Fake It Like You Matter


"Hey Ellen," I smiled sweetly as I walked into Dr. Adams office, "How are you this afternoon?"

"Fine, Ms. McEvie." She answered, quickly turning back to her computer.

"I got you something," I bit my lip and smiled as she looked over the rim of her bifocals at me, "A present."

"Why?" She asked softly, still looking at me with skepticism.

"Because you have to put up with me every week," I giggled and reached into my backpack, pulling out a beautiful green silk scarf, "And because I think it would look really nice on you."

She was still looking at me and I noticed a little blush rising in her cheeks.

"The green will make your eyes stand out." I assured her.

She took it and started to smile as she tied it on.

"Gorgeous," I nodded and took a seat.

"Thank you." She touched the scarf gently tied around her neck and continued to redden.

Mary was as splotchy as ever when she emerged from her session and I was happy to see Dr. Adams. It seemed like I hadn't talked to him in forever, even though it had only been a week.

"Love," He smiled warmly, "Come on in dear."

I smiled and walked into his office taking my usual spot on the sofa.

"How many different peoples bums have been on this couch?" I mumbled to myself.

"Quite a few," Dr. Adams chuckled, "How are you, Love?"

"I'm wonderful Dr. Adams," I said kicking off my shoes and pulling my feet up under me, "How are you?"

"Just fine," He sat down, picking up my file and glanced over his notes from our last session, "Ahh, yes. First things first, you had homework this week."

"I thought we were going to talk about you this week Dr. Adams?" I pouted. He gave me a warning look so I sighed, "Alright, fine... I did my homework."

"Good," He nodded, "You talked to someone you wouldn't normally have talked to?"

"You bet I did."

"And how did that go?"

"Oh," I shook my head, "It was horrible. It was awkward. I could barely look at him...but I'm really glad I talked to him."

"Good," He nodded, "Where did you meet him?"

"Well, at work the first time. He came in to buy coffee and I gave him my number, then we texted a few times. We were going to hang out a few weeks ago, but he never showed up and I hadn't heard from him," I smiled at my empty shoes on the floor and admitted, "But I just couldn't get him off my mind..."

"And where did you see him this week?"

"The waiting room after our last session," I smiled, "I'm sure you noticed."

"Yeah, I picked up on something..." He smirked, "So this guy, it was Pete?"

I nodded, "Yeah. He was pretty much the last guy I wanted to talk to at that moment, but I gave him five minutes by the elevator and I'm glad I did."

"So things went well after he followed you?" He asked.
I shrugged, 'They...ended well. I asked him to call me and we hung out a bit this week. Were kind of... going out now."

"Are you really? He raised his eyebrows in surprise, then furrowed then they furrowed into a frown, "Hmm. I thought you weren't looking for a relationship, Love?"

"I wasn't," I shrugged honestly, "But sometimes you cant really plan this sort of thing, can you?"

"I guess not," He agreed, but with some reluctance.

"You don't think me and Pete are a good idea, do you?" I asked him and he studied the page in front of him.

"Well, I don't know if I would say that," He thought for a few moments, "I can definitely see why there would be a connection between you and him. But... I can't tell you who to date."

"But if you could, it wouldn't be him?"

"Love, you need something stable. Something you can count on to be there when you need it." He began, "His schedule is so busy that he cant even commit to a set time to have our sessions..."

"I think we'll be able to figure it out," I said honestly, "If you want something to work, you just find a way, don't you?"

"I guess you do," He nodded, "Well, why don't you tell me about him, then?"

I looked at him for a moment, then agreed, "He's really great..."
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So what do we think of this story kids?
I haven't gotten much feed back...