Back To The Streets

Deja Vu.

I walked down the stairs and said, "Why good evening Miss Wyatt. What's on the agenda for this evening?" I plopped down on the hard, uncomfortable couch that resided in our barely used living room.

"Oh, I was thinking some classic Hitchcock, you know like Psycho?" I looked at her quizzically. She beamed like a light.

"Okay, you suggest my favorite movie which also happens to be the one you hate the most... what do you really want?" Millie's smile fell. She began to open her mouth to speak, but then closed. She looked down, as if contemplating something.

"What makes you think I want something?" Millie replied, obviously lying.

"Seriously? Come on, I've known you for fifteen years. You'd think I'd know when you are trying to butter me up. What is it? Just spit it out," I said, regretting that I hadn't gone along with her original plan. I knew exactly what she wanted to talk about.

"Well... I... was... wondering..." I knew what she was about to ask.

"Just call him. I'll just start the movie without you." I knew very well that he didn't want to her to call him, but whatever. I could always pretend that I never found his number.

"Oh thank you Aub! You are the best friend anyone could have!" She said while trying to kiss my hand on the way up the stairs. I giggled to myself quietly. I got up to pop the DVD in the DVD player and I heard footsteps above my head. I was sure Millie was pacing with anxiety filling her heart and head.

Ten minutes later, before Marion even made it to the Bates motel, Millie came bustling down the stairs. She sat down on the couch with a hard thump. She was pouting.

I let a small giggle escape. "Something wrong?"

"He didn't answer."

At that, again I had to laugh. "Oh come on, Millie. You couldn't possibly expect him to answer his phone all the time. I bet he's really busy all the time. Did you at least leave a message?"

"Yes," Millie said childishly.

"Well," I laughed again at her childish behavior, "I'm sure he'll find time to call his new friend back. Don't worry. Nobody is worth you getting upset."

"Oh thanks Aubs. And you're totally right. So what have I missed?" Millie said, directing her attention towards the television. I began to tell her what had happened so far as we settled into each other and the couch. Soon we drifted to sleep.

About two hours later, I awoke to see the credits rolling and some cheesy elevator music playing. I shook Millie's shoulders, and said we should go upstairs. Slowly and groggily, we walked upstairs to my room.

The next morning, the sun peaked through the blinds in the room, and the hour beckoned us to wake. It was ten o'clock. I rolled over to see half of Millie's sleeping body, the other dangling off the edge of the bed. "Wake up, Millie," I whispered, barely awake myself. I saw her stir, and shook her by the shoulder, "Come on Millie. Wakey wakey." Finally she slowly opened her eyes.

"My God. What time is it? The sun is barely up." I got up, and crossed to the other side of the room to where my window is. I quickly pulled the blinds up and revealed the sun was high in the sky. "Oh my God. Turn off the light!"

"Millie, it's ten o'clock in the morning. Get up," I bent down and picked up my pillow, and threw it at her. "Hey, I have an idea! How about we go down to Lily's Cafe and get some breakfast?" I smiled at the thought.

Millie looked up at me. After a short glare, she said, "Fine. Just let me get dressed."

"No problem. Let's meet downstairs in like ten minutes." I turned to my closet and started pulling out clothes. Millie continued to look at me. "Oh right." I remembered our sleepover was spontaneous and she didn't have anything to change into. I threw a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She left the room, and I began to get ready for the day.

Ten minutes later, I bounded downstairs to see Millie taking a look through the magazines we had scattered on our coffee table for decoration. "You do know that those are from like 2001, right?" Millie jumped a little at the sound of my voice. I chuckled. "Oh sorry. I didn't mean to startle you."

Millie smiled. "No biggie. I was just browsing around. You know, checking things out. So, shall we go then?"

"Alrighty. Let me just grab some cash. Go start the car." I tossed her my keys and headed back to my room. I looked for my wallet, and saw it on the dresser, next to Millie's phone. I grabbed a twenty, and picked up Millie's phone. I noticed she had a missed call. So, I flipped it open to find that Brendon called last night. My finger lingered over the delete button, and I quickly pressed it. I'm sure he'll call again, I thought to myself. I felt a bit of guilt rush over me, but quickly dismissed the feeling and headed downstairs to meet Millie in the car.

I hopped in the driver's seat of my mom's Porsche Cayenne. I'm determined that someday I will get my own car. "Hey," I said as I handed Millie her phone, "you left that upstairs." I smiled and put the car in gear and pulled out of the garage. I honked a few times to alert my mom we had taken the car, knowing that she wasn't going to be out of bed for at least three more hours. She always slept until one o'clock on Saturday.

I drove to Lily's Cafe and stopped the car. "It's on me," I said before we got out of the car. Millie shrugged and hopped inside the tiny restaurant.

We had a small breakfast, complete with eggs, toast, and waffles. While we were finishing our plates, I wondered if Millie had plans today. "So, Millie, are you busy today? I thought maybe we could go to the mall or something." I took another bite of my eggs, decided I was done, and pushed my plate away.

"Uhm noh, Ihm nawt bizzy toodah." She had food in her mouth, but I understood her.

"Okay since you don't have any plans, I'm assuming you want to hit the mall?" She shook her head yes. I motioned for the waiter to bring the check. When he arrived, I gave him the twenty and told him to keep the change. I stood up, and Millie took one last sip of her orange juice.

I turned back to look at her, and she began to walk towards the door so I began to walk backwards. "So, I was thinking-" Oomph. I crashed into someone and fell to the floor.

I lay on my back on the cold tiled floor of the restaurant, and my eyes were closed. I felt a slight throbbing in my head. I cracked my eyes open a little, and saw a collection of people standing over me. I heard Millie trying to explain that this happens a lot. I heard a sigh of relief from the people around me as I began to get up.

I stood up and brushed the dust off my pants, and turned around. My eyes scanned the room for Millie, and saw her talking to a man. I took a closer look and realized who it was. Un-freaking-believable, I thought to myself.
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Whoaa. This one was quite long and detail filled.
Look peeps. I want feedback, so I'm not posting ANYTHING else until I get at least one comment. Just one would make me happy. So do it! Please?