Fire and Ice

Getting Closer

I don't know why I even agreed to come along. I have nothing to do with these Jonases, except for the fact that my best friend's boyfriend is Joe Jonas.

Right now they are touring across America. A few days ago, Joe asked Chelsea if she wanted to come while the "Jonas Brothers" were on tour. I guess he just couldn't live without seeing her. Chelsea didn't want to be the only girl there (besides Mrs. Jonas), so that's why I'm here.

The band is pretty cool, except for that one kid. Nick.

I don't see why girls start hyperventalating and screaming until their voice box is damaged, once they catch a glimpse of him. I haven't been here that long, but I still don't see what is so great about him. He's been aggrivating and torturing me.

Okay, well I'm not as cordial to him either.

I was sitting on a couch in the lounge of the tourbus, next to Kevin and Chels, with Joe next to her. I was in the middle of writing a song with my best friend, when Nick came in.

He looked like he was texting someone.

"Who is it?" Kevin asked Nick.

"Miley, " Nick sighed. "She just won't leave me alone. We already broke up!"

"You mean that Hannah Slut-tana fake?" I blurted out. "Well Nick, maybe you guys should get back together. I mean the two of do make a perfect couple."

My "couch buddies" started laughing as Nick just glared at me. Denise came in to annouce something, with Frankie trailing behind her.

Frankie hopped into my lap as soon as he caught sight of me.

At least there was one Jonas I sure liked having around.

"Did you guys forget about the party the Cyruses are holding?" Denise asked.

The three Jonas Brothers looked at each other, confused.

"It's tomorrow. Oh, you girls should come, too."

Chelsea and I exchanged a worried glance. We were no fans of Miley.

"Mrs. Jonas, It's really nice of you to consider us, but we're fine. We weren't invited, so it just doesn't seem right. We would just be out of place there."

I really didn't want to go to a celebrity party where all the people there would be stuck up and stupid. Did I mention it's being held by Miley's family? Well, I havent met her, but you can just tell what kind of person she is. I know, that is so judgemental of me.

Even though Chelsea and I insisted several times that we shouldn't go to the party, Denise opposed against it. Apparently, what she says always goes.

Denise forced the guys to take us to the mall so that we could get something to wear.

In a matter of minutes we were rushed into a black Escalade. On the whole ride to the mall, Nick and I began to argue.

No surprise there.

"Look poodle-head, no one cares about Joe wearing your shirt, but you. So just let it go and shut up."

Nick started to get into the arguement, until Kevin sighed loudly and stopped us.

The car stopped in a parking place and we all got out. As I closed the door, I felt someone push me against the car door. It was Nick, and he was way to close to me. He had my arms in his grasp, as he leaned in even closer to me.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked. I could feel his breathing on my face.

"Admit it. You are so in love with me."

"Excuse me? I think your ego is getting in the way of your senses. I thought I made it perfectly clear these past few days, that I absolutely hate you!"

"You know, insults are a sign of flirting."

"Flirting?! Why would I want to be flirting with you?! I'm not flirting with you, I'm just telling the truth."

Nick moved his head closer to mine.

"Would you get off of me, Jonas?!"

Right after I said that, Nick let go of me and part of my body fell back onto the car. Nick laughed for a second and started to walk towards Kevin, Joe, and Chelsea.

"Ow," I said quietly.

Nick turned around and walked back towards me.

"Do you need help, Erica?" he said with a smirk.

"Just...don't touch me," I said getting up off the side of the car.

I walked into the mall and caught up with Chelsea. She took a quick glance at me as I walked by her side, then she looked away. A moment later, she looked back at me, with confusion in her eyes.

"What happened to you, Ric?"

♠ ♠ ♠
So what do you think so far? Doesn't this chapter seem kind of boring? Don't worry, the next one will be better. So...comments...?