We Rock and We Roll Over State-Lines and Dollar Signs

Chapter 1.5

I was browsing in KB Toys, looking at the toy robots. Yes, I know what your thinking, what is an 18 year old doing in a kid's toy store? Well, I like toy robots and I don't care what you think. I picked one up and heard an announcement on the loud speaker that said, ”Attention all shoppers, the first person to the East entrance of the mall, will receive backstage passes to the upcoming All Time Low performance.”

I immediately dropped the toy and started running out of the store. It never even occurred to me as to why that announcement would be made in a toy store. I was a huge All Tim Low fan and there was no way I was missing out on free tickets.

I couldn't even be bothered by my overreacting asthma. I slowed down once I saw the East entrance. I didn't want to be out of breath when I got my tickets. Once I was outside I looked around for someone handing out tickets. I saw a girl wearing skinny jeans, a Boys Like Girls t-shirt and hightops. More importantly, she was holding a sign that said “FREE ALL TIME LOW TICKETS”. I walked up to her and asked, “Am I the first person?”.

“You are!” she said enthusiastically, “And because of that, you get backstage passes to the upcoming ATL show of your choice. All I need is your name and a date you want to attend.”

“Alright,” I said, “My name’s Kelly, and I’d be interested in the—“ I wasn't able to finish as I felt someone pick me and carry me into a van. I was too stunned, I wasn't even able to scream. It felt like I couldn't even find my voice.

The van started moving and I finally found enough of my voice to scream. I opened my mouth and prepared the scream but a hand clamped over my mouth, muffling any attempts I had.

“Don’t scream, you’re fine I promise,” a boy in sunglasses and a hood said in a comforting tone.

“And how the fuck am I supposed to believe you when you say that,” I tried to say but his hand was muffling most of the sound I was trying to make.

“Because I'm Alex Gaskarth,” he said, removing the sunglasses and hood. I was shocked to see it was really Alex Gaskarth. I looked over at the girl who had held up the sign and she just shrugged. It was only then that I looked around and noticed that everyone from All Time Low was there.

Zack wrapped his arm around the girl and nodded to her. I'm guessing he was signaling to her that she could explain something. Right now, all I needed was an explaination.

“Alright Kelly, I know you’re probably wondering why you’re here,” she said and I nodded in agreement, “Well, here’s the deal. These lovely boys, decided to play truth or dare with some friends. They got the double dare to kidnap an All Time Low fan, wearing Nike’s from KB Toys.”

“Basically, we have to leave a fake ransom note for a cake for your Mom,” Rian said continuing, “And we’re supposed to leave her candy. Which reminds me, what’s your Mom’s favorite kind of candy?” Well, this was...interesting. This was a first for me.

“Well, this is odd, but whatever,” I said, laughing at the absurdity of this whole situation, “But she loves Baby Ruth’s. And before you say it, I know, just like Sloth.”

The girl started laughing, she appeared like she was about to say something but was interuppted.

“Alright, we’re here,” Jack said pulling up to Walgreens, “Here’s $10, go get the candy Katie.”

The girl who I learned was named Katie, took the money and left the van to go get the candy for my mom. I looked around the van, awkwardly, trying to see if there was something to distract me from staring at Alex.

“So, why were you in KB Toys anyway? You look like your 18”, Alex said, forcing me to look at him. I laughed before answering.

“Yeah, I'm 18. And I know what your thinking. I am a really big loser for shopping in KB Toys but what can I say? I like getting toy robots from there. I'm not ashamed.” I said, laughing and smiling at Alex.

“Hey, it's cool with us. We do some pretty stupid shit also. Hence the dare to kidnap you.” Jack said, laughing.

“Yeah, I do dares, but I'm pretty sure I haven't kidnapped anyone. Not while I was sober anyway. To be honest, I don't mind being kidnapped by my favorite band.”, I told them.

We all just kept laughing and making jokes until we saw Zack smile at the window. We figured Katie was back with the candy. She climbed into the van and Rian started driving again. At this point, I didn't even care where we were going. I was with my favorite band, and despite being kidnapped against my will, it was turning out to be pretty awesome.
♠ ♠ ♠
First part yo!!!

Hope you enjoy



<3 ya'll