Status: finished

The Party Scene

Chapter 6

-------------------------------ONE HOUR LATER-------------------------

Alex and Jack went on search to find Zack so they could talk to him and get this straight. It took them about twenty minutes to find him and he was sitting by a Pepsi machine talking to himself. Jack spoke to him first.

"Hey Zack. How are doing?"

"Well I'm not as angry, the hurt part is starting to set in more now."

"Oh. Well we came here to talk to you about this and hopefully get everything right."

"Okay so talk."

Alex steps forward."I'm so sorry Zack. I was just going with the crowd and you know how I get when I'm on stage. Alex lied.

"Yeah but still Alex, you should not of done that. You knew how I felt about her and I've already confronted you more than once about it. You should of known better."

"Your probably right, but I did it anyway and honestly I am sorry. Just don't end it with Ally."

"Alex you know I'm not just going to forgive you like that. You have to promise me that you will never ever get that close to Ally again. Never even talk to her without my premission."

"Okay Zack, I promise."

"Do you mean that?"

"Of course I do! Why wouldn't I?"

"Well I don't know. But I'm glad you promised."

"Okay. So you will take Ally back?"

"Yes. Will you go get her, I need to appollogize to her."

"I think you need to go to her,dude."

"Yeah your right. I'll see you guys at the bus."
He makes his way to the bus and finds Ally laying on the couch crying still.

Zack taps her shoulder. "Hey get up and stop crying babe. I need to talk to you."

"What do you want! I thought I was just a dirty tramp to you!"

"No! I'm sorry about that, I was just soo angry that I just said some things that were totally not true. I'm sorry Ally. Really really sorry."

"Alright I forgive you,but the next time you say anything like that. I'm sending Jack after you and he will not be as nice to you as he was this time."

"Okay baby! I love you!"

"I love you too. I'm ready for bed, today has been exhausting."

"Alright. I'll carry you there."

"Aww thanks honey."

He picks her up and takes her to the back room. When they got to the bed, he put her down and she pulled him on top of her. They started to make-out and his fingers ran all over her body, touching every inch and putting his hands underneath her clothes. Ally pulled on his belt and undid it, then she unbottuned his jeans and pulled them off. He pulled off his own shirt and then took her shirt off, then pulled off her bra. She giggled a bit because he smiling really big. He undid her pants button and took them off of her. Then he kissed her some more, but he got off and ran to his bag and got out a Trojan Condom. He put it on his now boner and then came back over to Ally and got back on top of her. Then he started to move up and down, they both started to breathe heavily. He kissed various parts of her body and she moaned in excitement.

Then all of a sudden he stopped. They heard a noise coming from outside the door, he quicky jumped up and put his some clothes on and threw some at Ally to put on. She quickly put them on and ran back on the bed and pretended to be asleep and Zack did the same thing, then they heard the door open. It was Jack, he looked at them and looked at the floor and saw the open condom wrapper and he freaked out on them.

"Ally! I told you no baby making!"

"We weren't doing anything but sleeping,Jack." Ally yelled.

"Then what the fuck is this?" He holds up the wrapper and throws it at them.

"So that doesn't mean anything, that could be anyone's empty wrapper."

"No! I think it's yours! Get your ass out of that bed! Your sleeping on the couch."

"But Jack! It's too late now, I mean we'ver already done it."

"I don't want to hear that just get in there."

"Fine. Just get out so I can kiss Zack goodnight."

"Okay but make it quick."

"I will, now go!"

Jack leaves the room and Ally attacks Zack and kissed him.

"I'm sorry my brother is an overprotective freak!"

"It's okay. It was nice while it lasted."

"Haha. Oh hell yes it was!"

"Haha. Well you better go."

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow or I'll sneak in when Jack goes to bed."

"Hmmm okay, baby. I love you, sweet dreams."

"I love you too." Ally says and leaves to the living room.

Jack sees Ally come in there and says. "Don't even think about sneaking back in there."

"I wasn't going to."

"Uh-huh sure..."

"I wasn't. Besides your just jealous that I had sex before you!"

"I am not!"

"Oh sure."

"Just be quiet and go to sleep. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Virgin!"

"I said shut up Ally!"
He leaves the room and Ally starts laughing. She fell asleep like five minutes later and woke back up at midnight and snuck back into Zack's room. She crawled into bed next to him, he woke up and snuggled next to her. Then they both fell back asleep for the rest of the night.

------------------IN THE MORNING---------------

Ally wakes up before anyone so she can sneak back into the living room. As she walks past Jack's bunk he moves and she thought he was going to wake up, but luckily he didn't. She made it safely to the living room and slept some more before everyone else woke her up getting breakfast. She saw Jack getting cereal. Rian and Alex were fighting over bacon, and Hailey was eating some toast. She got up and walked up next to Jack.

"Good morning Virgin!"

"Shut up Ally. The others might hear you."

"Aww what's the matter, you don't want them to know you still haven't done anything and your little sister did stuff before you."

"No, I just don't want them knowing about you guys."

"Okay whatever Jack the virgin!"

"Ally! Shut up! And trust me by the end of tonight I won't be."

"Okay whatever. Good luck because I can say stuff to Hailey that she won't want to do you."

"Don't you dare."

"Oh I will. You forget you have to greet fans and go on stage."

"No!" Jack screams.

Then Alex and Rian stop fighting over bacon and look at them and ask what is wrong.

"Oh nothing! Jack is just mad that he is still a virgin and I'm not. He's jealous."

"Ooh Jack don't be jealous. Your time will come." Alex and Rian say.

"Shut up! I am not jealous!"

"Okay Jack we know you!" Alex and Rian say.

"Whatever...I'm going to eat my cereal outside."
He storms out and slams the door shut. Hailey goes after him and yells at Ally,Alex, and Rian on her way out.

"Why can't you leave him alone. He can't help it, she did it first."
Then she slams the door also.

Then Zack finally wakes up from the multiple door slams.

"What the heck is going on?"

"Oh Jack is just mad that you and Ally did it before him and Hailey." Alex says.

"Oh. Wait, he told you guys."

"Yeah. He's pretty upset now." Rian says.

"Oh he will get over it, once his girlfriend talks to him."

"Yeah your right."

"Hey bacon!" Zack takes the last piece of bacon.

"Hey that was mine!" Rian yells.

"Well it's my tummy's now." Zack says and rubs his tummy.

"Darn you." Rian says.

"You will get over it."

He walks over to Ally and hugs her and kisses her.

"Good morning sunshine."

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

"I slept wonderfully!" Zack says while winking.

"Oh la la." Ally teases.

"Haha. How about you?"

"Pretty freaking great!"

"Well that's good."

"Yeah. Well you better get dressed so you can go meet your fans."

"Okay. I'll see you at the tent won't I?"

"Hmm I don't know, I want to go meet the other bands."

"Okay we'll come see your favorite band when your done."

"Okay then."

"Come on Rian! Let's go meet and greet!" Zack says.

"Otay!" Rian says.

Rian and Zack leave Alex and Ally alone. Alex comes up to Ally and asks he some questions.

"So did you have fun doing the Merrick?"

"Oh yeah! It was a total blast! Totally hott!"

"Oh really. I should try it sometime."

"No way! He's mine!"

"Okay I'll stay away for now."

"Hahah. Alright."

"Well I better go meet and greet now. I mean I am the most important one."

"Haha.Well have fun!"

"Oh I will."

So Alex leaves and Ally is all alone so she decides to watch some tv for awhile and take it easy. After all she is probablly going to have a wild night.