Mad Love

Hello Doctor

I was getting ready to head home, packing up my suitcase. I was going to leave until Tom walked in.

"Sam, we have a problem." He said, looking somewhat shocked.

"What Tom?" I asked, hating how he just used my nickname.

"They brought in The Joker." He said, sounding as if this "Joker" were the devil himself.

I had no idea who he was talking about. I only moved here to Gotham a year ago.

"He is the worst." He said, as he started to sweat. He always did that when he was nervous.

"Well, get Dr. Ray to do something. I'm going home." I said, standing up.

"Dr. Ray left early, we need you to go and analyze him. He's one of the biggest case studies here. And this is only his second time here." Tom said.

I just sighed, and nodded.

Tom smiled and handed me his file. I started scanning through it as Tom lead me to the cells where we held the new patients until we could put them in a room. I walked into the cell, to see a middle aged man, with his face painted like a clown. Ghost white base, black around his eyes, and a red smile painted on. And he wore a pair of purple pants, a green vest with a pale purple shirt underneath. Two security guards stood on both side of him. I turned, wanting to ask Tom to get me a drink, but he was gone. Wow, this guy scared the shit out of him.

"Hello. I'm Dr. LeAnne." I said, at lest trying to be friendly, as I sat down at the table to finish up reading on his file.

"Hello Doctor." He said, grinning devilishly. I admit, he had a way of creeping me out.

His file wasn't much help, it just claimed him as a sociopath. No real name, no age, no background information at all.

"Okay, Mr..." I didn't really know what to call him.

"You can call me daddy." He said, as he began to laugh.

I failed to see the humor.

"Joker will have to work. Can I ask you real name?" I asked, as I grabbed my pen, ready to take notes.

"You just did!" He yelled, laughing even more.

"Okay, well." Wow I was at a loss for words. This never happens. But just watching him made me curious. What was really behind that clown appearance. From his papers, just a cold blooded killer, with no feelings for others. But what made him that way?

"When you kill someone, what does that mean to you?" I asked.

"Its the ultimate punchline." He answered, while grinning.

"So life is a joke?" I asked, trying to understand his mentality.

"Yes, and your not laughing. I guess I'll have to fix that, when I get out of course." He said, really freaking me out. But why am I letting him get under my skin. I then shrugged it off. He won't be getting out of here for a long time. Maybe he's only acting this way to skip out on the death penalty. Whatever the reason, I wanted to find out.
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There are no Joker stories here, so I'm writing one.