We Rock and We Roll Over State-Lines and Dollar Signs

Part 2

The car ride was rather quiet, minus Jack singing Something Corporate from the front seat. This must have annoyed Rian, because eventually only Jack could be heard singing off key.

“Wow Jack, that’s why you’re not the singer,” Zack said earning a glare from Jack.

“And because I’m way better looking,” Alex said puffing his chest out.

“Oh my gosh Alex! Seriously!” I said kicking him slightly, “Sorry about him Kelly, he’s really not that egotistical.”

“It’s okay,” she said laughing a little.

“Okay, then this situation won’t be that horrible,” I said laughing, “So tell us a little more about yourself.”

“Alright. I’m Kelly Truman, and I’m 18. I basically have ADD, a short attention span, and love being random. I love journalism, and am going to college for it later this year,” she said smiling a little, “And that just sounded like an AA meeting start.”

We all laughed, and did the whole “I’m so and so, and I have a problem”, before calming down a little.

“Okay, this may be weird, but, can I know about you guys a little,” Kelly said almost shyly, “I mean, I know who you all are name-wise, but nothing else.”

“That’s only fair enough,” Alex said earning nods of agreements, “Alright, I’m Alexander William Gaskarth. I’m 20 years old, and live for my band. I’m a pretty chill person, but if I have caffeine, I go crazy.”

“I’m Zack Merrick, and I’m 20 years old as well. I love what I do, along with working out,” Zack said putting his arm around me, “And this girl, is the love of my life.”

“Awwh Zack,” I said blushing slightly, “Well, I’m Katie Cook. I get distracted easily, and am very random. I do merch for these fools, and love this boy dearly.”

Jack and Alex started making kissy noises, but stopped when Zack reminded them they didn’t even have a girl. This caused everyone else to laugh, and them to pretend to pout for a few minutes.

“Well since they’re not talking, I will,” Rian said turning into a neighborhood, “I’m Rian, and am pretty normal actually. I love drumming, obviously. And occasionally will go biking and boarding.”

“My name is Jack Bassa—“ Jack started lisping.

“OH MY GOD JACK!!!” I yelled hitting his shoulder, “You don’t have lisp!”

“Finally I know the truth,” Kelly said laughing, “Me and my friends could never tell it was real or not.”

“Yeah, it’s as real as Paris Hilton,” Alex said laughing, causing us all to as well.

“Anyways,” Jack said stopping our laughing, “Jack is Jack. Jack is 20 and Jack likes the Macarena.”

“Oh gosh, not again.” Rian said stopping in front of a house, “Alright, who has the letter?”

“I do!” Alex said pulling it from his pocket.

“That means you get to take it up,” I said tossing him the candy.

He huffed a little but climbed out of the van nonetheless. He slowly trudged up the rather long driveway and I opened my peach-oh’s. I started eating them, and offered everyone some. Zack and Kelly were the only ones who took some, Jack and Rian said they were gross.

“You know what sounds good?” Kelly asked breaking our silence, “Slurpees from 7-11.”

“Oh hell yes!” I said high fiving her, “Rian, that’s the next stop!”

He merely nodded in response, right before Alex got back in the van. The ride was rather short, and once we got there, we practically jumped out of the van. Jack and Zack went to grab snacks, while Alex, Rian, Kelly and I went to get us slurpees.

I had just finished filling my cup, and was waiting to get Zack’s while Alex and Kelly filled theirs. Rian had gotten his, and was off picking out snacks. As Alex stepped around Kelly, to grab a straw, his cup slipped out of his hand. All 3 of us, along with anything nearby, was showered with the sticky red substance. I let out a small shriek, which was followed by one from Kelly.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry,” Alex said signaling the counter lady over.

“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit,” she said mumbling, “What am I going to do now? These are the only clothes I have!”

“Um, what time do your rents get home from work?” I said trying to think of a solution.

“Around 6:30,” she said trying to wipe some of the Slurpee off.

“Okay. That’s in about 2 hours, so we can go get you some clothes before we head to Alex and Rian’s house,” I said mimicking her actions.

“Alright, sweet,” she said, “Is there a way I could shower at your house?”

“Yeah, that would be fine,” Alex said.

“Alright, where’s the little kid who made this mess,” the grouchy cashier asked scanning the store.

“Uhh, actually,” I said stifling a laugh, “This young man right here did it.”

The lady simply shook her head, and walked to get a mop, mumbling about teenagers.

“Way to sell me out Katherine,” Alex said fake glaring.

“Oh it’s my pleasure, Alexander,” I said smiling, “Now, come on. We have to make it to Kelly’s house before her rents get off work.”

“Yeah. So lets blow this joint,” Kelly said walking to the counter.

We paid for our purchases, which included a bunch of junk food, before making it outside. Alex decided to drive, since Rian didn’t want to anymore, and Kelly rode shotgun. We all held our own conversations as we made our way back to Kelly’s house. Jack was on one of his “Wouldn’t it suck if…” rants. while Zack and I talked about our plans for the following week. I couldn’t quite make out what Alex and Kelly were talking about, but they both sounded rather happy.