We Rock and We Roll Over State-Lines and Dollar Signs

Part 2.5

The car ride was quiet and not eventful. Jack was singing Something Corporate in the front. Rian probably got annoyed at Jack because he was being awfully quiet. Now all we could hear was off key singing, courteousy of Jack.

“Wow Jack, that's why you're not the singer,” Zack said earning a glare from Jack.

“And because I’m way better looking,” Alex said as he puffed out his chest.

“Oh my gosh Alex! Seriously!” Kate said lighly kicking him, “Sorry about him Kelly, he’s really not that egotistical.”

“It’s okay,” I said laughing at Alex.

“Okay, then this situation won’t be that horrible,” Katie said laughing with me, “So tell us a little more about yourself.”

“Alright. I’m Kelly Truman, and I’m 18. I basically have ADD, a short attention span, and love being random. I love journalism, and am going to college for it later this year,” I said smiling at my self-description, “And that just sounded like an AA meeting start.”

Evryone in the van did the “I’m so and so, and I have a problem”, before we calmed down and I spoke again.

“Okay, this may be weird, but, can I know about you guys a little,” I said, trying not to sound shy, “I mean, I know who you all are name-wise, but nothing else.”

“That’s only fair enough,” Alex said while everyone nodded in agreement, “Alright, I’m Alexander William Gaskarth. I’m 20 years old, and live for my band. I’m a pretty chill person, but if I have caffeine, I go crazy.” I smiled to myself at his caffeine remark because I'm the same way.

“I’m Zack Merrick, and I’m 20 years old as well. I love what I do, along with working out,” Zack said putting his arm around me, “And this girl, is the love of my life.” I thought it was so cute when Zack called Katie the love of his life.

“Awwh Zack,” Katie said blushing at Zack's comment, “Well, I’m Katie Cook. I get distracted easily, and am very random. I do merch for these fools, and love this boy dearly.” Again. I thought it was cute when she said she loved Zack dearly. They made a very cute couple.

Jack and Alex decided to make kissy noises at Zack and Katie, but stopped when Zack reminded them that they didn't have girlfriends. They both started pouting while the rest of us started laughing hysterically.

“Well since they’re not talking, I will,” Rian said turning into my neighborhood, “I’m Rian, and am pretty normal actually. I love drumming, obviously. And occasionally will go biking and boarding.”

“My name is Jack Bassa—“ Jack started talking with a lisp.

“OH MY GOD JACK!!!” Katie yelled at him, while hitting him in the shoulder, “You don’t have lisp!”

“Finally I know the truth,” I said laughing, “Me and my friends could never tell it was real or not.” We really never knew if it was real or not. We had arguments about it for hours. Yes, we get that bored.

“Yeah, it’s as real as Paris Hilton,” Alex said laughing, and we all laughed along with him.

“Anyways,” Jack said interuppting out fit of laughter, “Jack is Jack. Jack is 20 and Jack likes the Macarena.” I smiled when he said that. It was one of my favorite lines from his interviews.

“Oh gosh, not again.” Rian said stopping in front of my house, “Alright, who has the letter?”

“I do!” Alex said as he pulled it out of his pants pocket.

“That means you get to take it up,” Katie said tossing him the Baby Ruth. I still couldn't believe we were doing this.

Alex huffed a little but climbed out of the van anyway. He slowly walked up my rather long driveway and Katie opened her peach-oh’s. She started eating them and offered them to everyone else. Zack and I both took some while Jack and Rian claimed they were “gross”. Pshh, what did they know about peach-oh's anyway.

“You know what sounds good?” I asked breaking the silence, “Slurpees from 7-11.”

“Oh hell yes!” Katie exclaimed high fiving me, “Rian, that’s the next stop!” I high fived her back, smiling at her enthusiastic response.

Rian just nodded in response, right before Alex climbed back in the van. It was a quick ride to 7-11 and when we arrived, we all jumped out of the van in excitement. Jack and Zack went to get snacks, but Alex, Katie, Rian and I went to get slurpees.

Alex and I were filling up our cups while Katie waited to get Zack's. Rian already got his and went to help gather snacks. Alex stepped around me to get a straw when his cup slipped out of his hand. The slurpee spilled all over Katie, me and anything within a 2-foot radius. Katie shrieked, and I followed right after with a shriek of my own.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry,” Alex said getting the counter lady's attention.

“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit,” I mumbled “What am I going to do now? These are the only clothes I have!”

“Um, what time do your rents get home from work?” Katie said obviously trying to formulate a plan.

“Around 6:30,” I said focusing on ridding my clothes of the red, sticky Slurpee that lay there.

“Okay. That’s in about 2 hours, so we can go get you some clothes before we head to Alex and Rian’s house,” Katie said also trying to wipe off the Slurpee.

“Alright, sweet,” I said, “Is there a way I could shower at your house?”

“Yeah, that would be fine,” Alex replied.

“Alright, where’s the little kid who made this mess,” the angry cashier asked looking around.

“Uhh, actually,” Katie said trying not to laugh, “This young man right here did it.”

The cashier walked off to find a mop, while mumbling something about stupid teenagers.

“Way to sell me out Katherine,” Alex said pretending to glare at Katie.

“Oh it’s my pleasure, Alexander,” Katie said smiling, “Now, come on. We have to make it to Kelly’s house before her rents get off work.”

“Yeah. So lets blow this joint,” I said walking towards the counter.

We bought the food and our slurpees, after Alex got a new one to replace the once that was now on Katie and I. We walked outside and Alex decided to drive because Rian didn't want to anymore and I rode shotgun. I could faintly hear Jack doing one of his “Would'nt it suck if..” rants, Katie and Zack were making plans of some sort but I was paying more attention to Alex.

“Ya know, red doesn't look bad on you;” he said laughing.

“Yeah, I like the color red. But I like it better when the shirt is dyed red before I buy it, not while I'm wearing it,” I said laughing and looking down at my red-stained shirt.

He laughed before he started humming ”Punk Rock Princess” by Something Corporate.

I started singing along to his humming, ”If you could be my punk rock princess-”. I started singing before Alex joined in.

”I could be your garage band king,” he sang along. For the rest of the way back to my house we sang songs by Something Corporate. Eventually the rest of the van stopped their conversations and joined in the singing.
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Part 2 =]]

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