We Rock and We Roll Over State-Lines and Dollar Signs

Part 3

After 15 minutes of off-key singing and laughing at how retarded we sounded, we were back at my house. Alex parked the van at the bottom of the driveway and Katie and I jumped out and ran up to my house. I quickly unlocked the door and closed it after we were both in.

We quickly made our way up to my room and I grabbed a fresh pair of clothes, shoved them into my boombox bag and we made our way back outside. We ran back to the van, jumped in and drove off.

First, Alex drove to Katie and Zack's place and dropped them off. After Katie showered and got changed they would head over to Alex and Rian's place, where the rest of us would be. It took about 10 minutes to get to Alex's place from Katie's and Zack's.

Alex parked the car then led the way up to the house. “The bathroom's upstairs, 3rd door on the right. Towels are already in there.” Alex said, pointing towards the stairs.

“Thanks. And thanks for letting me shower here.” I replied graciously and headed toward the stairs. Alex nodded and started to walk toward where I'm guessing the living room was. I walked up the stairs to the 3rd door on the right and opened it. It was the bathroom. I walked in and started the shower.


I finished getting dressed after my shower and fixed my hair. I was able to get all the red Slurpee out of my hair, thankfully. I walked back downstairs and followed the voices I heard and found Alex, Jack and Rian sitting on the couches watching some tv show.

“Having fun?” I asked, walking over to a chair and sitting down.

“Yes we are.” Jack replied sticking his tongue out at me. I laughed at his childness.

“Gangsta rap made you do what?” Alex asked, reading what my shirt said.

“Well that's for me to know.” I replied laughing. Alex fake glared at me which made Jack and Rian join in my laughter.

“So, you guys like to play truth or dare.” I stated, more than asked.

“Yes we do. Is that a problem?” Jack asked jokingly.

“Well...you did kidnap someone...” I replied smirking at Jack.

“You can't kidnap the willing!!!” Alex yelled. I laughed at his choice of words.

“Alex, isn't it you can't rape the willing?” Rian asked.

“Well I didn't rape her so no. It's you can't kidnap the willing.” Alex stated matter-of-factly.

“Whoa guys. I'm still here. Let's get off the topic of rape please.” I said laughing.

“Sorry, we get a little caught up sometimes.” Alex apologized.

“It's okay. You know what I think?” I asked them.

“That I'm hott?” Jack answered.

“What?” Alex and Rian asked at the same time.

“Sorry to disappoint you Jack, but no, not that your hott. I was thinking that once Zack and Katie get here that we should play truth or dare.” I sugggested.

“Yes! That's such a good idea.” Jack said.

“I like the way you think Kelly.” Alex said, smiling at me. Rian just nodded and I smiled back at them all. Alex, Rian, Jack and I decided to just watch tv until Katie and Zack showed up. Alex and Jack kept fighting over the remote until Rian finally took it away. I couldn't stop laughing at them and they looked at me like I was crazy. This only made me laugh more.

After I calmed down, we were able to watch tv in peace. Well, not complete peace, but close enough. Half an hour later Zack and Katie showed up and we told them our idea about truth or dare. They both eagerly agreed.

And so the game of truth and dare began.
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yay an update for u =]
hope you like

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