Status: finished

The Party Scene

Chapter 23

------The Next Day-----

Alex was still there but he had to leave that day because the band is going on tour. Ally wasn't going because she couldn't miss school, even though it would probably kill her to be away from him.

She woke up before him the morning after they had a long night of discussing and freaking out about Ally maybe being pregnant they settled that she might not be.

Alex was sad about leaving and not being able to be around Ally. One of the biggest reasons she knew was because it no more sex every single time he got a little boner. It would definitely kill him. Ally smiled at this thought. She had thought about it all night and decided to surprise him with a goodbye sex session even though she'd sworn off sex for awhile. Just being away from Alex for four months and not getting any before he left would just be horrible for the both of them.

Just then Alex rolled over and opened his eyes, he noticed that Ally was awake and gently kissed her on the mouth.

"Good morning sunshine!"

"Good morning. I've got so may surprises for you today."

"Oh really? Am I going to like these surprises?"

"More than likely you will love them!" Ally smiled and snuggled into his chest.

"Hmm. Can you give me a hint?"

"Nope! You just have to wait and see."

"Darn well are they going to happen soon?"

"Very soon just do whatever you need to do eat or anything because it's going to be awhile."

"Hmm alright. I'll be right back my love."

"Don't be too long."

"Oh I won't."

He then made his way downstairs and left Ally alone in her room.

When he left Ally immediately started taking off her clothes and dabbing perfume on and spraying it all over herself. Then she jumped back into the bed as she heard footsteps coming.

When she seen the door open she knew it was Alex. He looked at her funny when he walked into the room and smelled the room. When he made his way over to his side of the bed and lifted the covers he seen Ally.

"Is this part of my surprise?"

"But of course!"

"But I thought you were swearing off of this for awhile."

"Well I am but I'll be doing this while you are on tour and I can't let you leave without being happy."

"That's very sweet of you and I thank you. It's really sad that you can't come with us."

"Yeah. I'm really sad that I won't be able to come home to your cute little face every night."

"Aww I'm really going to miss you too."

"So are going to do this, because."

"Well yes! Come here sexy!" Ally pulled him towards her and kissed him on the lips aggressively.

"Hmm aggressive much?"


Just then they heard the door open and a girlish manly scream.

"AHHH! You could at least put a 'do not disturb sign on the door'."

"Jack! You could at least knocked!" Ally yelled.

"Well excuse me for not thinking you'd be doing that!"

"Well that's your problem you thought!"

"You know what Alex, I think it's time for you to go home and get ready."

"But Jack it's not like you don't know we do this."

"I don't care, I don't want to see it! And she is not going to talk to me like that!"

"Jack please?"

"No! Go home Alex!"

"Jeez!" Alex pulled his pants on from underneath the covers and kissed Ally goodbye and got up.

As he walked out the door and downstairs Ally put her clothes on too and began to yell at Jack.

"Why did you have to go and do that for?"

"Because Ally! I don't want you do doing that!"

"Well we do it! Get over it!"

"I won't get over it and you will stop being a bitch about it."

"I can't! My boyfriend is leaving me for four months and when I try to have sex with him one last time before her goes you ruin it!"

"Because I'm your brother!"

"I don't care! I'm your sister and I don't go interrupt you and Hailey when you two are having sex!"

"That's because if you did I'd kill you! No one interrupts me when I'm doing my business!"

"It's not different Jack! You just think it is because your older and think your better! Well you not! I'm glad your leaving that way I won't have to deal with your assholeness!"

"I'm not an asshole Ally! I'm just looking out for you!"

"Well stop! It's ruining my life!"

"Fine! But when you get pregnant don't come crying to me. Because Alex doesn't always think straight and one slip up can lead to disaster. So just remember that little miss independent!"

"Whatever! Just get out!"

Jack walked toward the door and slammed it shut. All heard him stomp down the stairs and go out the front door also slamming it behind him. She knew he was going to be mad for awhile. I mean she couldn't blame him for getting mad but he just didn't need to be so over bearing! It just tore at her soul and ate her inside. Then the anger dispirited and the sadness crept in she began to cry and curled up into a ball on her bed. This was going to one of the longest nights ever.
♠ ♠ ♠

sorry for the delay, school and internet whore brother caused it..
