Status: finished

The Party Scene

Chapter 3

As soon as Ally got upstairs Jack came into her room yelling at her.

"What the hell were you thinking staying over there soo late?"

"We were just watching movies, Jack. Jeez. don't have a cow"

"Don't have a cow! What if mom and dad asked me where you were at, they would kill me if they knew you were with him all alone." Jack yells

"Well that maybe true, but I can take care of myself."Ally says

"I don't think so,Ally. Now get to bed if you want to go to band practice tomorrow." Jack silently says

"Alright then. Night!"

"Night." Jack says and walks out closing Ally's door.

------------------------------------------THE NEXT DAY--------------------------------------

Ally woke up extremely early the next morning, she wanted to be up before Jack so she could call Zack and ask if she could come on tour with him. Because today was there last day till they left. So she dialed his number and on the second ring he answered.

"Hello Sunshine" Zack says

"Hello Babe. How are you?" Ally says

"I'm good, what brings you to call this early?"

"Well I was wondering if you wanted me to go on tour with you or not?"

"Well. Of couse I do, but do you think Jack will let you?"

"Wel if you say yes, then he will have to" Ally says while laughing

"Haha. Well alright, I say yes."

"Great! Well I'll let you go now. I have to go wake Jack up anway."

"Alright,honey. I love you and see you soon."

"I love you too. Bye" Ally says and hangs up.

After she hung up the phone, she went into Jack's room to wake him up. He was snoring really loudly,as usual. Ally poked his shoulder.

"Jack! Get up! We are going to be late and you still need to call Hailey and her to go on tour with you guys."

"Idontwannagetup." Jack mumbles

"Come on,Jack! Don't you want to mack with your girlfriend before band practice?"

"I do..."

"Well get up,then silly!"

"Fine" He gets up and pushes Ally out the door.

Ally runs to her room and picks up the phone to hear Jack talking to Hailey.

"Hello Hun!" Jack swoons

"Hey Baby. What's up?" Hailey says

"Well just got up and now I'm on the phone with you and missing you dearly."

"Awww. Well get your butt over here and get me,then!" Hailey demands

"Okay! I'll see you in five minutes,then. I love you!" Jack says

"Okay baby. I love you too." Hailey says

Jack hangs up and gets dressed and yells at Ally to come on. She runs out the door and hangs on for dear life as Jack speeds away. She starts small talk.

"Jack, you forgot to ask her about the tour?"

"Oh well yeah."

"What do you mean, Oh wel yeah?"

"I just don't think she can go."

"You didn't ask!"

"Well I just didn't want to be dispointed. I mean she told me the next time we go on tour, that she would have sex with me. And I don't want to be disapointed if she can't go."

"Is that all? Haven't you guys done it before, though?"

"No we haven't yet, that's why it's a big deal. Were taking each other's innocence."

"Aww that's cute! You should ask anyway though."

"Fine I will. Now hush about it."

Jack pulls up to Hailey's house and she is waiting outside. She gets in and they drive to Alex's house for band practice.

------------------------------------------BAND PRACTICE---------------------------------

Alex sees Jack pull up and waves at them. And when they get out of the car he charges and hugs them.

"Hey guys! Are you excited for the tour?"

"Yeah we are!" Jack says

"What tour?" Hailey asks

"I think you need to tell her now,Jack" Ally whispers

"Our tour that we are going on, tomorrow." Jack tells Hailey

"Why didn't you ask me to go?" Hailey asks

"I was going to when we got here. So we could talk about the thing we are going to do on it."

"Well alright. I just thought you didn't want me to go or something."

"No! Of course I want you to go, sweetie!" Jack plees

"Alright then, ask!" Hailey says

"Will you go on tour with me, Hailey?"

"Yes I will. Now was that so hard?"

"No. But I'm super excited now." Jack says and hugs Hailey.

"Awww aren't they cute!" Alex gushes.

"Whoaa. What is wrong with you, your acting way too nice?" Ally asks

"Heloo! I'm excited about the tour, duh!"

"Oh well alright, then." Ally says and walks over to Zack.

"Heyy Zack!" Ally says

"Hey Babe!" Zack says while pulling Ally into a hug.

"Well I'd better get to practicing,then. But have fun watching,love."

"Alright,then." Ally takes a seat in front.

Then all the rest of the boys come into the garage and start band practice for the last time in Baltimore.
♠ ♠ ♠
whoo an update.....
that's not really good.
