Status: finished

The Party Scene

Chapter 4

The band started to practice some songs, Ally made a few requests of her favorite songs. But really it was just an excuse to go up and talk to Zack. So they played those songs and many others then they stopped for the day. Alex went up to Ally and started to talk to her.

"Hey Ally. How are you today?" Alex says

"Hey Alex. Um are you OK your acting really strange today and I know going on tour can't make you this happy." Ally says

"Well I'm happy about something else, but I can't tell you right now."

"OK? Well I'm glad your in a good mood and not being a asshole."

"Yeah I'm really sorry about that. I just well..I don't know some of the real reason. But I am sorry."

"Oh well, I'm glad that you apologized. I'm might hang out with you more." Ally says while winking.

"Awe well I'll hang out more with you too kiddo." Alex says while ruffling Ally's hair.

"Hahahaha. So who are you bunking with on the bus?"

"Well I thought me and Jack would have a thing..."

"Um well whatever you want I guess."

"I'm just kidding! I'll probably bunk alone, since I'm single and what not."

"Oh well take a teddy bear with you. By the way,who are you guys going on tour with?"

"Hahaha. I don't think so. We are going on tour with Cute Is What We Aim For."

"Oh my gosh! I love them!"

"Great! Then you can chill with them. Instead of me."

"Wait don't you want to hang out with Shawnt?"

"You mean Shaaant? And kind of, but I really don't know him all that well. And to be honest he kind of scares me."

"Hahaha. Aww poor wittle Alexander. Scared of the big bad Shaant!"

"Hahaha. Shut up."

Zack sees Ally and Alex laughing and sitting a little too close together. And he comes over there in a big hurry.

"So what are you two chatting it up about?" Zack says

"Oh just the tour." Alex says

"Well Alex. It looked a little like flirting. You really need to keep your dick in your pants,dude."

"What? Dude it was nothing like that!" Alex yells.

"Whatever just stay away from my girlfriend." Zack says.

"Zack stop it was just stuff about the tour, calm down." Ally says.

"Whatever,Ally. I know Alex." Zack says.

"Oh my gosh. You are really insecure aren't you Zack?" Alex asks.

"You know what I'm not insecure I just know how you like to not keep your dick in your pants. Your a big whore."

"Dude, if I was a whore I'd have multiple girlfriends and have sex with every girl that came up to me." Alex says.

"Yeah sure." Zack says.

"Alex! Zack! Stop it, this is so stupid!" Ally intervenes.

"I'm going to go talk to Rian. At least he respects me." Alex yells.

"Bye whore!" Zack yells.

"Oh my gosh! Shut up Zack! Your going to make it worse!" Ally says.

"Sorry babe. But he gets on my nerves the way he acts around you." Zack says.

"What do you mean? This is the first time he has been nice to me in like two years?" Ally says.

"Yeah that was all just a cover up. You know?" Zack says.

"What are you talking about?"

"He freaking likes you Ally! Can I make it any more plainer. Jeez."

Ally in shock says. "You have got to be kidding me?"

"Nope, not one bit dear."

"Wow! This is surprising."

Jack yelling at Ally. "Get your butt in the car we are leaving."

"Oh gosh. I'll see you later when we get on the bus." Ally says.

"Bye baby. I love you." Zack says.

"Yeah same here. Bye." Ally says while running away.

Zack hung his head in shame as Jack's car pulled away from Alex' house. He was really sad because he might loose his girlfriend to Alex, the biggest whore ever.

-------------------------MEANWHILE AT JACK AND ALLY'S HOUSE----------------

Ally ran into the house and got her stuff ready as fast as she could. Jack came into her room looking all serious for once in his life.

"I heard your argument with Zack."

"Yeah and?"

"Well it's true, you know?"

"What's true?"

"That Alex likes you."

"Well I mean I have a confession."

"What is it?"

"I kinda sorta like him too. And I'm scared it might break Zack and I up."

"Awe. It's OK little sis. I'm sure you love Zack enough not to hurt him."


"But what?"

"I've liked Alex much longer than I've liked Zack."

"Oh well I don't know then. I'm sorry well just make the right choice alright?"

"I will. Thanks for listening,Jack. You been a big help." Ally says while going to hug Jack.

"Your welcome little sis. I'm here anytime you need me. Well I'm going to go get ready. I'll come and get you when I'm ready."


Jack left the room and Ally layed on her bed. She had alot of thinking to do and whether she should break up with Zack. So that she doesn't end up cheating on him and breaking his heart.