shaking each time he touched her.

Then out of nowhere he flipped them over so he was on the top of her. Alex mounted her and started moving up and down slowly, then started to get faster. His eyes were rolling in the back of his head and he was moaning really loud and the louder he moaned the fasted he went. This made Ally moan and pull him closer basically clawing his back with her hands.

Alex was breathing really heavily in her ear and moaning really loud. He started kissing her neck and moving farther down to her breast and kissing them. This made him go faster now and making Ally scream basically.

When he heard this he slowed down so she could catch her breathe.

"Omg Alex! You really needed that didn't you?"

"I told you I was horny."

"Well yeah but I didn't think you would try to kill me by going to fast and hard."

"Did I hurt you babe?"

"Well a little but I'll be fine just chill out a little bit alright?"

"I will I got the worst of it done anyway."

"Good but honestly I need a break."


So Alex gets off of Ally and lays down beside her breathing really heavily. Ally sits up and tries to catch her breath.

"Even though you almost killed me that was the best."

"Haha. Well I try to keep you interested."

"Hmm well now that I know you can do that I'll be interested for awhile."

"Haha. Wait a minute did you put a condom on?"


"What do you mean uhh? Did you or didn't you?"

"No I thought you were going to since you were down there!"

"Well I didn't because you usually do that!"

"But I didn't this time!"

"Oh shit! Do you know what this means?"

"No what does it mean?!"

"It's called I could get pregnant!"

"Oh shit! What are we going to do?"

"Well no more sex for awhile that's what!"

"Oh come on Ally. It was one mistake!"

"Yeah but one mistake could lead to a kid, let's just not do it until we find out if I am pregnant okay?!"

"But we didn't finish and I've got like a half boner left!"

"Alexander! There are other ways to get rid of a boner besides sex!"

"I am not jacking off! Especially when I have a girlfriend I'm perfectly capable of having sex with!"

"Alexander William Gaskarth! Were you not listening to me! I might be pregnant and all you can think about is your boner!"

"Well It's your fault it's there!"

"You may be right about that but can you just concentrate for one second!"

"Fine! I get you might be pregnant but this was all your idea and I'm the one getting yelled at!"

"Because I'm scared Alex!"

"Don't' be scared baby! It will be alright I promise."

"How can you know if it will be alright?"

"Well I don't know but I'll try my best to make everything good."

Ally starting to cry gets into his arms and cries into his chest.

"I'm so sorry Ally! I should of put a condom on it's all my fault."

"No Alex it's mine! I led you on made this happen it's all my fault."

"Ally no it's not! I should of thought of it."

"Well you didn't but you couldn't have time to think about with me all over your body and saying let's go fast and hard!"

"Ally stop being so hard on yourself this will be okay and you will be fine!"


"Yes we will get tested sometime this week, so we can know for sure and if you aren't you won't have nothing to worry about.

"And what if I am?"

"I will stay with you and help you take care of it, I promise. I love you with all my heart and would never leave you."

"Really? I love you too and I'm glad you wouldn't just dump me."

"No Ally. I've told you once and I'll tell you again you are my everything and nothing will ever make me want to leave you."

Ally cuddled into his chest closer and started crying again.

"Ally stop crying, I told you everything is going to be fine."

"Those aren't tears of sadness anymore Alex. They are tears of joy because I'm so happy to have you as mine."

"Aww well aren't you the cutest! But I don't like to see you cry so dry your eyes my love and stay close."

"I would never dream of leaving this spot." she said and wrapped her arms around him and closed her eyes.

"I love you Ally."

"I love you Alex."
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OMG! update!