Status: finished

The Party Scene

Chapter 8

So after the show they all went to the bus and pretty much passed out in there beds. They were all so tired. That day had pretty hard on all of them, especially on Jack and Hailey. Zack and Ally teased Jack about it till they all fell asleep since they shared the back room, but it had to big beds in it, so they didn't have to sleep with each other.

Ally woke up first out of anyone the next morning and today was something really weird that one of the bands had thought up. It was a little tour prom, where all the band members that had girlfriends or they could go with friends went to a little prom that they had set up themselves. It sounded really fun but kind of weird since well it was on tour. But since today was there day off they decided to have it today. Ally woke up Hailey so they could go to the town they were at and shop for some dresses together. Hailey was a little reluctant to get up, but she finally did after Ally poured cold water on her. She got up and got dressed, then told a groggy Jack where she was going, he just looked at her and fell back asleep. Ally and Hailey laughed at this, then made there way out into the rental car they had got the other day so they could go to town.

They finally got to the dress shop five minutes later. Ally went off on her own to go look at some dresses, then she would be back to ask Hailey about the ones she had picked out and they would tell each other which one to get. This took about one hour, till they each picked out five different dresses. Then they tried them on and asked each other about them. Hailey ended up getting a teal strapless dress and Ally got a red halter dress. They both thought they would look stunning and kind of laughed since well they were going through so much trouble for a little tour prom. They went back to there car and stopped somewhere to get something to eat, of course they had to get stuff for the boys too or they would get all mad and act mean,especially Jack would probablly cry.

They got back to the bus a couple minutes later and everyone was up and dressed. Jack smelled the food and attacked them and took it away from them and got what he wanted then sat on the couch and ate with a very scary smile on his face. Rian,Zack, and Alex got theirs too, then sat next to Jack with the same weird smiles on their faces. Zack was the first to ask about their dresses.

"So can we see your dresses?"

"No! Not until later, when it's actually the prom,duh!" Ally and Hailey say.

"But that's not fair, you guys got to see each others." Zack and Jack whine.

"So we don't care! Your still not seeing them till later. Now were going to start getting ready, and no peeking. Or else." Ally and Hailey explain.

"Fine! But you better look stunning." Jack yells.

"Oh trust me Jack they will." Zack says.

"Well enjoy your food, see you later." Ally and Hailey go into the back room and close the door.

"Well at least we know there actually in to this dumb tour prom thing." Jack says.

"Yeah, but it is kind of cool." Zack says.

"Yeah I guess."

"Well we better get ready ourselves. Our tuxes are in Alex and Rian's bunks. Since we can't get into our room." Zack says.

"Okay! Let's get fly!" Jack yells.

"Yeah fly as hell." Zack yells and highfives Jack.

They start to get ready putting on their black tuxes and bow ties. Alex and Rian do the same, even though Alex is single and Rian's girlfriend is not there. They were going together, Alex seemed to be acting a little weird the whole time though, so Jack pulled him aside to see what was wrong.

"What's wrong,dude?! Aren't you excited?"

"Not really, I'd rather be going with Ally than Rian."

"Oh well there's nothing really that I can do about that, but you've got to get ahold of yourself man."

"I can't! It tears me up to see them together! The way he looks at her and the way he touches her. It just eats me alive."

"Really?! I didn't think you liked her that much."

"I don't like her Jack. I love her."

"Wow! Love? That's pretty serious, I mean that's like I how I feel about Hailey. I would totally feel the same if she was dating some other guy but luckily she's all mine!"

"Yeah lucky you. And yes it's love. The kind of love that just doesn't disapear, I don't think Zack has that kind of love for her, he just wanted to get into her pants and succeeded. Now she's head over heels for him and he's barely giving her anything. He doesn't want her anymore I mean he got what he wanted after all."

"Yeah I've noticed since they did it, that he's not too much into her anymore. I don't know though, he just may be acting funny."

"No he's lost his love. I mean he never really had any for her to begin with, but whatever was there is now gone."

"Reall? Whoa, that's deep. Are you going to be okay?"

"I'll be fine, as long as I don't have to be anywhere near them at the prom."

"Alright I'll keep them far away from you, just try not to think about it so much."

"Okay I'll try my best."

Jack left Alex and went back into the bathroom to straighten his hair. Alex just sat there and looked at Zack with a disgusted look on his face. He thought, "I must break them up,by getting Zack to confess he never really loved Ally." He turned away when Zack looked at him and pretended to be messing with his tie. Zack gave him a weird look then went into the bathroom with Jack.

"Hey Jack! Do you know what's up with Alex?"

"What do you mean, he seems fine to me."

"Well I don't know he was looking at me all weird."

"Oh well he does that to everyone once and awhile."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm totally sure,dude. It's nothing to get weirded out about."


"Well I'm ready. Now let's go see if the girls are ready."

"Okay! Let's!"

Jack and Zack knocked on the back bedroom door and Ally yelled.


"Are you girls ready yet?"

"Almost just got to put on our heels."

"Great just come out when your done."

"Okay done! Now close your eyes. We want to surprise you."

"Okay!" Jack and Zack say as they put there hands over there eyes.

Hailey and Ally walked out of the bedroom and walked over to there men. They took there hands and told them to open there eyes.

"Oh my! Your look so beautiful Hailey!" Jack gushes.

"Thanks babe! Your look so handsome in your little tux."

Then Zack looks at Ally.
"Oh my! Ally you look smashing." Zack says.

"That's it smashing. Do you know how long it took to get this hair right?"

"Well yeah, I mean I don't know what else to say."

Alex gives Jack a I told you so look and Jack looks at Ally. She is not smiling anymore, but just standing there holding Zack's hand with her head down. Jack then announces that it is time to go. He grabs Hailey's hand and makes his way to the bus door. Alex hooks arms with Rian and they make there way to the door. Ally takes Zack's hand again and they make their way to the door. Then they all walk down to the the stage, or the dance floor as they called it for the night.