Status: finished

The Party Scene

Chapter 5

--------------------------------ONE HOUR LATER-------------------------

Ally must of fell asleep while she was laying on her bed because all of a sudden she woke up and was on a the tour bus. She guessed that Jack must of carried her on there, I mean that was really the only explanation. Ally got up and walked into what was the living room of the bus and saw Alex sitting there so she took a seat beside him. He started to talk to her.

"Hello. Did you sleep well, sleeping beauty?"

"Of course, even though I don't remember even going to sleep."

"That happens to me alot too on tour mostly. After shows I'm just so drained I just pass out anywhere. Like one time I fell asleep on Rian, then woke up freaking out because I was all hugging him and stuff."

"Hahaha. And how did Rian react to this?"

"He woke up freaking out too. But neither of us remembered how we even got there. So we just said we would just not tell anyone about it."

"Well you told me..."

"Yeah but don't tell Rian I told you or he will kill me."

"Alright, then. Can I ask you something Alex?"

"Yeah I don't see why not."

"Do you..I mean have you ever liked me as more than a friend?"

Awkward silence then he finally answers. "Yes I have and really I still do."
He leans forward and kisses Ally. Of course she goes along with it and they start a full on macking, groping session. Then they heard someone outside and stopped. It was just Hailey thankfully. She saw how close they were sitting and grabbed Ally and pulled her into the back room.

"Ally! Did you just do what I think you did?"

"Yes! And it was amazing! Oh my gosh he is so fine!"

She smacks Ally. "Snap out of it! You have a boyfriend!"

"I'm sorry. It's just uh I can't help it. He was the one who leaned into it."

"Well you could of rejected!"

"Do you really think I'd reject that!"

"Ok well you could....I don't know."

"Don't tell anyone! Please! Especially Zack!"

"I won't I mean. Do you really think I'd do that?"

"No...I'm so stupid."

"No Ally your not just easily tempted."

"I'm glad it was just you that walked in."

"Will you go tell Alex not to tell anyone. I don't wanna be around him for awhile. I think I need another nap."

"Alright. You sleep good now."

"Thanks. I'll catch up with you later."

Hailey leaves the room and goes over to Alex who is on the couch still with a look of confusion on his face. He sees Hailey and immediately asks what's going on.

"What the heck, she left me high and dry."

"Alex she is just worried that Zack might find out. She is taking another nap."

"Oh well...I won't tell Zack."

"That's good. I'm not going to tell anyone either. It will be just between us three, then."

"Alright. Thanks I never thought Jack would date someone so nice. He usually dates blonde bimbo's."

"Hahaha. Thanks? I'm sure not a blonde bimbo."

"Hahaha. Yeah. So how are you and Jack?"

"Were doing really good. I think he's the one. Oh and thanks for asking."

"Aww that's cute. I'm glad you are doing well. Oh and your welcome."

"Well I gotta go. I just came in here to get Jack some vitamin water. So I'll catch you later. Bye Alex."

"Bye Hailey."

She leaves him there and he decides to take a walk just to clear his thoughts and think about what just happened.

---------------------MEANWHILE ALLY CALLS ZACK---------------------

"Hello Honey!"

"Hey Babe! Where are you?"

"I'm at the merch tent right now setting up."

"Well could you come to the bus,I want to spend some time with you."

"Alright babe. I'll be there in two minutes."

"Okay see you then. I love you."

Zack smiles into the phone then says. "I love you too."
They hang up. Ally gets up and goes to the dining room of the bus. So she could sit at the table and get on her lab top before Zack got there. She got an IM from Alex.

alexander: hello! I thought you were taking a nap.
merricksgirl: I was but I decided not to because I wanted to get up.
alexander: oh well. so did you like that kiss? you left in a hurry and I never really got any feedback.
merricksgirl: it was very nice...and I'm sorry but when someone is pulling you. you do tend to follow.
alexander:thanks :D oh yeah that is true.
merricksgirl: yeah. well I gotta go Zack is here so I'll see you later.
alexander: oh have fun.
*alexander has signed off*

She quickly shut her lab top and got up to hug Zack. He seemed shocked at how fast she got up to hug him. She asked if he wanted to watch a movie or something. He said yes and they picked out the movie 'Juno'. Which was Ally's favorite. Zack sat on the couch first then Ally sat in his lap and he took her hand in his.

---------------MEANWHILE WITH ALEX,JACK, AND HAILEY-------------

Jack and Hailey were helping to set up the merch tent when Alex came up looking a little depressed. Jack was the first to ask what was wrong.

"Alex why so glum, man?"

"I just don't feel too good is all."

"Aww. Poor Alex. Come here let Jack give you a hug."

"No that's okay. I'm just going to take a walk I'll see you guys later."
He walks away with his head down.

"I wonder what's eating him?" Jack says.

"Oh just stuff." Hailey says.

"Yeah but my hugs always make everything better."

"So you may think so."

"Hey! They do! Right Rian?"

"Oh yeah totally!" Rian says sarcastically.

"See even Rian knows they don't."

"Rian I thought you loved me?"

"Oh Jack I do but your hugs do more killing then saving."

"Hahaha. Yeah you like strangle people."

"Shut up! My hugs are good."

"Aww wittle Jack is getting upset." Rian jokes.

"Aww poor wittle Jack."

"Shut up! You guys are mean. I'm going to find Alex. He understands me."
Jack runs away in a really weird way and Rian and Hailey bust out laughing.

---------------------------BACK AT THE BUS----------------------

Ally and Zack finishes watching 'Juno' and Zack looks at his watch.

"Oh shit! It's almost time to go on. We gotta get to the stage."

"Alright just let me put on some shoes." Ally says.

"Alright but make it quick."

Ally runs into the back room and grabs a pair of flip-flops then runs after Zack out the door.

They get to the stage with two minutes to spare. Ally goes back stage with Hailey. And Zack gets his bass and goes on stage with the rest of the band.
Then Alex starts talking and they play there first song. Ally and Hailey are backstage dancing a singing along. Alex sees this and laughs and the audience goes "Aww." then they start chanting "Bring your girlfriend out Alex."
Zack gives Alex a dirty look. Alex ignores this and runs and takes Ally by the hand and pulls her on stage. The audience start to cheer then they chant "Kiss her, Kiss her" and others were saying "Boo, Slut!". Alex ignores the bad comments and kisses Ally. Zack throws his bass down and tackles Alex to the ground and starts beating him in the head. Jack puts down his guitar and Rian jumps up. They pull Zack off Alex, Zack runs off stage. Alex gets up and his face is all bloody. Jack helps him backstage and Ally runs after Zack. She finds him finally and goes up to him, he stops her before she gets to him.

"Don't come near me. I don't wanna see your face."

Ally starts to cry."But..."

"I don't want your fake ass tears. We are over! Just get away from me, Ally. Go comfort Alex or something just get out of my face."

"Zack don't be like this. I love you!"

"Lies! You tell lies to me you dirty tramp!"

"What? Okay he was one who kissed me, so why am I getting the blame."

"He may of been the one who started it, but you went right into it."

"Zack. I don't want him! I want you!"

"I told you we are O-V-E-R! Now go!"

"Fine! But I still do love you,Zack."

"Yeah whatever...."

Ally leaves Zack to be his selfish self for the moment. She goes back to the bus and sees Alex,Jack,Rian, and Hailey on the couch. They were trying to stop the bleeding of Alex's nose. She saw this and it made her bust out in tears even more. Hailey tried to get her to calm down but she rejected her. Alex stood up and hugged Ally.

"Ally! It's going to be okay. Just calm down and stop crying."


"Oh! Well I promise I will fix this for you. I'll say it was all me and you had nothing to do with it. I promise you this, I don't want this to happen."


"He will I promise. You need to calm down. Just calm down for me,alright. Stop crying and sit down."

"Okay..I'll try."

"Your doing good. I promise I'll fix this, he just needs to calm down before I do. Just give him an hour or so."

"Okay. Thanks Alex!"

Alex let go of Ally and she finally stopped crying. Jack got her a tissue.

"He's not going to get away with breaking my sister's heart! I'm going to kick his ass!"

"Jack! You can't do that!"

"The hell I can't. I told him not to do this to her or I would beat him down."

"Alright. Well I'm coming with you when you talk to him."

"Okay then. But we've got a bit to go." Alex says.