Fake It Like You Matter


"What are you doing, you little weirdo?" Pete asked as I ran around my house in what must have seemed like a completely hap hazardous way.

I ran into my living room first, grabbing a fuzzy blanket off the couch, then into the kitchen where I found 2 spoons. I paused in thought, completely ignoring him and ran back to the front door where Id left my hoody the night before. After throwing it over my shoulder I ran back into the kitchen and dug the pint of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream that I had been saving out of the freezer.

I rejoined a confused looking Pete at the bottom of the stairs, "Follow me."

I marched up to my bedroom, and over to the open window, smiling.

"If we're going somewhere, don't you think it would be easier to go down the stairs instead of the tree?" He reasoned.

"We're not going down," I smirked handing him the blanket, "We're going up."


I nodded, "The roof."

Pete followed me up to the roof very carefully since our hands were full and there were a couple tricky spots we had to overcome. The first was the journey from the tree branch back onto the house, and the second was scaling the steep incline of the roof and not falling three stories to our untimely deaths.

"So what you do is you grab this branch right here, and swing onto the roof above my window. Once you regain your balance, and you start climbing, you can't stop," I explained to him seriously, "You've got to keep going until you can grab the peak and pull yourself the rest of the way up. Other wise you'll start sliding and fall off my house and die. Ready?"

He looked at me like I was nuts, but I just shrugged and showed him how to do it. I swung onto the house, and as soon as my feet were planted, I started climbing like crazy. It only took a minute to make it all the way up, but it was pretty exhilarating.

Your turn," I called to Pete from the very top of my house, "Come on, boy. Do exactly what I did. You'll be fi-"

He jumped, and in half as much time as it had taken me, he was perched atop the apex, next to me with a stupid grin.

"Its not first time I've climbed around on a roof." He leaned over and kissed me, which made me blush again, "So what now?"

"This way..."

I crawled along the peak for a bit until we reached a nearly flat spot. It was the closest area of the roof to being level and I swung my legs over and stood up, spreading out the blanket Pete handed me so we didn't get all dirty.

We sat down side by side and he gave me one of the two spoons then pried the top off of the ice cream container.

"So why did you bring me up here?"

"Well," I thought, "This is my favorite spot in my whole house."

"It's not even in your house..." He pointed out and I just nodded.

"I think thats why I like it." I laid back and he did the same, and I waved my hand into the night, "This is also why I like it. Just me and the whole blue sky..."

"Just me and you and the sky tonight," He corrected and took the first spoonful of ice cream, "Well, me, you, Ben and Jerry."

I laughed, rolled over and kissed him a little bit.

"Mmm, delicious." I laid back again, still giggling.

"So what do you think, Lovely?" He wondered after our laugher had faded.

"About what?"

"Me." He shrugged and glanced over at me, "Do you want to give me and you a try?"

"Me and you?"

He nodded, "Me and you."

"Like, together?"

He nodded again, "Me and you, like, together."

I felt a new blush creeping its way onto my cheeks, "I think I could handle that."

"Really?" He smiled up at me, mid-scoop.


"So, I have a girlfriend?" He asked slowly, taking another bite. It was more a realization than a question he wanted answered.

"You do now."

"This is a really great moment. Just me and you and the sky and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream..." He looked over at me, "I think I could die happy right now."

"Please don't." I giggled.

We ate our ice cream and wished on shooting stars, and everything was just right again, like it had been earlier under my covers. But this time Pete was the one to ruin it.

"I have to be honest with you. I feel like I should come with a disclaimer," He said to me as we stared into the night.

"Why's that?" I wondered.

"I just... I want you to know what were getting ourselves into." He sighed, "With the whole band thing, I guess. It's more than the chance you might get a song written about you. There's a lot of really shitty stuff that comes with it, too."

"Okay," I nodded, "We'll figure it out."

"I'm sorry my lifestyles so unpredictable. He told me sadly, We were just a crappy indie band until a little while ago, and things were already out of hand... I don't know how big this is going to get, but I just want you to know before you start something with me that its probably going to suck for you a lot of the time."

"You sure know what a girl likes to hear," I tried to lighten things up with a smirk but he frowned.

"Love, this is serious," He whispered.

"I know, boy. You'll be gone all the time, I'll worry constantly and miss you so much it hurts," I sighed, but laid back and imagined, "I'll come to your shows, but I wont be able to enjoy them because I'll be so jealous of all the girlies in the crowd wanting you, and I probably wont talk to you for an hour or two afterwards. Then you'll get pissed off and end up wondering why I put up with you or even love you at all when you're always a million miles away..."

I glanced over at him gazing into the darkness, smiled at the outline of his profile and continued my description of our future.

"But when you get home and its just me and you hiding under the covers in the worlds most comfortable bed, we'll remember why we put up with all the doubts and worries and then you'll kiss me and all the bad stuff will disappear, and even if its only for a night..." I paused and shrugged, "It will all be worth it, Peter."

He looked at me for a long time then sighed, "Promise?"

"Not a chance."

We both laughed then I leaned in and gave him a kiss.

"Whatever will be, will be," I whispered and another star shot across the sky above us.

"Oh, make a wish..."
♠ ♠ ♠
One night I asked a boy I had a crush on what a wish sounded like.
His response?