Back To The Streets

Possibly The Beginning Or Ending Of Friendships.

Millie and I got into my car and headed to Pizano's. As soon as we got there, Millie bounded over to our usual booth in the back corner. We both looked at the menu, but we both knew what we were getting already. I was trying to avoid the subject of Brendon Urie- which she was obviously dying to talk about- but I can't say she was trying to do the same thing.

A waiter came up to our table and I didn't look up from my menu. "We'll have the usual." The waiter waited which caused me to look up at her. She was new. She wouldn't have any idea what I am talking about, and the look on her face definitely showed that. "Oh, sorry. Most of the waiters know us here. Uh, we'll have a large with bacon and pineapple. Heavy sauce, light cheese. Thanks." With that she turned on her heel and walked away, acting like I was taking up her time.

After a few moments of awkwardness, I broke the silence. "So, Millie, how was your day today?"

"It's ended up being pretty amazing," she said with a distracted grin on her face. Suddenly, she came back to the conversation. "Uhm, how was yours?" She said fairly nonchalantly. She didn't look like she cared in the least.

"It was fine." Slowly a grin creeped across my face. I decided to play dumb. "So, you act as if you knew the guy at Pete's. Who is he?"

Her jaw dropped as I smiled, trying to be convincing. "He's only the greatest singer on this Earth. It's Brendon Urie! From Panic at the Disco? Remember we saw them play when we went to see the Dresden Dolls. The main act, remember? I can't believe you didn't recognize him. He's like way famous now." She sighed.

"Oh. I guess I didn't recognize him. But he was cute though." I just knew this would set her off.

"Oh my god. You noticed too? He's like gorgeous. Did you see the way he looked at me? I think he liked me. Don't you think..." She trailed off. I could tell she was thinking about him. I was also thinking about him. I wasn't dumb. I had noticed how he looked at me instead of her, but I wasn't going to be petty and tell her that.

"Oh definitely." Just then our pizza came, along with the abrupt end of our conversation. We quietly munched on our pizza, and like Cinderella at midnight, the time beckoned that we returned home. Luckily, it was Friday. So, I invited Millie to sleepover.

When we got home, I told my mom that Millie was staying over. Any other mom probably would've been angry, but not my mom. Millie announced she was going to call her mom and tell her what was going on. After she left the room, my mom started in with the interrogation.
"So you returned those CDs to Pete like I asked?" I knew that was retorical, and she knew the answer. "Did he say anything?" She asked trying to be coy, but I knew she was burning inside to hear my answer.

Knowing what Millie said to him, and also knowing that he was a bit stunned. I lied, but only a little. "Yeah, he said thanks... and to drop by any time." Adding a bit of happiness and sing song to the last part of the sentence. By this time, Millie returned. And my mother was smiling to herself. Millie gave me a look that said why did you lie to make her happy?

We started to walk out of the room, when my mother asked, more like demanded, "Aub, please keep it down tonight? I have to make a phone call. It could be a while."
Everyone in the room knew who she was calling.

Millie and I headed upstairs and into my room. Remembering this had been spur of the moment, I went to my closet and tossed Millie something to sleep in. As she went to change, I began pulling my own clothes off. I pulled my keys and phone out of my back pocket when I noticed a white piece of paper that had been in my back pocket. It had Aubrey scratched on the outside. And, it read: 555-0823 Brendon. Call me anytime, please.Just then, Millie came back from the bathroom.

"I see you've made it far." She said, as I looked down to notice that I hadn't progressed far at all. Her eyes flickered to the paper in my hands. "Oh, what have you got there?" She lunged to grab it from my hands, but I was faster. I whipped it behind my back.

"Nothing. It's nothing."

"I can see right through you Graham. Hand it over." I gave in and handed it to her. Her eyes widened with either anger or happiness.

"Where did you get this?" She said icily. Yep, it was definitely anger.

"I-I-I found it in my back pocket. Brendon must've slipped in there without me noticing."

"Well," she sighed, "he probably meant to give it to me." She obviously hadn't noticed that it said my name on it. "You weren't going to call him were you? He likes me you know." I stared in disbelief at that sentence.

"You wi... I mean no of course I wasn't going to call him. I was going to give it to you." I stopped myself from saying something really nasty, and just agreed to let her have this one. Even if it obviously wasn't going to work out.

"Oh. Okay." She said, the smile returning to her face. "Let's go watch some bad 80s slasher flick. I really need a laugh."

"Okay, meet you down there. I'm just going to change." I said as she bounded out of the room. I quickly changed, and saw Millie had left the slip of paper with Brendon's phone number on it on my dresser. I grabbed my phone and quickly added the number, looking over my shoulder a few times. I thought to myself, well, he did say please.
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Feedback please? Comment me or whatever. By the way, still don't know in which direction this is headed. Just a heads up.

For those of you who may be more dense than others, that means I might not be updating for a while.