When Your Hope Is Gone... Just Hold On.

Chapter 12


I sat on my bed lost in thought as they were fixing the generators. Alexis looked at me occasionally, but we didn't share friendly glances. I finally couldn't take it anymore. In order for us to survive I was going to have to get over everything and try to be friends with her.
"About before, I'm sorry. I'm just really shaken up and after the last girl..."
"I know, Kevin told me." Alexis said.
"I'm sorry." I apologized again.
"Its alright really. I'd be the same way." She said.
"I'm sure you know but, Annamolly Utwood." I said and put my hand out.
"Alexis Mendell" She said shaking my hand.
Then it was back to the awkward silence.
"You know, its really cute how Joe talks about you." She said as she leaned her back on the wall with her arms crossed and looking at the ceiling.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"When you went up with Nick, Joe was just non-stop talking about you. Saying how you're actually a really sweet girl and how you mean a lot to him." She said and I smiled lightly.
"How did you survive in that store? That ransacked every store." I asked.
"There is a panel in the ceiling that is loose. I was hiding and sleeping there. I only came down if I needed food." She explained.

The vent door opened and Alexis and I looked over. Joe sat beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I moved closer to him and leaned my head on his shoulder. Kevin, as I expected, sat beside Alexis and she smiled.
"Everything alright?" Joe whispered in my ear and I nodded.
"Jesse said he should have the generators running within the hour." Kevin said.
"I'm going to try to get some sleep." I said as I laid down.
"It would probably be best if we all tried." Joe said.
"Mrs. Pattison and the twins already had the idea." Kevin said.
We all looked over and saw them all sound asleep. From the moment that I saw them sleeping I knew that I was going to make sure they lived no matter what. No more blood was going to be shed.

I laid down and felt Joe lay right beside me. I turned to face him and looked into his eyes. He used his hand to push the hair out of my face.
"Do you still believe me when I say I will protect you no matter what?" He whispered.
"Of course." I whispered back.
"Good." He said and pecked my lips softly.
"We're going to make it." I said and He smiled lightly.
"Yeah. We will." He replied and I moved closer to him.
I laid my head on his arm as he wrapped it around my shoulders and used his other arm to wrap around my waist.
"What do you think happened to everyone else? Do you think its possible that other people outside the mall have survived..." I whispered.
"I hope so..." He whispered after a few moments. "I really hope so..."
"Why aren't they looking for us? Isn't anyone worried?!" I whispered.
He wiped away the single tear that fell.
"This may be the only state its happening to. They might not know." Joe whispered calmly.
"But you and the boys are famous! Shouldn't someone be looking!" I whispered as I sat up.
Joe sat up and just looked at me.
"Most of the people on our team and helping with our tours were at the hotel. Even if they are alive, we have no phone or cell phone signal. How would they call us or we call them? Thats... if they're even alive." Joe said and lost eye contact with me. I sat in his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck as I put my face in his neck.
"I'm scared Joe..." I whispered. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on top of mine.
"Me too..." He whispered after a little awhile. "I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe Annamolly. Just as I will for the others."
"I don't know if thats so smart." I whispered.
"What?" He whispered and looked at me like I was crazy. I lifted my head to make eye contact better.
"On multiple occasions you have almost died because of me. Every time you protect me, theres a chance of you dying... I can't take much more of having that feeling. I need you Joe." I whispered.
"Do you remember what I first told you before we kissed?" Joe asked.
"Yes..." I said softly.
"What did I say?" He asked just as soft.
"As long as I'm still breathing, you'll be safe..." I said.
"...I promise you that. Exactly and thats what I plan on doing until we're safely away from here." He said.
I pecked his lips softly and let my forehead rest on his as I closed my eyes.
"Joe... If we don't get out of here-"
"Don't talk like that. We're getting out of here." He whispered.
I opened my eyes and they soon connected to his gorgeous brown eyes.
His lips pressed onto mine with more passion than I had ever felt from him yet it was sealed with fear. Fear we all have...
Part of me wanted to hope that we would all get out of here alive, yet another part of me found it impossible. If no one has been looking for us and it has almost been two weeks, why would they be concerned now? We could be trapped here for months before people even find us. Thats if they can even get to us.
I laid back down with Joe beside me not being able to sleep.

With having ten survivors again and the zombies getting smarter, our time might be limited on escaping with our lives...
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