Status: finished

The Party Scene

Chapter 27

Ally was franctically running around her room, pulling clothes out of everywhere trying to figure out what to wear, she had no idea. Plus she had to hide her stomache until she told him.

She finally decided on a pair of black skinny jeans and a white loose fitting blousse.

After she put these on and checked her hair and fixed her make-up a bit she heard someone come in the door.

Ally ran down the stairs and seen Alex standing in the door way. She ran into his arms and squeezed him really tight.

"Gosh I know you missed me but don't kill me."

"I'm sorry. So how was the tour?"

"It was good, you know the fans were great."

"Oh well that's good."

"But of course I missed you more than anything in the world."

"Aww I missed you too. Hey do you think we could go to my room. I have something to tell you."


He takes her hand and they go up the stairs. They go in Ally's room and sit on the bed.

"This might be really shocking and I don't know how you going to react but you need to know."

"What is it dear?"

"Well I'm I'm I'm pregnant."

Long silence......

"Your pregnant! Is it mine?"

"Of course it's yours silly."

"Wow! This is great!"

"Your taking it better than I thought."

"I'm excited. Your going to have my child. That's great!"


"Of course. I love you Ally! And having a baby with you would make life complete."

"Yay! I love you too! I'm so happy your excited and don't want to leave me."

"Leave you? I could never do that."

"Well I know that now."

"I loooove you. So how far along are you?"

"I loove you too baby! I'm about three months."

"Hmm so only 6 months to go."

"Yeah I'm nervous but I'm sure with you here it will be easier."

"And I'll be here with you through all of it."

"Thanks that means alot."

Alex pulled Ally close and kissed her on the forehead.

"I'm going to be the best father ever."

"I'm can totally see that."

She leaned into him and closed her eyes and thought of the future with Alex and their baby.
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