Fake It Like You Matter


"So how was the hot date with the rockstar?" Jessa teased on Monday morning.

"Fine," I grumbled, tired as heck, tying on my apron.

I was really enjoying spending time with Pete, my new boyfriend, but we just did not get enough sleep around each other.

"Why do you look so tired?" She wondered, "You're usually the girl everyone hates in the morning with unlimited energy."

I shrugged, yawned and slumped against the counter.

"Did you walk to work today?" She asked after a minute, "I didn't see your skateboard in the back."

"I got a ride."

"Oh, is your dad back, then?"

I shook my head, "He took on a case in L.A., so I don't know when him and Diana will be back. Could be another month."

She smiled, "Bummer."

"I know, right?" I giggled at her.

"So then... Who gave you a ride?"

I bit my lip and the corners of my mouth were fighting their way into a smile.

"Pete?" I squeaked then went all bashful.

"Oh really?" She crossed her arms, "He drove all the way out to your place from Wilmette at 6am to pick you up and take you to work, even though you have a car?"

"Not exactly..."

"Didn't think so," She was shaking her head and looking really shocked, "Love, he spent the night!?"

"Shh!" I hissed, "Jessa!"

"Oh my God!" Her eyes got all huge, "Did you... No. You didn't... Did you?"

I quickly busied myself stocking lids and straws.

"Oh my GOD!!!" She pointed at me, "You slept with him?!"

"SHH!!!" I hissed at her again, "I swear to God, Jessa. You need to shut up right now."

"But dude!"

I glared.

"But dude!" She whispered, glancing over her shoulder, "You slept with him last night?"

I didn't say anything, just blushed like crazy.

She grabbed my arms and pulled me closer, and looking at me seriously, "Love. Did you sleep with him last night?"

"I... Might have," I fidgeted and didn't make eye contact, "Twice."

She gasped.

"And once this morning."
Jessa let go of me and looked at me like I has been infected with some sort of flesh eating bacteria and my limbs were melting off of my body right there in front of her.

"What the hell?" I asked getting really annoyed, really quickly, "Yeah, I slept with my boyfriend, Jessa. What's the big fucking deal, dude?"

She blinked at me and looked like she was trying to grasp the fact that I had responded so quickly and so angrily. I had never spoken to her like that, and especially not at work.

"Boyfriend?" She asked quietly, "I thought it was just one date."

"We like each other a lot." I shrugged, still kind of angry, "And there's no reason I shouldn't be happy."

"I didn't know he was your boyfriend," she smiled disarmingly, "That totally changes things."

I nodded, and slowly felt my face go back to its normal colour, and then I couldn't keep it in anymore, "Oh my goodness Jessa, he's incredible..."

Then I pretty much gushed to her for the next 10 minutes. I told her about him taking me out for dinner and then to Dashboard, kissing him goodbye and the end of the night, and the rest of the weekend we spent together, but obviously leaving out a few things.

"Aw, Love," She was giggling, "You and Pete Wentz? You're so lucky and you're totally in love with a rockstar, but I would be too if he took me to see Dashboard..."

I just smiled and helped the first customer of the morning.

"So?" She smiled and nudged my shoulder after making the first coffee, "How was it?"

I knew she was definitely not asking about the concert.

"Never you mind." I responded diplomatically, but smiled.

"Ohh, I get it..." She winked, "Don't ask, don't tell?"

"Just don't ask."
♠ ♠ ♠
I want a vintage tee... and Heath Ledger.
Best. Movie. Ever.