When Your Hope Is Gone... Just Hold On.

Chapter 7


"Shouldn't there be more workers here?" I asked.
"Most called out sick. I'm sure if they were here, they are either hiding or dead." Linzi replied.
"Hey! We need help!" I heard Kevin's voice.

Linzi and I stood up quickly and rushed ot the office.
Jesse had a blonde girl in his arms and laid her down on one of the beds.
"What happened to her?" I asked Joe.
"We don't know. We found her passed out behind the desk. Shes hurt pretty bad." He responded.
"What if its zombies that got to her?" I asked.
"I guess its something we'll have to risk. We weren't going to just leave her there.
"I think we should put her in another room. This way if she is infected, shes not a risk to us. I'm not willing to risk the kids Joe." I said and he nodded.
"Come on." He took my hand in his and we walked out into the main room where everyone was.

"So is she bit or not?" Jesse asked as Linzi inspected her wounds.
"She has a lot of deep scratches. One wound looks like a bite but theres no way to be sure." Linzi replied.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"It looks like half a bite. Maybe by the side of the mouth. Or it could be a claw mark. I'm not sure." She answered.
"I think we should put her in another room. This way if she is infected she can't harm us." I said.

"I think we should throw her back out to the zombies so shes not a risk to us." That was the first time I heard Derick voice his opinion. It wasn't a nice tone either.
"Well thats not going to happen. Shes staying." Joe snapped.
Derick glared at him and walked towards Joe.
"I'm not willing to risk anyone here. Especially not my little sister's." Derick spoke angrily.
"She won't be a risk to us if shes in a locked room." Joe continued to argue with him.
The tension was getting worse, and I wasn't liking it.

"Alright, so lets say for example..." Derick started and then looked at me. "Your girl here..." He started again and then looked back at Joe. "Goes into that room with that girl to bandage her up and take care of her, and then the girl changes. If she attacks Annamolly, thats two people we have to kill. Are you willing to have your girl's blood on your hands?" Derick spat and then smirked knowing he got under Joe's skin.

Joe shoved Derick sending him back a few steps before I stepped in the middle.
"Stop it now!" I shouted as I stood in between Joe and Derick.
Linzi grabbed Derick and held him back as I stood in front of Joe to stop him.
"Shes staying in a spare room and will be under lock and key at all times. Got it?!" I shouted as Joe and Derick continued to glare at eachother. Derick brushed off Linzi's grip and stayed standing in his spot.

"If anything happens to my little sister, I'm coming after you." He spoke harshly as he pointed at Joe and then went back to his little sister.

Jesse cleared his throat in the now awkward silence. "Uh... Kevin could you help me out?" He asked as he picked up the girl.
"Yeah no problem." He said and grabbed the bed as he followed him into one of the spare rooms.
The tried all the keys in the office until they finally found the key and locked the door.
I brought Joe into the office so he could cool down and to keep Derick and him away from eachother.
joe paced back in forth in front of me.
"Joe just calm down..." I said.
He wasn't listening to me. I knew he wasn't.
I grabbed his arm to stop him and put my hands on his face. I pulled his head down to mine as I went on my tip toes, giving him a soft kiss. It took him a second to react, maybe out of shock, but he soon kissed back.

"You need to relax." I said as I still held him.
He closed his eyes and let in a deep breath then soon released it.
"Better?" I asked and he nodded as he opened his eyes again.

Night fell faster than expected. Yet it was hard to tell when exactly night time was. With no windows all we had to rely on was the digital clock on the office wall. When everyone was asleep, I felt comfortable enough to fall in a deep sleep. It was just something I ended up doing. Maybe it was like a security. I like to make sure everyone is safe and asleep before I sleep. Everyone was safe and asleep as I fell asleep. Or so I thought...

The scream kept getting louder as I tossed and turned.
"Angie!" The voice was followed by a banging.

My eyes shot open as I saw everyone move with a panic.
"Angie!" The voice yelled again. It was Derick.
I sat up quick and saw no one was around our sleeping area except for Mrs. Pattison who held her children close. Fear filled her eyes. I jumped up and ran toward the voice.

"Angie..." The voice softened. I looked down the little hall and saw everyone surrounding the security door. Derick stood infront of the door banging on the window. Everyone looked in with faces of horror.

I stood by Joe and looked in. Standing in front of the door was the blonde girl. She had changed. Wedged udner the doorknob was one of the metal filing cases and angie's little body layed on the floor. I won't even begin to describe what it looked like. Its something that still gives me nightmares.

"She blocked the door..." Linzi whispered in horror.
"How is that possible?" Jesse whispered in return.
It almost looked as if there was a smirk on the blonde's face.
"Give me the gun..." Derick's voice was calm. Almost too calm. I knew he was close to snapping.
"Derick..." Linzi started.
"I said give me the gun!" Derick shouted.
Linzi sighed and bit her lip before slowly handing him the fun.
He backed up and pointed the gun at the window of the door.
The blonde never moved. Just stood staring. He shot the window which his the girl as well.
Derick waited for the glass to stop falling before climbing through the window. He dropped the gun and cradled his little sister in his arms.
"Angie.. oh Angie..." He cried.

Jesse moved the filing cabinent and we slowly walked into the room.
Joe took a few steps closer. I kenw he wanted to apologize and try to give comforting words. I didn't know if that was a good idea at this moment. I stood behind Joe with a hand on his arm.

I watched as Derick's head moved toward the gun again.
"This is all your fault..." He spat angrily. He stood up with the gun in his hand and pointed it at Joe. My eyes widened in shock. Everyone held there breath. Joe swallowed hard and he tried to push me away from him but I wouldn't budge.

"Derick... You need to just calm down. Just put the gun down and calm down..." I spoke calmly.
"No! Why should I?! It his fault that my sister is dead. If he just listened to me, Angie would be alive! She'd be alive!" Tears were streaming down his face now.
"Derick please! Think about what your doing! Haven't enough lives been taken!? Would Angie want you to do this?!" I hated using those tactics, but I couldn't let us lose someone else. Derick closed his eyes as his hand shook slightly. He slowly put the gun point down and slowly knelt back to his sister. He cradled her in his arms with the gun in his other on the ground.

I took a step forward in front of Joe. "Derick, just please give me the gun." I said softly.
He looked at the gun as he kept his back toward me. He started to lift his arm and and I put my hand out. He continued to lift it up but instead of putting it in my hand, he raised it to his head.

"Derick No!" I shouted but it was too late. I closed my eyes tight and turned into Joe's chest as the bang went off. Joe's arms went tightly around my body as he stood in shock. He cradled me in his arms as I cried heavily. My body was shaking and my tears started to soak Joe's shirt.

The chances of survival seemed to get lower and lower as there is only now nine survivors...
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey Hope this chapter was ok.
I didn't post earlier because I didn't knwo exactly what to put it in.
Hopefully it wasn't bad >.<
Feedback is awesome :]

ALSO! I can't update this story for at least 3 to 4 days. I won't be around the computer so I'm really sorry about that! But as soonas I'm near a computer I will update!