Fake It Like You Matter


I was so right.

When the doorbell rang the next afternoon I was still in my pajamas, still under the covers and still trying to keep the daylight as far away as possible.

I sighed and rolled out of the warm refuge I called my bed and stuck my head out the window.

"Pete?" I shouted down towards the front door.

His head poked out from under the cover of my porch.

"Look up," I laughed and he finally realized where the voice was coming from.

"Hey," He smiled up at me, "Are you gonna let me in or what?"

"You're three flights of stairs away, dude," I sighed, "You're pretty but you aint that pretty."

He laughed at that, then asked if there was a spare key hidden somewhere or something.

"No, sorry..." I paused and then a smile broke across my face, "But how are you at climbing trees?"

Pete looked over at the giant oak in my front yard, then back up to me.


"Its how I get in when I forget my keys," I explained, "Come on. Channel Zack Morris and get your cute ass up here. I'll be keeping the bed warm."

"Love?!" He yelled back but I was already walking away from the window giggling. "You've got to be kidding me!"

I went and brushed my teeth, then got back into my warm cozy bed. Soon I heard Pete's grunts as he climbed closer and closer to my window.

"Just so you know," He huffed, "It might not have been a good idea for me to know that that was even possible. I did enjoy the Saved By The Bell reference, though. I kinda wanted to be Zach Morris when I was younger."

"Come tell me about it under here," I yawned and pulled the blankets back a little bit.

He kicked off his shoes and pulled his hoody off, smirking all the while and crawled in next to me.

"Oh my god, Love," He said as I pulled the blankets up around us, "This is the most comfortable bed I've ever felt in my life."

"Worth the climb?" I asked snuggling against him, closing my eyes.

"Yeah," His hand found mine and he laced his warm fingers through my cold ones, then pulled me closer to him, "So were you seriously still in bed?"

"Yeah, some jerk kept me out past my bedtime," I giggled, "But it was totally worth it."

"Was it?"

"Yeah," I sighed happily.

There was a long silence where we layed together all cozy, just breathing until I decided to ruin it.

"I googled you," I blurted, "I'm sorry."

He didn't say anything at first, then he sighed, "Why are you sorry? Did you find something you didn't want to?"

I frowned, "I just didn't know I would find so much. I mean, you told me you were in a band and stuff, but everyone and their dog is in a band at some point, so it wasn't a big deal."

"But now it is?"

"I don't know, boy," I whispered, "It was just, all those kids coming over, and you were like, used to it. I had no idea it was like that. Even Jessa, at work was telling me you were such a big deal. It was like these people who hadn't even met you knew more about the guy I was on a date with than I did. I just wanted to know what it seems like everyone else does."

"I guess I didn't explain that side of it very well," He shook his head, "It's just still really weird to me too, because I'm not a big deal at all. Trust me."

"I think you're a big deal." I kissed his arm, "But for different reasons. I mean, I haven't even heard your band. Aside from one show at Moe's forever ago..."

He sat up a bit and looked at me.

"You were at one of the Moe's shows?" He blinked, "Seriously?"

I nodded, "Snuck in."

"Well, I'm sorry you had to hear that." He settled in with me again, and pulled me even closer than before, "And I really... I just... thanks. Most of the girls I meet know all about me, and I don't ever really know why they're acting into me. With you though, I don't have to wonder. So that kind of makes you a big deal to me too."

"This is... fast." I looked up into my favorite brown eyes, "Isn't it?"

He slid his hand around the back of my neck, kissed me softly and whispered, "Never be afraid to love."

I bit my lip at the words he quoted from my mother.

"Pete..." I pulled away shaking my head slowly.

"I know," He stopped me, "Sorry, I know its way too soon for that, I just mean you have to let it start somewhere."

I chewed on my lip considering this. Maybe he was right.

"Let it start here. He urged and shrugged, "Let it start with me."

I studied him for a few more moments then relaxed again.

"Okay," I breathed and rested my head on his shoulder.

We spent the rest of the afternoon wrapped up in each other under my covers, letting it start.
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Enough computering.
I'm going to the BEACH!!!