We Rock and We Roll Over State-Lines and Dollar Signs

Chapter 1

I peered around the Barbie aisle, and my eyes landed on the perfect ‘victim’. I signaled to Jack, and saw him coax the cashier into making an announcement.

”Attention all shoppers, the first person to the East entrance of the mall, will receive backstage passes to the upcoming All Time Low performance.”

I watched the girl drop what was in her hands, and dash out of the store. I glance at Jack, and we both smiled triumphantly. I quickly grabbed the batman walkie talkie out of my pocket, and pushed the button down.

“Batman, this is Robin,” I said trying not to laugh, “The Joker has taken the bait.”

“Katie, why can’t you just use your name?” Zack said sighing.

“Fine Zack, ruin my fun,” I said huffing, “But watch for a girl with dark brown hair, yellow Nike’s and a yellow ATL shirt.”

“Alright, got it,” he said, “And you and Jack should hurry out here now.”

“Copy!” I said before putting the walkie talkie back in my pocket.

I walked over to Jack and grabbed his wrist, pulling him away from the Lego’s. He started to groan in protest, but stopped when he realized we actually had to leave. We quickly caught up with the girl, but stayed a good distance behind her.

About a hundred yards from the exit, I went on a dead run to make it outside before her. When I got outside Zack and Alex standing off to the sides a little, hiding in baggy clothes. We signaled to each other, and I grabbed the sign reading “FREE ALL TIME LOW TICKETS” from Alex.

The girl walked out and straight to me. Jack quickly snuck behind her and ran to our van, which Rian was waiting in. They slowly drove up behind us, waiting for the signal.

“Am I the first person?” our ‘victim’ asked approaching me.

“You are!” I said enthusiastically, “And because of that, you get backstage passes to the upcoming ATL show of your choice. All I need is your name and a date you want to attend.”

“Alright,” she said as Alex and Zack came up behind her, “My name’s Kelly, and I’d be interested in the—“

Right before she said the date Alex and Zack picked her up and moved to the waiting van. Before she could even realize what was happening, she was in the van, and we were driving off. She went to scream, but Alex clamped his hand over her mouth.

“Don’t scream, you’re fine I promise,” he said in a comforting tone.

“And how the fuck am I supposed to believe you when you say that,” she said but it was muffled by his hand.

“Because I’m Alex Gaskarth,” he said removing his hood and sunglasses.

The look on her face, was one of pure shock. She then looked to me, and I merely shrugged. Zack threw his arm around me, and nodded for me to tell her why she was in our van.

“Alright Kelly, I know you’re probably wondering why you’re here,” I said earning a nod from her, “Well, here’s the deal. These lovely boys, decided to play truth or dare with some friends. They got the double dare to kidnap an All Time Low fan, wearing Nike’s from KB Toys.”

“Basically, we have to leave a fake ransom note for a cake for your Mom,” Rian said continuing, “And we’re supposed to leave her candy. Which reminds me, what’s your Mom’s favorite kind of candy?”

“Well, this is odd, but whatever,” Kelly said laughing, “But she loves Baby Ruth’s. And before you say it, I know, just like Sloth.”

I started laughing, getting ready to make a comment on how Zack looks like Brand from The Goonies, but Jack interrupted me.

“Alright, we’re here,” he said pulling up to Walgreens, “Here’s $10, go get the candy Katie.”

I snatched the money from him and made my way into Walgreens. Before I even got the candy, I went straight to the drink section. I grabbed myself a jumbo Red Bull, and made my way to the candy row. I picked up a Baby Ruth, and a bag of Peach-Oh’s. Hey, if I had to do most of the dirty work, I was going to treat myself.

I paid for my stuff, and made my way out of the store. I cracked my Red Bull open, and walked to the van. Of course, Jack had to park in BFE. As I made my way up to the van, I saw Kelly and the guys talking. Zack spotted me first, and rolled his eyes at me drinking Red Bull. I held up the Peach-Oh’s and he quickly smiled. I climbed into the van, and Rian started driving again.