Status: finished

The Party Scene

Chapter 28


Ally was laying on the couch with Alex. They were watching t.v. Alex had his hand on Ally's tummy feeling the baby.

Out of nowhere Ally felt like she was peeing her pants, but she would know if she had to pee. So shes starts freaking out.

"Alex! Oh my gosh! I think my water just broke!"

"Are you sure?" he asks and jumps up frantically.

"Trust me. I'm totally sure!"

"Okay I'll go get your things." he runs upstairs.

A few minutes later he comes downstairs with a bag.

"Let's go dear, I can feel contractions coming on."

"Oh my gosh! Okay, okay. Come on!" he grabs Ally by the arm and walks her to his car.

He gets in and starts the car and speeds down the road towards the hospital.

"Don't you think you we should call Jack and Hailey?" Ally asks.

"Uhm...I'll get right on that." he pulls out his phone and dials.

Jack picks up on the first ring.

"Yo Alex! What's up?"

"No time for small talk. Start making your way to the hospital! Now!"


"Ally is having her baby and I want you and Hailey to be there. So get to driving."

"Okay, okay."

"See you there. Bye."

He hangs up the phone.

"How're you doing over there sweetie?"

"I'm doing good. Just a little pain so far."

"Okay well hang in there we are almost there."

"Okay. Thanks for being so calm."

"You're welcome! Oh and they are on there way the hospistal."


Just that moment Alex takes a really sharp right and pulls into the hospital's emergency drive.

"Come on, let's get you out and have this baby!"

He helps her out of the car and helps her to the door where he finds a wheelchair and had Ally sit in it. Then wheels her to the reception desk.

"She's having a baby! We need a room!"

"Name?" the receptionist asks.

"We don't have time for that! Can't you see that?" he yells frantically.

Just then a nurse comes from the emergency doors.

"It's okay. I'll take care of them and get their info later." she tells the receptionist.

"Thanks!" Alex says.

"Follow me and we will get you to a bed and get you set up."

"Great! Maybe something for pain too. I'm dying!"

"Oh not yet. The doctor will have to see you first."

"Don't say that. Can't you see she needs something for pain?"

"Sorry but it's the rules."

"Darn!" Alex says.

They go to a back room and Ally gets in the bed. The nurse hooks her up to all kinds of machines and then leaves.

"Are you feeling alright?"

"No I'm in so much fucking pain!"

"Oh I wish there was something I could do."

"Get the doctor in here, so I can get something. Now!"

Alex runs out of the room and asks the nurse to get the doctor. She finds the doctor and he comes in the room.

"Well hello there. Having a baby, are we?"

"Yes! Can I please get something for pain?!"

"Well let's see here..." he looks at some charts and the machines then walks over the nurse.

"Get her some pain shots and after that we'll let her labor go naturally. Only 2 more centimeters."

"Okay" the nurse says and leaves.

The doctor leaves too. The nurse comes back in and gives Ally her shot.

"Ahh! That feels so much better."

Just then Jack shows up at the door.

"Ally! Are you still alive?"

"Yes Jack! I'm only having a baby, not dying."

"Oh good!"

"Where's Hailey?"

"Oh she's coming."

Just then Hailey comes through the door breathing really hard.

"Gosh Jack! You couldn't slow down for two seconds."

"Sorry. I was worried but it looks like everything is okay here."

"Are scared there Ally?"

"Yeah. If the pain is anything like I just had. I'm going to die!"

"Hahaha. Well good luck. I'm not having kids for awhile thank god!"

"What?" Jack says and gives her a pouty face.

"You heard me. Not till were married and a little older."

"You mean no sex 'till were married."


"Whoaa! You mean to tell me you too haven't had sex?" Ally asks.

"Nope." Hailey grins.

"Jack seems to make up stories then." Alex says and punches Jack in the arm.

"Well not entirely. We did make-out but just didn't do it, but we were naked."

"Whatever. Tall tale Jack."


Just then Ally started yelling really loudly. Alex ran and got the doctor who came in.


"Okay well calm down miss, we need you to put your legs up."

So Ally puts her legs up. And the doctor puts on his gloves and gets ready.

"Okay you're ready. I need you to push now Ally."

"Ahhhh!" Ally screams and pushes.

"Okay that was good. Let's push some more."

She pushed and pushed.

"I can see the head. Come on just a few more."

"Ahh! Alex I fucking hate you for this!"

She pushed some more and finally the baby comes out. The doctor gets it and cuts the cord and cleans it off then puts it on Ally's chest.

"Congratulations! You now have a beautiful baby boy. What are you going to name her?"

She looks at Alex and he comes over to her. "What are we going to name it?"

"Hmm how about Nathan Thomas Gaskarth?"

"I love that!"

"So what is it then?" the doctor asks.

"Nathan Thomas Gaskarth." Ally says and smiles at Alex.

"Such a nice name for such a lovely child." the doctor says and writes it on the birth certificate.

"He looks just like you,Alex!" Ally says.

"He does but he has your eyes."

"Yeah. Do you want to hold him?"

"Sure!" he takes the baby in his arms.

"You look good as a dad." Jack teases.

"Thanks. Whoa he's so fragile, I feel like I'm going to break him."

"Aww, he's so cute guys." Hailey gushes.

They each take turns holding the baby and then Ally finally gets him back.

------THE NEXT DAY-----

Ally gets to go home and take Nate with her.

She and Alex spent the whole day taking care of him.

When he finally fell asleep they got to spend some time together.

"You know I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you and Nate. I'm sure it will be the best ever!"

"Me too. I love you so much Alex!"

"I love you too Ally!"

He softly kisses her on the lips and laces his fingers through hers and they watch the sunset together through the window and think about their wonderful future together.
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