Status: finished

The Party Scene

Chapter 25

When Hailey got there they got the pregnancy test out and Ally went to the bathroom and did what she had to do.

So they waited the amount of time your supposed to wait and looked at it. Hailey was smart enough to get one that either said yes or no. So it started to appear and they seen it in bold black letters YES. Ally nearly collapsed to the floor Hailey had to catch her and keep her from falling.

"Oh my gosh! What am I going to tell Alex?!"

"You don't have to tell him till her gets back."

"I'll be showing by then. Oh jeez what is Jack going to do, I'm so dead."

"Don't say all that negative stuff. Everything is going to be okay."

"No it's not! My life is ruined!"

"It's not. Your going to tell Alex and I'm sure he will be okay with it and commit to being a dad."

"No! He's going to dump me and leave me! Who wants to be with a pregnant person they get fat and then they have to take care of a kid no guy wants that!"

"Sure no guy wants that, but I'm sure he will be okay with it. He loves you Ally and you getting pregnant is not going to change his mind. Pregnancy is a beautiful thing, I mean sure you get a little fat but still it's a great thing to see that little human being that belongs to you."

"I don't know. I'm so scared. How am I going to tell my parents and Jack. Oh gosh Jack is going to kill me and Alex."

"I'll be there when you tell Jack if you want me to. That will be easier and I'm sure your parents will help you with anything you need."

"That would make it alot easier. I hope they'll help me or I'm screwed."

"They will. Stop worrying so much."

"Okay I'll trust you and believe it."

Hailey smiled at Ally and took her hand.

"I promise that I won't anything bad happen to you, I'll be here for you too whenever you need me. After all what are best friends for?"

"Thanks that means alot. Hmm that's true."

They both started laughing.

"So you want something to eat, I mean you are eating for two now?"

"I could use a little bite to eat."

"Well let's go."

So they got in Hailey's car and went to get something to eat.

At least she had three months to think of how she was going to tell Alex and Jack. So when Alex called she had to act like everything was just fine and hope that Jack would forgive her and call. And when he did she would just act like all was normal. That's all she needed was them to fight on tour and it be ruined. She couldn't go that to their fans. So for now it was just smooth sailing and hanging out eating with Hailey.
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