Status: finished

The Party Scene

Chapter 9

So as they made there way down to the 'dance floor', Jack went all crazy. He was all jumping up and down acting like a retard, Rian walked up to him and smacked him on the butt and said.

"Oh yeah! Prom night baby!"

"Hells yeah! I'm so ready to party!" Zack says.

"I'm ready to shake my booty!" Alex says.

"I'm ready to sweat!" Jack says.

"I'm ready for you all to shut up and act normal." Ally says.

"We are just being fun! Gosh Ally go take a midol!" Jack says.

"Shut up Jack! I'm not even on that right now, I'm just really annoyed by your weird behavior."

"Okay fine. We will stop." Jack says.

So Jack tells the rest of them what Ally said.

"Ally said stop being annoying or she'll beat your asses."

"Aw man! Then how are we supposed to have fun!" Rian asks.

"We just don't act dumb around Ally, duh!" Alex says.

"Okay so we all agree, don't act dumb around Ally!" They all say.

So they tell there little DJ they got for the night to play some music and he when he finally does. They all start dancing really dumb,Rian was grinding on Alex. Jack was all up on Zack touching his butt and spinning him around.
Hailey and Ally seen this and practically fell over laughing. Jack seen them and stopped then ran over and grabbed Hailey and drug her out in the middle of the dance floor. She started dancing stupid like them and Ally just stood there and said.

"Oh my! And these people are my friends. Wow! But at least there fun!" Ally says and goes to the middle of the dance floor to join them.

"Oh yeah Ally's joined the party!" Alex yells.

"Yeah I'm part of the party." Ally says.

"Let's get down!" Alex says.

As they were dancing in there crazy ways other members from other bands started to show up and dancing with them. So official there little tour prom had began and as they were all dancing wildly the DJ stops the fast song and plays a slow song. All the couples got together and started to slow dance. Alex seen Ally and Zack start and he also saw that Zack had his hand on Ally's butt. He completely freaked out and left the dance floor, Ally seen this and followed him.

"Alex! What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I'm.I'm.I'm fine." Alex cries.

"Then why are you crying and why did you run away?"

"Because because of you and Zack!"

"What about us?"

"The way he touches you inappropriately just drives me insane!"

"Why I don't understand where you coming from?"

"It kills me because...I love you!"

Ally with a shocked look on her face says. "You love me? But I thought you just had a crush, but love that's pretty big."

"Yeah I do love you! And to see him all over you when he doesn't, makes me want to go crazy. So I had to get away I couldn't stand to sit there and watch that."

"Alex! Why didn't you just say something to me earlier, I would of understood and not have done that."

"Okay that's it! You would of not done anything else but that?"

"No I mean what else am I supposed to do."

"Well you could answer a question for me."


"Well more like two questions, but yeah."

"Get on with them, man!"

"Okay! Do you really love Zack? And do you like me more than just a friend could you ever love me?"

"Well to your first question I do love Zack. And yes I do like you as more than just a friend! Of course I could love you but not right now, I just couldn't do that to Zack."

"You honestly think he loves you?"

"Yes! Why wouldn't he?"

"Well because he got what he wanted and is done with you."

"What do you mean got what he wanted and done with me?"

"I mean he was only trying to get into your pants and he succeeded and now he's done. He wants you for nothing else!" Alex yells.

"I don't think so..."

"Why else do you think he's acting different, because he's sick. No he's done and doesn't know how to tell you yet."

"But but but why would he do that?"

"Because he's an ass! I think you should go in there and break up with him before you get in too deep and breaks your heart."

"Fine! But only because I know you wouldn't lie to me but I'm going to ask him first."

Ally walks back onto the dance floor and sees Zack on the dance floor making out with some girl. Ally fell to the floor and started crying her eyes out.
Alex ran over to see what was wrong and then he seen Zack, he jumped onto the dance floor and first ran to Jack and pointed him out. Jack ran over there and punched him in the face, Alex ran after him and punched him too. Rian seen what was going on and ran over there to break it up.

"What are you guys doing beating the shit out of Zack?" Rian says.

"He cheated on my little sister, so I'm beating his ass." Jack yells.

"He broke my true love's heart and now I'm going to break his face." Alex yells.

"Well this isn't the time or place to do this, you guys need to sit down and talk about this." Rian says.

"There's no more talking just beating!" Alex and Jack yell.

Rian pulls Alex off of Zack then calls over another guy to get Jack off of him. They finally got both of them off then took them to the bus.

"Why did you stop the fight?" Jack screams.

"Because it's dumb to be fighting that's why." Rian says.

"It was not dumb it was a pretty damn good reason to be fighting." Alex screams.

"No it wasn't and you two are going to the bus and staying there until you settle down." Rian yells.

"But what about Ally! She needs comforting!" Alex yells.

"I'll have Hailey bring Ally just stay on this bus and calm down!" Rian says.

"Fine! But she better be on this bus in exactly two minutes or I'm going to get her myself." Alex screams.

"Okay! Two minutes." Rian says.

So Rian left Alex and Jack in the bus and they were still pretty upset. Jack kept punching the wall and Alex kept screaming "I'm going to kill Zack!" Finally two minutes later Ally and Hailey came to the bus. Ally was still crying uncontrollably. Alex ran toward her and hugged her and started talking to her to calm her down.

"Ally! Calm down sweetie! It's going to be alright, that ass doesn't deserve someone as sweet as you."

"I just can't do this anymore! I can't believe he would cheat on me!"

"Well believe it, because it happened. Now calm down. That asshole is not worth your tears baby."

"Your right, I don't know why I'm crying so much but it just hurts so bad. I thought he really loved me."

"Well he didn't and I don't see who wouldn't your like heaven sent."

"Aww stop it Alex! Your too sweet!"

"I'm only trying to make you feel better angel!"

"Well thank you! Your doing a fabulous job and I'm starting to feel much better."

"So what can I do to make you feel completely better?"

" can do this." Ally leans in and kisses Alex.

"Well that was pretty amazing if you ask me. Are you feeling better?"

"I'm feeling much better! And it's all thanks to you, I really don't know what I would do without you. You are my guardian angel."

"Well I wouldn't go that far, but I am pretty nice."

"Your too modest. But really thanks for being there."

"Thanks! Yeah but it's only because I love you!"

"I actually believe you when you say that. And I love you too."

"I'm glad you believe me because I really do mean it. Can I ask you something?"

"Go right ahead."

"Will you be my sweetheart?"

"Of course I will. But I should probably break up with Zack first."


"Well I'm going to find him. I'll be back soon. I promise."

"Okay baby! I love you with all my heart."

"I love you too honey!"

Then Ally walks out of the bus door to find Zack and so she can give him a little talking to.